14 research outputs found

    Amerikan Post-Apokaliptik Bilimkurgu Sinemasında Kıyamet İdeolojisi (1924-2000)

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    This study focuses on how large-scale global fears for the forward future are represented in cinema, especially in pre-2000 American post-apocalyptic science fiction films. It targets to understand the changes and transformations of the ideologies represented and to show what kind of future imagination of apocalyptic ideology. in this framework, with historical and ideological perspective the post-apocalyptic science fiction films which are produced in the USA were revealed. After the introduction of premise films in the first half of the twentieth century in which the genre emerged, the films were examined at ten annual intervals after the World War II, when the genre films production has started to rise. the themes and motifs that stand out in these time periods have been researched by ideological film analysis method of L. Giannetti within the framework of the concept of apocalyptic ideology defined by Klaus Koch. in this way, the general characteristics and conventions of the genre have been described and illustrated by historically. As a result, it has been seen that in every decade, the films have thematic accents that echo the social and political problems of the period. Beginning with “the last man” motif, general trends such as life in the post-disaster world, time travels, conflicts in the dystopian world, desert wars, chaos and creating alternative flows in time were observed.Bu çalışma geleceğe dönük büyük çaplı küresel korkuların sinemada, 2000 öncesi Amerikan post-apokaliptik bilimkurgu filmlerinde nasıl temsil edildiğine odaklanmaktadır. Makale, temsil edilen ideolojilerin değişim ve dönüşümlerini anlamayı, kıyamet ideolojisinin ne türden bir gelecek tasavvuru olarak şekillendiğini göstermeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu çerçevede ABD’de üretilmiş olan post-apokaliptik bilimkurgu filmleri tarihsel ve ideolojik bir perspektifle araştırılmıştır. Türün ortaya çıktığı yirminci yüzyılın ilk yarısındaki öncül filmler belirtildikten sonra, filmler türün yükselişe geçtiği İkinci Dünya Savaşı’ndan sonra onar yıllık periyotlarla incelenmiştir. Bu zaman aralıklarında öne çıkan tema ve motifler, Klaus Koch’un tanımladığı kıyamet ideolojisi kavramı çerçevesinde, L. Giannetti’nin ideolojik film analizi yöntemiyle çözümlenmiştir. Bu yolla türün genel özellikleri ve uylaşımları tarihsel olarak filmler izlenerek ve betimlenerek ortaya konmuştur. Sonuç olarak her onar yıllık dönemde, filmlerin dönemin toplumsal ve siyasal sorunlarını yankılayacak biçimde tematik vurgulara sahip olduğu görülmüştür. “Son erkek” motifinden başlayarak, nükleer felaket sonrası dünyadaki yaşam, zaman yolculukları, distopik dünyadaki çatışma, çöl savaşları, kaos ve zamanda alternatif akışlar yaratma gibi genel eğilimler gözlenmiştir

    Determination of patients, depending on enteral tube feeding at home, and interventions adopted for the problems

