9 research outputs found

    Assessing the Psychoeducational Approach to Transcendence and Health (PATH) program : an intervention to foster self-transcendence and well-being in community-dwelling older adults.

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    The late-life developmental process of self-transcendence shapes elders’ perspectives on self, others, the nature of this world, and of a dimension beyond the here and now. This qualitative pilot study evaluated the Psychoeducational Approach to Transcendence and Health (PATH) Program, a psychoeducational intervention to promote self-transcendence and well-being in community-dwelling women at a senior center. The intervention involved eight weekly group sessions using group processes, mindfulness practices, creative experiences, and independent at-home practice. The findings supported the underlying theory-based structure and content of the intervention and indicated the intervention may empower elders to attend to self-care, develop acceptance, and learn new skills associated with health and well-being, thus merits further study. Based on insights gained from facilitators’ and participants’ experiences and perceptions, the intervention will be revised and strengthened

    Reflections on Interdisciplinary Teamwork in Service-Learning

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    This article examines partnership experiences in a community-based research project that involved an interdisciplinary team composed of nursing and social work clinical faculty and graduate students. Using Bronfenbrenner’s social ecology theory, the project assessed individual and community levels of health and quality of life in a low-income housing community. Students were involved in research activities that required community collaboration and needs assessment. They also actively engaged community members in problem solving related to their health concerns. The effects of these experiences on student learning were examined using a student reflection technique. Service-learning activities led to mutual positive regard, increased cultural sensitivity, improved organizational and research skills, growth in ethical decision making, and valuing interdisciplinary teamwork. These findings are discussed in light of the literature on the social determinants of health. Reflection on work in an interdisciplinary team and the importance of mutuality in relationships with community members were determined to be important considerations in service-learning. Student learning in this setting has implications for graduate teaching and learning, and the conduct of research. Keywords: service-learning, research, health disparities, community, reflection, graduate studen

    Promoting self-transcendence and well-being in community-dwelling older adults : a pilot study of a psychoeducational intervention.

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    Self-transcendence changes how older adults perceive themselves, their relationships with others, the material world, and the metaphysical or spiritual dimension. It is associated with multiple indicators of well-being. The purpose of this pilot study (N = 20) was to examine the feasibility and effectiveness of a psychoeducational intervention to increase self-transcendence and well-being of older adults. Data were analyzed using generalized estimating equations. All variables trended in the directions hypothesized. Self-transcendence increased in the intervention group and decreased in the control group but not significantly. The group Ă— time interaction for life satisfaction was significant (z = 2.89, p = .004). This feasibility study supports further investigation to assess the effectiveness of the intervention in a larger sample

    Do you need glasses? (Video)

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