17 research outputs found

    Role of Acupuncture in the Treatment of Drug Addiction

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    This review systematically assessed the clinical evidence for and against acupuncture as a treatment for drug addiction. The existing scientific rationale and possible mechanisms for the effectiveness of acupuncture on drug addiction were also evaluated. We used computerized literature searches in English and Chinese and examined texts written before these computerized databases existed. We also used search terms of treatment and neurobiology for drug abuse and dependence. Acupuncture showed evidence for relevant neurobiological mechanisms in the treatment of drug addiction. Although positive findings regarding the use of acupuncture to treat drug dependence have been reported by many clinical studies, the data do not allow us to make conclusions that acupuncture was an effective treatment for drug addiction, given that many studies reviewed here were hampered by small numbers of patients, insufficient reporting of randomization and allocation concealment methods, and strength of the inference. However, considering the potential of acupuncture demonstrated in the included studies, further rigorous randomized controlled trials with long follow-up are warranted

    End-to-End Learning for Simultaneously Generating Decision Map and Multi-Focus Image Fusion Result

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    The general aim of multi-focus image fusion is to gather focused regions of different images to generate a unique all-in-focus fused image. Deep learning based methods become the mainstream of image fusion by virtue of its powerful feature representation ability. However, most of the existing deep learning structures failed to balance fusion quality and end-to-end implementation convenience. End-to-end decoder design often leads to unrealistic result because of its non-linear mapping mechanism. On the other hand, generating an intermediate decision map achieves better quality for the fused image, but relies on the rectification with empirical post-processing parameter choices. In this work, to handle the requirements of both output image quality and comprehensive simplicity of structure implementation, we propose a cascade network to simultaneously generate decision map and fused result with an end-to-end training procedure. It avoids the dependence on empirical post-processing methods in the inference stage. To improve the fusion quality, we introduce a gradient aware loss function to preserve gradient information in output fused image. In addition, we design a decision calibration strategy to decrease the time consumption in the application of multiple images fusion. Extensive experiments are conducted to compare with 19 different state-of-the-art multi-focus image fusion structures with 6 assessment metrics. The results prove that our designed structure can generally ameliorate the output fused image quality, while implementation efficiency increases over 30\% for multiple images fusion.Comment: repor

    Robust Backdoor Attacks on Object Detection in Real World

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    Deep learning models are widely deployed in many applications, such as object detection in various security fields. However, these models are vulnerable to backdoor attacks. Most backdoor attacks were intensively studied on classified models, but little on object detection. Previous works mainly focused on the backdoor attack in the digital world, but neglect the real world. Especially, the backdoor attack's effect in the real world will be easily influenced by physical factors like distance and illumination. In this paper, we proposed a variable-size backdoor trigger to adapt to the different sizes of attacked objects, overcoming the disturbance caused by the distance between the viewing point and attacked object. In addition, we proposed a backdoor training named malicious adversarial training, enabling the backdoor object detector to learn the feature of the trigger with physical noise. The experiment results show this robust backdoor attack (RBA) could enhance the attack success rate in the real world.Comment: 22 pages, 13figure

    TeViS:Translating Text Synopses to Video Storyboards

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    A video storyboard is a roadmap for video creation which consists of shot-by-shot images to visualize key plots in a text synopsis. Creating video storyboards, however, remains challenging which not only requires cross-modal association between high-level texts and images but also demands long-term reasoning to make transitions smooth across shots. In this paper, we propose a new task called Text synopsis to Video Storyboard (TeViS) which aims to retrieve an ordered sequence of images as the video storyboard to visualize the text synopsis. We construct a MovieNet-TeViS dataset based on the public MovieNet dataset. It contains 10K text synopses each paired with keyframes manually selected from corresponding movies by considering both relevance and cinematic coherence. To benchmark the task, we present strong CLIP-based baselines and a novel VQ-Trans. VQ-Trans first encodes text synopsis and images into a joint embedding space and uses vector quantization (VQ) to improve the visual representation. Then, it auto-regressively generates a sequence of visual features for retrieval and ordering. Experimental results demonstrate that VQ-Trans significantly outperforms prior methods and the CLIP-based baselines. Nevertheless, there is still a large gap compared to human performance suggesting room for promising future work. The code and data are available at: \url{https://ruc-aimind.github.io/projects/TeViS/}Comment: Accepted to ACM Multimedia 202

