825 research outputs found

    Exotic and excited-state radiative transitions in charmonium from lattice QCD

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    We compute, for the first time using lattice QCD methods, radiative transition rates involving excited charmonium states, states of high spin and exotics. Utilizing a large basis of interpolating fields we are able to project out various excited state contributions to three-point correlators computed on quenched anisotropic lattices. In the first lattice QCD calculation of the exotic 1-+ eta_c1 radiative decay, we find a large partial width Gamma(eta_c1 -> J/psi gamma) ~ 100 keV. We find clear signals for electric dipole and magnetic quadrupole transition form factors in chi_c2 -> J/psi gamma, calculated for the first time in this framework, and study transitions involving excited psi and chi_c1,2 states. We calculate hindered magnetic dipole transition widths without the sensitivity to assumptions made in model studies and find statistically significant signals, including a non-exotic vector hybrid candidate Y_hyb? -> eta_c gamma. As well as comparison to experimental data, we discuss in some detail the phenomenology suggested by our results and the extent to which it mirrors that of quark potential models and make suggestions for the interpretation of our results involving exotic quantum numbered states

    The Effect of Variability on the Estimation of Quasar Black Hole Masses

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    We investigate the time-dependent variations of ultraviolet (UV) black hole mass estimates of quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). From SDSS spectra of 615 high-redshift (1.69 < z < 4.75) quasars with spectra from two epochs, we estimate black hole masses, using a single-epoch technique which employs an additional, automated night-sky-line removal, and relies on UV continuum luminosity and CIV (1549A) emission line dispersion. Mass estimates show variations between epochs at about the 30% level for the sample as a whole. We determine that, for our full sample, measurement error in the line dispersion likely plays a larger role than the inherent variability, in terms of contributing to variations in mass estimates between epochs. However, we use the variations in quasars with r-band spectral signal-to-noise ratio greater than 15 to estimate that the contribution to these variations from inherent variability is roughly 20%. We conclude that these differences in black hole mass estimates between epochs indicate variability is not a large contributer to the current factor of two scatter between mass estimates derived from low- and high-ionization emission lines.Comment: 76 pages, 15 figures, 2 (long) tables; Accepted for publication in ApJ (November 10, 2007

    Specific roles for the GATA transcription factors end-1 and end-3 during C. elegans E-lineage development

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    Abstractend-1 and end-3 are GATA transcription factors important for specifying endoderm cell fate in Caenorhabditis elegans. Deletion of both factors together results in larval arrest, 0% survival and a fate change in the endoderm-specifying E lineage. Individual deletions of either factor, however, result in the development of viable, fertile adults, with 100% of worms developing to adults for end-1(−) and 95% for end-3(−). We sought to quantify the variable phenotypes seen in both deletions using automated cell lineaging. We quantified defects in cell lifetime, cell movement and division axis in end-3(−) embryos, while quantifying perturbations in downstream reporter gene expression in strains with homozygous deletions for either gene, showing that each deletion leads to a unique profile of downstream perturbations in gene expression and cellular phenotypes with a high correlation between early and late defects. Combining observations in both cellular and gene expression defects we found that misaligned divisions at the E2 stage resulted in ectopic expression of the Notch target ref-1 in end-3(−) embryos. Using a maximum likelihood phylogenetic approach we found end-1 and end-3 split to form two distinct clades within the Caenorhabditis lineage with distinct DNA-binding structures. These results indicate that end-1 and end-3 have each evolved into genes with unique functions during endoderm development, that end-3(−) embryos have a delay in the onset of E lineage cell fate and that end-1 has only a partially penetrant ability to activate E lineage fate

    Spectral Variability of Quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. II: The C IV Line

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    We examine the variability of the high-ionizaton C IV line in a sample of 105 quasars observed at multiple epochs by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We find a strong correlation between the change in the C IV line flux and the change in the line width, but no correlations between the change in flux and changes in line center and skewness. The relation between line flux change and line width change is consistent with a model in which a broad line base varies with greater amplitude than the line core. The objects studied here are more luminous and at higher redshift than those normally studied for variability, ranging in redshift from 1.65 to 4.00 and in absolute r-band magnitude from roughly -24 to -28. Using moment analysis line-fitting techniques, we measure line fluxes, centers, widths and skewnesses for the C IV line at two epochs for each object. The well-known Baldwin Effect is seen for these objects, with a slope beta = -0.22. The sample has a median intrinsic Baldwin Effect slope of beta = -0.85; the C IV lines in these high-luminosity quasars appear to be less responsive to continuum variations than those in lower luminosity AGN. Additionally, we find no evidence for variability of the well known blueshift of the C IV line with respect to the low-ionization Mg II line in the highest flux objects, indicating that this blueshift might be useful as a measure of orientation.Comment: 52 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Radio Observations of the Hubble Deep Field South region: I. Survey Description and Initial Results

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    This paper is the first of a series describing the results of the Australia Telescope Hubble Deep Field South (ATHDFS) radio survey. The survey was conducted at four wavelengths - 20, 11, 6, and 3 cm, over a 4-year period, and achieves an rms sensitivity of about 10 microJy at each wavelength. We describe the observations and data reduction processes, and present data on radio sources close to the centre of the HDF-S. We discuss in detail the properties of a subset of these sources. The sources include both starburst galaxies and galaxies powered by an active galactic nucleus, and range in redshift from 0.1 to 2.2. Some of them are characterised by unusually high radio-to-optical luminosities, presumably caused by dust extinction.Comment: Accepted by AJ. 32 pages, 4 tables, 3 figures. PDF with full-resolution figures is on http://www.atnf.csiro.au/people/rnorris/N197.pd

