58 research outputs found

    The formation and biological significance of N7-guanine adducts

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    DNA alkylation or adduct formation occurs at nucleophilic sites in DNA, mainly the N7-position of guanine. Ever since identification of the first N7-guanine adduct, several hundred studies on DNA adducts have been reported. Major issues addressed include the relationships between N7-guanine adducts and exposure, mutagenesis, and other biological endpoints. It became quickly apparent that N7-guanine adducts are frequently formed, but may have minimal biological relevance, since they are chemically unstable and do not participate in Watson Crick base pairing. However, N7-guanine adducts have been shown to be excellent biomarkers for internal exposure to direct acting and metabolically activated carcinogens. Questions arise, however, regarding the biological significance for N7-guanine adducts that are readily formed, do not persist, and are not likely to be mutagenic. Thus, we set out to review the current literature to evaluate their formation and the mechanistic evidence for the involvement of N7-guanine adducts in mutagenesis or other biological processes. It was concluded that there is insufficient evidence that N7-guanine adducts can be used beyond confirmation of exposure to the target tissue and demonstration of the molecular dose. There is little to no evidence that N7-guanine adducts or their depurination product, apurinic sites, are the cause of mutations in cells and tissues, since increases in AP sites have not been shown unless toxicity is extant. However, more research is needed to define the extent of chemical depurination versus removal by DNA repair proteins. Interestingly, N7-guanine adducts are clearly present as endogenous background adducts and the endogenous background amounts appear to increase with age. Furthermore, the N7-guanine adducts have been shown to convert to ring opened lesions (FAPy), which are much more persistent and have higher mutagenic potency. Studies in humans are limited in sample size and differences between controls and study groups are small. Future investigations should involve human studies with larger numbers of individuals and analysis should include the corresponding ring opened FAPy derivatives

    A mass spectrometric method to simultaneously measure a biomarker and dilution marker in exhaled breath condensate

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    Exhaled breath condensate (EBC) collection is a simple and non-invasive method to sample airway secretions, but analysis is limited by extensive and variable dilution of airway secretions within the condensate. To overcome this limitation, we developed a sensitive and specific liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) method to simultaneously detect adenyl purines as biomarkers of inflammation and urea as a dilution marker in EBC. Separation prior to mass spectrometry was achieved using a C18 column with methanol and formic acid as the mobile phase, and characteristic precursor to product ion transitions of m/z 268 to 136 (for adenosine), m/z 348 to 136 (for AMP), and m/z 61 to 44 (for urea) were monitored for quantification. To correct for matrix effects, isotopically labeled adenosine, AMP, and urea were used as internal standards. Using these methods, we detected urea and the adenyl purines adenosine and AMP in EBC from seven subjects with cystic fibrosis (CF) and seven healthy controls and found that the AMP/urea ratio was elevated in the CF samples. These results demonstrate that mass spectrometry can be used successfully in EBC analysis to simultaneously detect a biomarker for airway inflammation and control for variable dilution

    Quantitative analysis of N-terminal valine peptide adducts specific for 1,2-epoxy-3-butene

