261 research outputs found

    Borel Isomorphism of SPR Markov Shifts

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    We show that strongly positively recurrent Markov shifts (in particular shifts of finite type) are classified up to Borel conjugacy by their entropy, period and their numbers of periodic points

    Good potentials for almost isomorphism of countable state Markov shifts

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    Almost isomorphism is an equivalence relation on countable state Markov shifts which provides a strong version of Borel conjugacy; still, for mixing SPR shifts, entropy is a complete invariant of almost isomorphism. In this paper, we establish a class of potentials on countable state Markov shifts whose thermodynamic formalism is respected by almost isomorphism

    Almost isomorphism for countable state Markov shifts

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    Countable state Markov shifts are a natural generalization of the well-known subshifts of finite type. They are the subject of current research both for their own sake and as models for smooth dynamical systems. In this paper, we investigate their almost isomorphism and entropy conjugacy and obtain a complete classification for the especially important class of strongly positive recurrent Markov shifts. This gives a complete classification up to entropy conjugacy of the natural extensions of smooth entropy expanding maps, including all smooth interval maps with non-zero topological entropy

    Flow Equivalence of G-SFTs

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    In this paper, a G-shift of finite type (G-SFT) is a shift of finite type together with a free continuous shift-commuting action by a finite group G. We reduce the classification of G-SFTs up to equivariant flow equivalence to an algebraic classification of a class of poset-blocked matrices over the integral group ring of G. For a special case of two irreducible components with G=Z2=\mathbb Z_2, we compute explicit complete invariants. We relate our matrix structures to the Adler-Kitchens-Marcus group actions approach. We give examples of G-SFT applications, including a new connection to involutions of cellular automata.Comment: The paper has been augmented considerably and the second version is now 81 pages long. This version has been accepted for publication in Transactions of the American Mathematical Societ

    Path methods for strong shift equivalence of positive matrices

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    In the early 1990's, Kim and Roush developed path methods for establishing strong shift equivalence (SSE) of positive matrices over a dense subring U of the real numbers R. This paper gives a detailed, unified and generalized presentation of these path methods. New arguments which address arbitrary dense subrings U of R are used to show that for any dense subring U of R, positive matrices over U which have just one nonzero eigenvalue and which are strong shift equivalent over U must be strong shift equivalent over U_+. In addition, we show positive real matrices on a path of shift equivalent positive real matrices are SSE over R_+; positive rational matrices which are SSE over R_+ must be SSE over Q_+; and for any dense subring U of R, within the set of positive matrices over U which are conjugate over U to a given matrix, there are only finitely many SSE-U_+ classes.Comment: This version adds a 3-part program for studying SEE over the reals. One part is handled by the arxiv post "Strong shift equivalence and algebraic K-theory". This version is the author version of the paper published in the Kim memorial volume. From that, my short lifestory of Kim (and more) is on my web page http://www.math.umd.edu/~mboyle/papers/index.htm
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