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    Araştırma, evde tüple enteral beslenen hastaların yaşadıkları sorunları ve sorunlara yönelik yapılan girişimleri belirlemek amacıyla tanımlayıcı olarak yapılmıştır. Araştırma, Ankara İli sınırlarında yaşayan, üç aydan uzun süredir evde tüple enteral beslenen ve evde bakım hizmeti sunan özel bir şirkete kayıtlı olan yetişkin hastalar üzerinde yapılmıştır. Araştırmada örneklem seçimine gidilmemiş olup araştırma kapsamına alınan hasta sayısı 50’dir. Araştırmada veriler, araştırmacının deneyimine ve literatüre dayanarak hazırladığı soru formu aracılığı ile, araştırmaya katılmayı kabul eden hasta ve yakınlarıyla yüz yüze görüşme yapılarak elde edilmiştir. Veri toplama formunda; hastaların tanıtıcı özelliklerini, enteral beslenmeye ilişkin özelliklerini ve hastaların evde enteral beslenirken yaşadıkları sorunlar ve sorunlara yönelik yapılan girişimleri sorgulayan toplam 46 soru bulunmaktadır. Verilerin kodlama ve değerlendirme işlemleri SPSS 15.0 programı kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde sayı ve yüzdelik hesapları kullanılmıştır. Araştırma kapsamına alınan hastaların yaş ortalaması; X = = 69.08 ± 9.25’ yıldır. Hastaların tamamına yakınının kronik nörolojik bir hastalığı bulunduğu, % 46.0’ının bilinç durumunun değişik düzeylerde etkilenmiş olduğu ve tamamına yakınının günlük yaşam aktivitelerinde kısmen ya da tam bağımlı oldukları belirlenmiştir. Hastaların aspirasyon pnömonisi (n=6), tüp enfeksiyonu (n=9), kusma (n=29), konstipasyon (n=22), diyare (n=19), tüpün tıkanması (n=15), enterostomal tüpün çıkması (n=14) ve anksiyete (n=29) gibi fizyolojik, mekanik ve psikososyal sorunlar yaşadıkları belirlenmiştir. Hasta ve yakınları araç-gereç temini (n=47), evde sağlık hizmetine bütçe ayıramama (n=40) ve hastanın transferi ile ilgili (n=22) ekonomik sorunları ifade etmişlerdir. Araştırmadan elde edilen sonuçlar doğrultusunda önerilerde bulunulmuştur.The research was conducted for the purpose of determination of the problems encountered by patients depending on enteral tube feeding at home and interventions for the problems on a descriptive basis. The research was conducted on adult patients, residing in the province of Ankara, depending on tube feeding at home for more than three months, and who were registered to a special company, rendering house care service. In the research, no selection of sampling was adopted, and the number of patients, taken into the scope of the research, was 50. The data in the research were obtained as a result of one-to-one meetings with patients and relatives, accepting to take place in the research through the question form prepared by the researcher on his experience and literature. Data collection form comprises of 46 questions of descriptive features of patients, characteristics related to enteral feeding, and problems encountered when depending on enteral feeding at home and interventions against the said problems. Data coding and assessment operations were made on the basis of SPSS 15.0 programme. In assessment of the data, number and percentage calculations were used. The average age of the patients is; X = 69.08 ± 9.25’ years. It was determined that nearly all patients had chronic neurological diseases, consciousness level of 46 % of them was affected at different levels, and nearly all of them were partially or wholly dependent in their daily life activities. It was determined that the patients encountered physiological, mechanical and psychosocial problems such as aspiration pneumonia (n=6), tube infection (n=9), vomiting (n=29), constipation (n=22), diarrhea (n=19), tube blockage (n=15), disconnection of enterostomal tube (n=14), and anxiety (n=29). Patients and their relatives expressed financial problems related to tool procurement (n=47), non-allocation of health service at home (n=40), and patient transportation (n=22). Suggestions were put forth in parallel with the results, obtained from the research

    Reassessment and monitoring of loan applications with machine learning

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    Due to copyright restrictions, the access to the full text of this article is only available via subscription.Credit scoring and monitoring are the two important dimensions of the decision-making process for the loan institutions. In the first part of this study, we investigate the role of machine learning for applicant reassessment and propose a complementary screening step to an existing scoring system. We use a real data set from one of the prominent loan companies in Turkey. The information provided by the applicants form the variables in our analysis. The company’s experts have already labeled the clients as bad and good according to their ongoing payments. Using this labeled data set, we execute several methods to classify the bad applicants as well as the significant variables in this classification. As the data set consists of applicants who have passed the initial scoring system, most of the clients are marked as good. To deal with this imbalanced nature of the problem, we employ a set of different approaches to improve the performance of predicting the applicants who are likely to default. In the second part of this study, we aim to predict the payment behavior of clients based on their static (demographic and financial) and dynamic (payment) information. Furthermore, we analyze the effect of the length of the payment history and the staying power of the proposed prediction models

    Heavy Metal Levels of Some Marine Organisms Collected in Samsun and Sinop Coasts of Black Sea, in Turkey

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    The aim of this study, is to evaluate the heavy metal concentrations of marine organisms in Samsun and Sinop coasts of Black Sea. As test materials, 3 sample groups of red mullet, whiting and mussel, 2 sample groups of turbot, 1 sample group of veined rapa whelk and halibut were collected in Samsun and Sinop cities of Turkey. Heavy metal analyses were carried out by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). Lead concentrations of veined rapa whelk, mussel and red mullet sample groups were found to be 0.1435; 0.26-1.87 and 0.0515-0.0815 mg kg-1, respectively. The concentrations of other sample groups were below the maximum permission limits. Cadmium concentrations of veined rapa whelk, mussel and halibut were found as 4.63; 0.41-0.49 and 0.88 mg kg-1, respectively. The cadmium concentrations of the other sample groups didn’t exceed the maximum permission limits. Mercury concentrations only in turbot sample groups exceeded the maximum permission limits. Arsenic was detected in all sample groups. Its concentrations of red mullet, whiting, mussel, turbot, halibut and veined rapa whelk were found to be as follows: 1.33-2.375; 0.58-1.085; 1.35-1.91; 0.59-1.56; 4.75 and 6.55 mg kg-1, respectively