    Specific food intake, fat and fiber intake, and behavioral correlates of BMI among overweight and obese members of a managed care organization

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    BACKGROUND: The study examined correlates of body mass index (BMI) in overweight and obese members of a managed care organization seeking treatment for obesity. It assessed intake of specific foods, dietary fat or fiber, and behaviors attempted to control weight. METHODS: Participants were 508 men and 1293 women who were > 18 years and had a self-reported BMI > 27.0. This paper reports analyses of baseline and 24-month follow-up data from a randomized weight-loss trial. Cross-sectional and prospective relationships between BMI and behaviors were examined with regression analyses controlling for age and education. RESULTS: At baseline, hamburger and beef consumption were associated with higher BMI for men; for women, hamburger, fried chicken, hot dog, bacon or sausage, egg, French fry, and overall fat consumption were associated with higher BMI, while eating high fiber cereal, fruit, and overall fiber intake were associated with lower BMI. Virtually all forms of weight control behavior were reported more often in heavier people. Subscribing to exercise magazines, however, was associated with lower BMI. Decreased fat intake and increased fruit/vegetable/fiber intake over the course of the study were associated with reductions in BMI at 24 months. CONCLUSION: The same behaviors that differentiate individuals with different body weight in the general population also differentiate between individuals of different body weights at the high end of the weight distribution. Educational efforts aimed at preventing weight gain and reducing obesity might benefit from focusing on specific foods known to be associated empirically with body weight and weight change over time

    Hospital workforce engagement, satisfaction, burnout and effects on patient mortality: findings from the English National Health Service staff surveys

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    Previous studies of healthcare organizations’ workforces and their performance have focused on burnout and its impact on care. The aim of this research is to expand on this and examine the association of positive organizational states, engagement and recommendation of employer as a place to work, in comparison to burnout on Hospital performance. Methods: This was a panel study of the respondents to the 2012–2019 yearly Staff Surveys of the English National Health Service (NHS) hospital Trusts with hospital performance measured by the adjusted inpatient Summary Hospital-level Mortality Indicator (SHMI). Results: In univariable regression, all three organizational states significantly and negatively correlated with SHMI, with recommendation and engagement showing a nonlinear effect. In multivariable analysis, all three states remained significant predictors of SHMI. Engagement and recommendation showed mutual correlation, with engagement being a more prevalent state than recommendation. Conclusion: Our study indicates that organizations could benefit from monitoring multiple workforce variables to preserve or enhance workforce well-being, while optimizing organizational performance. The surprising finding that higher burnout was associated with improved short-term performance requires further investigation, as does the finding of less frequent staff recommendation of work compared to staff engagement with their work

    High-Redshift Quasars Found in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Data IV: Luminosity Function from the Fall Equatorial Stripe Sampl

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    This is the fourth paper in a series aimed at finding high-redshift quasars from five-color imaging data taken along the Celestial Equator by the SDSS. during its commissioning phase. In this paper, we use the color-selected sample of 39 luminous high-redshift quasars presented in Paper III to derive the evolution of the quasar luminosity function over the range of 3.6<z<5.0, and -27.5<M_1450<-25.5 (Omega=1, H_0=50 km s^-1 Mpc^-1). We use the selection function derived in Paper III to correct for sample incompleteness. The luminosity function is estimated using three different methods: (1) the 1/V_a estimator; (2) a maximum likelihood solution, assuming that the density of quasars depends exponentially on redshift and as a power law in luminosity and (3) Lynden-Bell's non-parametric C^- estimator. All three methods give consistent results. The luminous quasar density decreases by a factor of ~ 6 from z=3.5 to z=5.0, consistent with the decline seen from several previous optical surveys at z<4.5. The luminosity function follows psi(L) ~ L^{-2.5} for z~4 at the bright end, significantly flatter than the bright end luminosity function psi(L) \propto L^{-3.5} found in previous studies for z<3, suggesting that the shape of the quasar luminosity function evolves with redshift as well, and that the quasar evolution from z=2 to 5 cannot be described as pure luminosity evolution. Possible selection biases and the effect of dust extinction on the redshift evolution of the quasar density are also discussed.Comment: AJ accepted, with minor change

    A geometric approach to the precession of compact binaries

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    We discuss a geometrical method to define a preferred reference frame for precessing binary systems and the gravitational waves they emit. This minimal-rotation frame is aligned with the angular-momentum axis and fixes the rotation about that axis up to a constant angle, resulting in an essentially invariant frame. Gravitational waveforms decomposed in this frame are similarly invariant under rotations of the inertial frame and exhibit relatively smoothly varying phase. By contrast, earlier prescriptions for radiation-aligned frames induce extraneous features in the gravitational-wave phase which depend on the orientation of the inertial frame, leading to fluctuations in the frequency that may compound to many gravitational-wave cycles. We explore a simplified description of post-Newtonian approximations for precessing systems using the minimal-rotation frame, and describe the construction of analytical/numerical hybrid waveforms for such systems.Comment: Minor clarifications and journal referenc
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