8 research outputs found

    Plate tectonics conserves angular momentum

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    © The Author(s), 2010. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in eEarth 5 (2010): 1-20, doi:10.5194/ee-5-1-2010.A new combined understanding of plate tectonics, Earth internal structure, and the role of impulse in deformation of the Earth's crust is presented. Plate accelerations and decelerations have been revealed by iterative filtering of the quaternion history for the Euler poles that define absolute plate motion history for the past 68 million years, and provide an unprecedented precision for plate angular rotation variations with time at 2-million year intervals. Stage poles represent the angular rotation of a plate's motion between adjacent Euler poles, and from which the maximum velocity vector for a plate can be determined. The consistent maximum velocity variations, in turn, yield consistent estimates of plate accelerations and decelerations. The fact that the Pacific plate was shown to accelerate and decelerate, implied that conservation of plate tectonic angular momentum must be globally conserved, and that is confirmed by the results shown here (total angular momentum ~1.4+27 kg m2 s−1). Accordingly, if a plate decelerates, other plates must increase their angular momentums to compensate. In addition, the azimuth of the maximum velocity vectors yields clues as to why the "bend" in the Emperor-Hawaiian seamount trend occurred near 46 Myr. This report summarizes processing results for 12 of the 14 major tectonic plates of the Earth (except for the Juan de Fuca and Philippine plates). Plate accelerations support the contention that plate tectonics is a product of torques that most likely are sustained by the sinking of positive density anomalies revealed by geoid anomalies of the degree 4–10 packet of the Earth's spherical harmonic coefficients. These linear positive geoid anomalies underlie plate subduction zones and are presumed due to phase changes in subducted gabbroic lithosphere at depth in the upper lower mantle (above 1200 km depth). The tectonic plates are pulled along by the sinking of these positive mass anomalies, rather than moving at near constant velocity on the crests of convection cells driven by rising heat. The magnitude of these sinking mass anomalies is inferred also to be sufficient to overcome basal plate and transform fault frictions. These results imply that spreading centers are primarily passive reactive features, and fracture zones (and wedge-shaped sites of seafloor spreading) are adjustment zones that accommodate strains in the lithosphere. Further, the interlocked pattern of the Australian and Pacific plates the past 42 Million years (with their absolute plate motions near 90° to each other) is taken as strong evidence that large thermally driven "roller" convection cells previously inferred as the driving mechanism in earlier interpretations of continental drift and plate tectonics, have not been active in the Earth's mantle the past 42 Million years, if ever. This report also presents estimates of the changes in location and magnitude of the Earth's axis of total plate tectonic angular momentum for the past 62 million years.Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution for annual Emeritus research support

    Plate tectonic accelerations hidden in the noise

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    Iterative filtering of the quaternion history for the Euler poles that define absolute plate motion history for the past 68 million years has revealed an unprecedented precision for plate angular rotation variations with time at 2-million year intervals. These consistent velocity variations yield, in turn, consistent estimates of plate accelerations, and therefore. indicate that conservation of plate angular momentums’ must be globally conserved. Accordingly, if a plate decelerates, other plates must increase their angular momentums to compensate. Plate accelerations support the contention that Plate Tectonics is a product of forces that most likely are sustained by the sinking of positive density anomalies due to phase changes in subducted gabbroic lithosphere at depth in the upper lower mantle. The tectonic plates are pulled along by the sinking positive mass anomalies, rather that moving at near constant velocity on the crests of convection cells driven by rising heat. In this interpretation, spreading centers become passive reactive features, and fracture zones (and wedge-shaped sites of seafloor spreading) are adjustment zones that relieve strains in the lithosphere. This report summarizes processing results for 12 of the 14 major tectonic plates of the Earth (except for the Juan de Fuca and Philippine Plates) and presents estimates of the changes in magnitude and location of the Earth’s axis of total plate tectonic angular momentum for the past 62 million years

    Phase change in subducted lithosphere, impulse, and quantizing Earth surface deformations

