3 research outputs found
Protostrongyloses are widely-spread in small cattle all over the world and may cause a significant economic damage manifested in decrease in livestock productivity as well as death of animals.Based on our studies, the infestation of sheep and goats with protostrongylides was detected in all landscape zones of the republic of Armenia and in animals of all ages. As a rule, the protostrongylide invasion rate of goats is higher than of sheep. Within the republic, the average invasion extensity in goats of different age groups ranges between 20,4 and 44,1%, and in sheep – between 16,5 and 37,0%.In some stationary invasion foci, more than a half of livestock suffers through protostrongyloses. The highest protostrongylide invasion was found in animals older than 3 years of age, and the lowest – in animals of the first year of life, it means that the invasion increases with the age.The invasion of animals in mountains is higher in comparison with animals from plain areas. The peak of invasion falls on autumn and winter seasons.Taking into account a high level of protostrongylide invasion in small cattle in the republic of Armenia, and the unavailability of guidelines on this infectious disease, we have developed (based on the long term investigation of more than 3000 head of animals) methodical recommendations for the struggle against protostrongyloses.The implementation of these measurements proved their high efficacy and contributed to the significant reduction in morbidity of small cattle due to protostrongyloses.Протостронгилидозы широко распространены среди мелкого рогатого скота во всем мире и являются причиной существенного экономического ущерба, складываемого как от значительного уменьшения продуктивности животных, так и от их гибели.Согласно нашим исследованиям, зараженность овец и коз протостронгилидами установлена во всех природно-ландшафтных поясах республики и у животных всех возрастов. Как правило, зараженность коз протостронгилидами большая, чем у овец. В среднем по республике, экстенсивность инвазированности коз различных возрастных групп колеблется в пределах 20,4-44,1%, а овец от 16,5 до 37,0%. В некоторых стационарных очагах этих инвазий более половины поголовья животных переболевает протостронгилидозами. Наибольшая зараженность протостронгилидами установлена у животных старше трехлетнего возраста, а наименьшая у животных текущего года рождения, т.е. с возрастом животных инвазированность повышается. Зараженность животных горных поясов, по сравнению с животными низменных поясов, более высокая. Пик зараженности животных приходится на осенне-зимний период.Учитывая высокую инвазированность мелкого рогатого скота в Республике Армения протостронгилидами и отсутствие нормативных рекомендаций против вызываемых ими заболеваний, нами на основании многолетних исследований, проведенных на более чем 3 тыс. голов животных, было разработано методическое наставление по борьбе с протостронгилидозами. Испытания этих мероприятий свидетельствовали о высокой их эффективности и способствовали значительному сокращению заболеваемости мелкого рогатого скота протостронгилидозами
Protostrongyloses are widely-spread in small cattle all over the world and may cause a significant economic damage manifested in decrease in livestock productivity as well as death of animals.Based on our studies, the infestation of sheep and goats with protostrongylides was detected in all landscape zones of the republic of Armenia and in animals of all ages. As a rule, the protostrongylide invasion rate of goats is higher than of sheep. Within the republic, the average invasion extensity in goats of different age groups ranges between 20,4 and 44,1%, and in sheep – between 16,5 and 37,0%.In some stationary invasion foci, more than a half of livestock suffers through protostrongyloses. The highest protostrongylide invasion was found in animals older than 3 years of age, and the lowest – in animals of the first year of life, it means that the invasion increases with the age.The invasion of animals in mountains is higher in comparison with animals from plain areas. The peak of invasion falls on autumn and winter seasons.Taking into account a high level of protostrongylide invasion in small cattle in the republic of Armenia, and the unavailability of guidelines on this infectious disease, we have developed (based on the long term investigation of more than 3000 head of animals) methodical recommendations for the struggle against protostrongyloses.The implementation of these measurements proved their high efficacy and contributed to the significant reduction in morbidity of small cattle due to protostrongyloses