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    Butadiene (BD) metabolism shows gender, species and concentration dependency, making the extrapolation of animal results to humans complex. BD is metabolized mainly by cytochrome P450 2E1 to three epoxides, 1,2-epoxy-3-butene (EB), 1,2;3,4-diepoxybutane (DEB) and 1,2-epoxy-butanediol (EB-diol). For accurate risk assessment it is important to elucidate species differences in the internal formation of the individual epoxides in order to assign the relative risks associated with their different mutagenic potencies. Analysis of N-terminal globin adducts is a common approach for monitoring the internal formation of BD derived epoxides. Our long term strategy is to develop an LC–MS/MS method for simultaneous detection of all three BD hemoglobin adducts. This approach is modeled after the recently reported immunoaffinity LC–MS/MS method for the cyclic N,N-(2,3-dihydroxy-1,4-butadyil)-valine (pyr-Val, derived from DEB). We report herein the analysis of the EB-derived 2-hydroxyl-3-butenyl-valine peptide (HB-Val). The procedure utilizes trypsin hydrolysis of globin and immunoaffinity (IA) purification of alkylated heptapeptides. Quantitation is based on LC–MS/MS monitoring of the transition from the singly charged molecular ion of HB-Val (1–7) to the a1 fragment. Human HB-Val (1–11) was synthesized and used for antibody production. As internal standard, the labeled rat-[13C515N]-Val (1–11) was prepared through direct alkylation of the corresponding peptide with EB. Standards were characterized and quantified by LC–MS/MS and LC–UV. The method was validated with different amounts of human HB-Val standard. The recovery was >75% and coefficient of variation <25%. The LOQ was set to 100 fmol/injection. For a proof of principal experiment, globin samples from male and female rats exposed to 1000 ppm BD for 90 days were analyzed. The amounts of HB-Val present were 268.2 ± 56 and 350 ± 70 pmol/g (mean ± S.D.) for males and females, respectively. No HB-Val was detected in controls. These data are much lower compared to previously reported values measured by GC–MS/MS. The difference may be due higher specificity of the LC–MS/MS method to the N-terminal peptide from the α-chain versus derivatization of both α- and β-chain by Edman degradation, and possible instability of HB-Val adducts during long term storage (about 10 years) between the analyses. These differences will be resolved by examining recently collected samples, using the same internal standard for parallel analysis by GC–MS/MS and LC–MS/MS. Based on our experience with pyr-Val adduct assay we anticipate that this assay will be suitable for evaluation of HB-Val in multiple species

    Bioactivation of isoxazole-containing bromodomain and extra-terminal domain (BET) inhibitors

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    The 3,5-dimethylisoxazole motif has become a useful and popular acetyl-lysine mimic employed in isoxazole-containing bromodomain and extra-terminal (BET) inhibitors but may introduce the potential for bioactivations into toxic reactive metabolites. As a test, we coupled deep neural models for quinone formation, metabolite structures, and biomolecule reactivity to predict bioactivation pathways for 32 BET inhibitors and validate the bioactivation of select inhibitors experimentally. Based on model predictions, inhibitors were more likely to undergo bioactivation than reported non-bioactivated molecules containing isoxazoles. The model outputs varied with substituents indicating the ability to scale their impact on bioactivation. We selected OXFBD02, OXFBD04, and I-BET151 for more in-depth analysis. OXFBD\u27s bioactivations were evenly split between traditional quinones and novel extended quinone-methides involving the isoxazole yet strongly favored the latter quinones. Subsequent experimental studies confirmed the formation of both types of quinones for OXFBD molecules, yet traditional quinones were the dominant reactive metabolites. Modeled I-BET151 bioactivations led to extended quinone-methides, which were not verified experimentally. The differences in observed and predicted bioactivations reflected the need to improve overall bioactivation scaling. Nevertheless, our coupled modeling approach predicted BET inhibitor bioactivations including novel extended quinone methides, and we experimentally verified those pathways highlighting potential concerns for toxicity in the development of these new drug leads

    Formation of 1,2:3,4-Diepoxybutane-Specific Hemoglobin Adducts in 1,3-Butadiene Exposed Workers