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    © The Author(s), 2015. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Solid Earth 6 (2015): 1075-1085, doi:10.5194/se-6-1075-2015.The new paradigm of plate tectonics began in 1960 with Harry H. Hess's 1960 realization that new ocean floor was being created today and is not everywhere of Precambrian age as previously thought. In the following decades an unprecedented coming together of bathymetric, topographic, magnetic, gravity, seismicity, seismic profiling data occurred, all supporting and building upon the concept of plate tectonics. Most investigators accepted the premise that there was no net torque amongst the plates. Bowin (2010) demonstrated that plates accelerated and decelerated at rates 10−8 times smaller than plate velocities, and that globally angular momentum is conserved by plate tectonic motions, but few appeared to note its existence. Here we first summarize how we separate where different mass sources may lie within the Earth and how we can estimate their mass. The Earth's greatest mass anomalies arise from topography of the boundary between the metallic nickel–iron core and the silicate mantle that dominate the Earth's spherical harmonic degree 2 and 3 potential field coefficients, and overwhelm all other internal mass anomalies. The mass anomalies due to phase changes in olivine and pyroxene in subducted lithosphere are hidden within the spherical harmonic degree 4–10 packet, and are an order of magnitude smaller than those from the core–mantle boundary. Then we explore the geometry of the Emperor and Hawaiian seamount chains and the 60° bend between them that aids in documenting the slow acceleration during both the Pacific Plate's northward motion that formed the Emperor seamount chain and its westward motion that formed the Hawaiian seamount chain, but it decelerated at the time of the bend (46 Myr). Although the 60° change in direction of the Pacific Plate at of the bend, there appears to have been nary a pause in a passive spreading history for the North Atlantic Plate, for example. This, too, supports phase change being the single driver for plate tectonics and conservation of angular momentum. Since mountain building we now know results from changes in momentum, we have calculated an experimental deformation index value (1–1000) based on a world topographic grid at 5 arcmin spacing and displayed those results for viewing

    Gravity data obtained during Chain cruise 73

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    This report presents the results of gravity measurements obtained aboard the Research Vessel CHAIN of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution during cruise 7 3, 6 to 26 September 1967. Information on bathymetry and other studies conducted during CHAIN cruise 73 may be found in W.H.O.I. Reference No. 68-50 (Knott, et al., 1968). Gravity measurements were made simultaneously with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) vibrating string gravity meter and with LaCoste and Romberg sea gravity meter number S-13. The data presented is a selective composite of information from both meters . The base reference station used for the measurements is at the W. H. 0. I. dock in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Its gravity value was taken to be 980327. 0 mgal, however, recent ties of this station to national gravity network stations (Anonymous, 1965) in the Boston, Massachusetts area indicate that this reading is high by about 1. 4 mgal. Thermal and electrical difficulties with the MIT meter made port-to-port drift prediction uncertain (Bowin, Wing and Aldrich, in press). Drift rate for this meter was determined on the basis of its continuous averaged differences with the LaCoste and Romberg meter. This method showed the MIT meter drifting with respect to the LaCoste and Romberg meter by+ 1. 611 mgal per day for the cruise period. Drift of the LaCoste and Romberg gravity meter during CHAIN 73 was - 0.026 mgal/day from in-port measurements at beginning and end of cruise. This last drift value is anomalous in sign and magnitude with respect to the meter's over-all drift rate , and was not applied. The accuracy of the sea measurements is estimated to be about ±10 mgal (Bowin, Wing, and Aldrich, in press). Free -air anomaly values were calculated using the 1930 International Gravity Formula. Water depths are in meters corrected according to the tables of Matthews ( 1939). Bouguer anomaly values were calculated using an infinite slab correction and an assumed crustal density of 2. 67 gm/cm3 . A density of 1. 03 gm/cm3 was assumed for sea water.The National Science Foundation Grant GA-9?6 and submitted to the Office of Naval Research under Contract Nonr-4029(00)~ NR 260-101