    Mind2Web: Towards a Generalist Agent for the Web

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    We introduce Mind2Web, the first dataset for developing and evaluating generalist agents for the web that can follow language instructions to complete complex tasks on any website. Existing datasets for web agents either use simulated websites or only cover a limited set of websites and tasks, thus not suitable for generalist web agents. With over 2,000 open-ended tasks collected from 137 websites spanning 31 domains and crowdsourced action sequences for the tasks, Mind2Web provides three necessary ingredients for building generalist web agents: 1) diverse domains, websites, and tasks, 2) use of real-world websites instead of simulated and simplified ones, and 3) a broad spectrum of user interaction patterns. Based on Mind2Web, we conduct an initial exploration of using large language models (LLMs) for building generalist web agents. While the raw HTML of real-world websites are often too large to be fed to LLMs, we show that first filtering it with a small LM significantly improves the effectiveness and efficiency of LLMs. Our solution demonstrates a decent level of performance, even on websites or entire domains the model has never seen before, but there is still a substantial room to improve towards truly generalizable agents. We open-source our dataset, model implementation, and trained models (https://osu-nlp-group.github.io/Mind2Web) to facilitate further research on building a generalist agent for the web.Comment: website: https://osu-nlp-group.github.io/Mind2We

    Synbiotics and Gut Microbiota: New Perspectives in the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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    The number of people with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) has increased sharply over the past decades. Apart from genetic predisposition, which may cause some of the diagnosed cases, an unhealthy diet and lifestyle are incentive triggers of this global epidemic. Consumption of probiotics and prebiotics to gain health benefits has become increasingly accepted by the public in recent years, and their critical roles in alleviating T2DM symptoms are confirmed by accumulating studies. Microbiome research reveals gut colonization by probiotics and their impacts on the host, while oral intake of prebiotics may stimulate existing metabolisms in the colon. The use of synbiotics (a combination of prebiotics and probiotics) can thus show a synergistic effect on T2DM through modulating the gastrointestinal microenvironment. This review summarizes the research progress in the treatment of T2DM from the perspective of synbiotics and gut microbiota and provides a class of synbiotics which are composed of lactulose, arabinose, and Lactobacillus plantarum, and can effectively adjust the blood glucose, blood lipid, and body weight of T2DM patients to ideal levels

    Continuous wave operation of gaasbi microdisk lasers at room temperature with large wavelengths ranging from 1.27 to 1.41 μm

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    Submicron-meter size GaAsBi disk resonators were fabricated with the GaAsBi/GaAs single-quantum-well (QW)-structure grown by molecular beam epitaxy. The GaAsBi/GaAs QW revealed very broad photoluminescence signals in the wavelength range of 1100–1400 nm at 300 K. The 750 nm diameter and 220 nm thick disk resonators were optically pumped and exhibited lasing characteristics with continuous wave operation at room temperature. To our knowledge, it is the first demonstration of a lasing wavelength longer than 1.3 μm with a maximum value of 1.4 μm in a GaAsBi/GaAs material system. The lasing wavelength spans about 130 nm by adjusting the disk diameter, covering almost the entire O band. The ultrasmall GaAsBi disk lasers may have great potential for highly dense on-chip integration with large tunability in the O band. \ua9 2019 Chinese Laser Press

    Cantilever-based microring lasers embedded in a deformable substrate for local strain gauges

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    A cantilever-based microring laser structure was proposed for easily integrating III-V active layer into mechanically stretchable substrates. Local strain gauges were demonstrated by embedding cantilever-based microring lasers in a deformable polymer substrate. The characterizations of microscale local strain gauges had been studied from both simulated and experimental results. The lasing wavelength of strain gauges was blue-shift and linear tuned by stretching the flexible substrate. Gauge factor being ∼11.5 nm per stretching unit was obtained for a cantilever-based microring laser with structural parameters R=1.25 μm, W1=450 nm and W2=240 nm. Such microring lasers embedded in a flexible substrate are supposed to function not only as strain gauges for monitoring the micro- or nano-structured deformation, but also tunable light sources for photonic integrated circuits

    Turing patterns with high-resolution formed without chemical reaction in thin-film solution of organic semiconductors.

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    Regular patterns can form spontaneously in chemical reaction-diffusion systems under non-equilibrium conditions as proposed by Alan Turing. Here, we found that regular patterns can be generated in uphill-diffusion solution systems without a chemical reaction process through both in-situ and ex-situ observations. Organic semiconductor solution is confined between two parallel plates with controlled micron/submicron-meter distance to minimize convection of the liquid and avoid spinodal precipitation at equilibrium. The solvent evaporation concentrates the solution gradually into an oversaturated non-equilibrium condition, under which a phase-transition occurs and ordered concentration-waves are generated. By proper tuning of the experimental parameter, multiple regular patterns with micro/nano-meter scaled features (line, square-grid, zig-zag, and fence-like patterns etc.) were observed. We explain the observed phenomenon as Turing-pattern generation resulted from uphill-diffusion and solution oversaturation. The generated patterns in the solutions can be condensed onto substrates to form structured micro/nanomaterials. We have fabricated organic semiconductor devices with such patterned materials to demonstrate the potential applications. Our observation may serve as a milestone in the progress towards a fundamental understanding of pattern formation in nature, like in biosystem, and pave a new avenue in developing self-assembling techniques of micro/nano structured materials