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    1,3-Butadiene (BD) is an important industrial chemical that is classified as a human carcinogen. BD carcinogenicity has been attributed to its metabolism to several reactive epoxide metabolites and formation of the highly mutagenic 1,2:3,4-diepoxybutane (DEB) has been hypothesized to drive mutagenesis and carcinogenesis at exposures experienced in humans. We report herein the formation of DEB-specific N,N-(2,3-dihydroxy-1,4-butadiyl)valine (pyr-Val) in BD-exposed workers as a biomarker of DEB formation. pyr-Val was determined in BD monomer and polymer plant workers that had been previously analyzed for several other biomarkers of exposure and effect. pyr-Val was detected in 68 of 81 (84%) samples ranging from 0.08 to 0.86 pmol/g globin. Surprisingly, pyr-Val was observed in 19 of 23 administrative control subjects not known to be exposed to BD, suggesting exposure from environmental sources of BD. The mean ± SD amounts of pyr-Val were 0.11 ± 0.07, 0.16 ± 0.12, and 0.29 ± 0.20 pmol/g globin in the controls, monomer, and polymer workers, respectively, clearly demonstrating formation of DEB in humans. The amounts of pyr-Val found in this study suggest that humans are much less efficient in the formation of DEB than mice or rats at similar exposures. Formation of pyr-Val was more than 50-fold lower than has been associated with increased mutagenesis in rodents. The results further suggest that formation of DEB relative to other epoxides is significantly different in the highest exposed polymer workers compared with controls and BD monomer workers. Whether this is due to saturation of metabolic formation or increased GST-mediated detoxification could not be determined

    Analysis of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2′-deoxyguanosine by ultra high pressure liquid chromatography–heat assisted electrospray ionization–tandem mass spectrometry

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    Increased amounts of reactive oxygen species (ROS), generally termed oxidative stress, are frequently hypothesized to be causally associated with many diseases. Analyses of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-oxo-dG) in DNA and urine are widely used biomarkers for oxidative stress. Over the years it became clear that analysis of 8-oxo-dG in DNA is challenging due to artifactual formation during sample work up. The present study demonstrates that 8-oxo-dG can be measured reliably and accurately when appropriate precautions are taken. First, the presence of an antioxidant, metal chelator, or free radical trapping agent during sample preparation improves reproducibility. Second, sample enrichment by HPLC fraction collection was used to optimize sensitivity. Third, heat assisted electrospray ionization (HESI) eliminated potential interferences and improved assay performance and sensitivity. Subsequently, the UPLC–HESI–MS/MS method was applied to show the biphasic dose response of 8-oxo-dG in H2O2-treated HeLa cells. Application of this method to human lymphocyte DNA (n = 156) gave a mean±SD endogenous amount of 1.57±0.88 adducts per 106 dG, a value that is in agreement with the suggested amount previously estimated by European Standard Committee on Oxidative DNA Damage (ESCODD) and others. These results suggest that the present method is well suited for application to molecular toxicology and epidemiology studies investigating the role of oxidative stress

    Accurate quantitation of standard peptides used for quantitative proteomics

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    MS-based proteomics has become an indispensable tool in system biology generating a need for accurate and precise quantitation of peptide standards. The presented method utilizes ultra performance LC-MS/MS (UPLC-MS/MS) to accurately quantify peptide standards at concentrations of 0.1-10 microM. The ability for accurate quantitation of micro-molar concentrations has the advantages that quantitation can be performed routinely with high precision and the high sensitivity of the method minimizes the amounts required

    Identification and Characterization of 2′-Deoxyadenosine Adducts Formed by Isoprene Monoepoxides in Vitro

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    Isoprene, the 2-methyl analog of 1,3-butadiene, is ubiquitous in the environment, with major contributions to total isoprene emissions stemming from natural processes despite the compound being a bulk industrial chemical. Additionally, isoprene is a combustion product and a major component in cigarette smoke. Isoprene has been classified as possibly carcinogenic to humans (group 2B) by IARC and as reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen by the National Toxicology Program. Isoprene, like butadiene, requires metabolic activation to reactive epoxides to exhibit its carcinogenic properties. The mode of action has been postulated to be that of a genotoxic carcinogen, with formation of promutagenic DNA adducts being essential for mutagenesis and carcinogenesis. In rodents, isoprene-induced tumors show unique point mutations (A→T transversions) in the K-ras protooncogene at codon 61. Therefore, we investigated adducts formed after reaction of 2′-deoxyadenosine (dAdo1) with the two monoepoxides of isoprene, 2-ethenyl-2-methyloxirane (IP-1,2-O) and propen-2-yloxirane (IP-3,4-O), under physiological conditions. The formation of N1–2′-deoxyinosine (N1-dIno) due to deamination of N1-dAdo adducts was of particular interest, since N1-dIno adducts are suspected to have high mutagenic potential based on in vitro experiments. Major stable adducts were identified by HPLC, UV-Spectrometry and LC-MS/MS and characterized by 1H and 1H,13C HSQC and NMR experiments. Adducts of IP-1,2-O that were fully identified are: R,S-C1-N6-dAdo, R-C2-N6-dAdo, and S-C2-N6-dAdo; adducts of IP-3,4-O are: S-C3-N6-dAdo, R-C3-N6-dAdo, R,S-C4-N6-dAdo, S-C4-N1-dIno, R-C4-N1-dIno, R-C3-N1-dIno, S-C3-N1-dIno, and C3-N7-Ade. Both monoepoxides formed adducts on the external and internal oxirane carbons. This is the first study to describe adducts of isoprene monoepoxides with dAdo. Characterization of adducts formed by isoprene monoepoxides with deoxynucleosides and subsequently with DNA represent the first step toward evaluating their potential for being converted into a mutation, or as biomarkers of isoprene metabolism and exposure