    Narrative of Chain cruise #43 : February - August 1964

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    Originally issued as Reference No. 65-9, series later renamed WHOI-.On CHAIN Cruise 43, 15 February to 21 August 1964, geophysical and geological observations were made in the North Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean and Red Seas, and the Western part of the Indian Ocean, along the track Woods Hole - Ceuta (Spanish Africa) - La Spezia - Port Said - Aden - Victoria (Seychelles Islands) - Port Louis (Mauritius) - Victoria (Seychelles Islands) - Port Said - Beirut - La Spezia - Monaco - Plymouth (England) - Woods Hole. This report contains (1) a narrative of the cruise, (2) a list of stations, (3) statements of the scientific objectives of the cruise, (4) a summary of the geological and geophysical observations, (5) end-of-cruise reports on equipment and some phases of the research program, and (6) a selection of bottom photographs. WHOI Ref. No. 64-51 contains a detailed navigational plot of the entire cruise, including soundings and the locations of other observations.This cruise was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant GP-2370 and Submitted to the Office of Naval Research under Contract Nonr-4029(00) NR 260-101

    Technical report on a portable gravity meter platform and first test results

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    This report describes the new portable platform and gravity meter system which has been assembled at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. It consists of three functionally distinct parts. The first of these is a recently developed gyro-stabilized two-axis platform. This platform has been designed to carry the vibrating string accelerometer (VSA) and its associated oven assembly as the gravity sensor. The new platform represents a major reduction in both size and weight over other platforms suitable for gravity measurement. The second major part of this system is a new gravity readout which interfaces with the VSA, processes the VSA output, and prepares the resulting filtered acceleration data for output to the acquisition system. The readout has been designed to allow flexible use of the gravity system on a variety of vehicles, including ships, submarines and aircraft. The third part of this new meter is the data acquisition system. It consists of a microprocessor interfaced to a Kennedy 9-track tape drive. Both the platform and the readout are connected to the microprocessor. Results are presented from Endeavor cruise 88 that demonstrate the ability of the platform to stabilize the gravity meter and for the gravity system to produce raw data with a resolution of 48 milligals at a sampling rate of 10 Hz. Digital signal processing techniques which were used to filter the data and extract the gravity signal with a resolution of 0.48 milligals are also discussed.Prepared for the Office of Naval Research under Contract N00014-82-C-0019; NR 083-004

    Technical progress report : advanced marine technology 1 August 1972 - 31 January 1973

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    The work sponsored by ARPA at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution is having an impact on efforts by those not directly involved in the projects both within and without the Institution. The navigation system being developed for submersible/mother ship has been recognized as a very useful system by members of the Geology/Geophysics Department and the Department of Physical Oceanography. Each department is now developing their own system based on the work already completed by the Ocean Engineering Department under the ARPA contact. Through the ARPA contract ComPhibLant (specifically ComPhibRonTen) was shown some of the advantages of doing something new about small boat and heavy object handling at sea and this program is expected to have some direct effect upon methods they will use in the future. Although the project concerned with developing biological equipment for deep sea work has not continued as part of the ARPA program, the seed was succssfully sown and several items are being developed at the Institution under separate funding. All the projects continued at a fair pace but not without some problems. The Deep Sea Rock Drill had some minor setbacks during operations with ALVIN, and the Air-Sea System (Long Range Ech-Ranging) project was hampered by a faulty engine aboard the air craft. Summaries of progress are given immediately below and more detail is available in the individual reports further on.Prepared for the Office of Naval Research under Contract N00014-71-C00284; NR 293-008

    Technical progress report : advanced marine technology 1 February 1972 - 31 July 1972

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    The two extremes of the program in this six month period were the Submerged Navigation System which was demonstrated to be a successful field system, and the near Bottom Continuous Gravity System, which was priced out of the market by the acceleration characteristics of ALVIN. In all the other subjects discussed in summary immediately below and in more detail further on, satisfactory progress was made. Again aircraft scheduling has held up further work on the Air Sea Systems project, but there is definite hope for some aircraft tiem in the fall. The Development of Equipment for Deep Sea Biological Research has been terminiated as of the beginning of this report.Prepared for the Office of Naval Research under contract N00014-71-C-0284; NR 293-008