    Comparison of three oxidative stress biomarkers in a sample of healthy adults Oxidative stress biomarkers in healthy adults J. L. Watters et al.

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    Oxidative stress is a potentially important etiologic factor for many chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative disease, and cancer, yet studies often find inconsistent results. The associations between three of the most widely-used biomarkers of oxidative stress, i.e., F2-isoprostanes for lipid peroxidation and 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-oxo-dG) and the comet assay with FPG for oxidative DNA damage, were compared in a sample of 135 healthy African American and White adults. Modest associations were observed between F2-isoprostanes and the comet assay (r=0.22, p=0.01), but there were no significant correlations between 8-oxo-dG and the comet assay (r=−0.09) or F2-IsoP (r=−0.04). These results are informative for researchers seeking to compare results pertaining to oxidative stress across studies and/or assessment methods in healthy disease-free populations. The development and use of oxidative stress biomarkers is a promising field; however, additional validation studies are necessary to establish accuracy and comparability across oxidative stress biomarkers

    Solution Structures of a DNA Dodecamer Duplex with and without a Cisplatin 1,2-d(GG) Intrastrand Cross-Link:  Comparison with the Same DNA Duplex Containing an Oxaliplatin 1,2-d(GG) Intrastrand Cross-Link † , ‡

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    Proteins that discriminate between cisplatin–DNA adducts and oxaliplatin–DNA adducts are thought to be responsible for the differences in tumor range, toxicity, and mutagenicity of these two important chemotherapeutic agents. However, the structural basis for differential protein recognition of these adducts has not been determined and could be important for the design of more effective platinum anticancer agents. We have determined high-resolution NMR structures for cisplatin–GG and undamaged DNA dodecamers in the AGGC sequence context and have compared these structures with the oxaliplatin–GG structure in the same sequence context determined previously in our laboratory. This structural study allows the first direct comparison of cisplatin–GG DNA and oxaliplatin–GG DNA solution structures referenced to undamaged DNA in the same sequence context. Non-hydrogen atom rmsds of 0.81 and 1.21 were determined for the 15 lowest-energy structures for cisplatin–GG DNA and undamaged DNA, respectively, indicating good structural convergence. The theoretical NOESY spectra obtained by back-calculation from the final average structures showed excellent agreement with the experimental data, indicating that the final structures are consistent with the NMR data. Several significant conformational differences were observed between the cisplatin–GG adduct and the oxaliplatin–GG adduct, including buckle at the 5′ G6•C19 base pair, opening at the 3′ G7•C18 base pair, twist at the A5G6•T20C19 base pair step, slide, twist, and roll at the G6G7•C19C18 base pair step, slide at the G7C8•C18G17 base pair step, G6G7 dihedral angle, and overall bend angle. We hypothesize that these conformational differences may be related to the ability of various DNA repair proteins, DNA binding proteins, and DNA polymerases to discriminate between cisplatin–GG and oxaliplatin–GG adducts
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