9,255 research outputs found

    The Entropy-Driven X-ray Evolution of Galaxy Clusters

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    Observations of the evolution of the galaxy cluster X-ray luminosity function suggest that the entropy of the intra-cluster medium plays a significant role in determining the development of cluster X-ray properties. I present a theoretical framework in which the evolution of the entropy of the central intra-cluster gas is explicitly taken into account. The aim of this work is to develop a theoretical context within which steadily improving measurements of the X-ray luminosities and temperatures of distant galaxy clusters can be interpreted. I discuss the possible range of entropy evolution parameters and relate these to the physical processes heating and cooling the intra-cluster medium. The practical application of this work is demonstrated by combining currently available evolutionary constraints on the X-ray luminosity function and the luminosity--temperature correlation to determine the best-fitting model parameters.Comment: 9 pages Tex including 4 postscript figures. To be appear in MNRAS. minor miss-quote correcte

    The Ks-band Luminosity and Stellar Mass Functions of Galaxies in z~1 Clusters

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    We present the near-infrared (Ks-band) luminosity function of galaxies in two z~1 cluster candidates, 3C336 and Q1335+28. A third cluster, 3C289, was observed but found to be contaminated by a foreground system. Our wide field imaging data reach to Ks=20.5 (5sigma), corresponding to ~M*+2.7 with respect to the passive evolution. The near-infrared luminosity traces the stellar mass of a galaxy due to its small sensitivity to the recent star formation history. Thus the luminosity function can be transformed to the stellar mass function of galaxies using the J−KJ-K colours with only a small correction (factor<2) for the effects of on-going star formation. The derived stellar mass function spans a wide range in mass from ~3 x 10^{11}Msun down to ~6 x 10^{9}Msun (set by the magnitude limit). The form of the mass function is very similar to lower redshift counterparts such as that from 2MASS/LCRS clusters (Balogh et al. 2001) and the z=0.31 clusters (Barger et al. 1998). This indicates little evolution of galaxy masses from z=1 to the present-day. Combined with colour data that suggest star formation is completed early (z>>1) in the cluster core, it seems that the galaxy formation processes (both star formation and mass assembly) are strongly accerelated in dense environments and has been largely completed by z=1. We investigate whether the epoch of mass assembly of massive cluster galaxies is earlier than that predicted by the hierarchical galaxy formation models. These models predict the increase of characteristic mass by more than factor ~3 between z=1 and the present day. This seems incompatible with our data.Comment: 12 pages, including 12 figures, uses mn.sty and epsf.sty. Accepted for publication in MNRAS Main Journa

    Galaxy bulges and their black holes: a requirement for the quenching of star formation

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    One of the central features of the last 8 to 10 billion years of cosmic history has been the emergence of a well-populated red sequence of non-star-forming galaxies. A number of models of galaxy formation and evolution have been devised to attempt to explain this behavior. Most current models require feedback from supermassive black holes (AGN feedback) to quench star formation in galaxies in the centers of their dark matter halos (central galaxies). Such models make the strong prediction that all quenched central galaxies must have a large supermassive black hole (and, by association, a prominent bulge component). I show using data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey that the observations are consistent with this prediction. Over 99.5% of red sequence galaxies with stellar masses in excess of 10^{10} M_{\sun} have a prominent bulge component (as defined by having a Sersic index n above 1.5). Those very rare red sequence central galaxies with little or no bulge (n<1.5) usually have detectable star formation or AGN activity; the fraction of truly quenched bulgeless central galaxies is <0.1% of the total red sequence population. I conclude that a bulge, and by implication a supermassive black hole, is an absolute requirement for full quenching of star formation in central galaxies. This is in agreement with the most basic prediction of the AGN feedback paradigm.Comment: 6 pages, 4 color figures (figure 1 is of slightly degraded quality). To appear in August 1 edition of the Astrophysical Journa

    Galaxy Formation Spanning Cosmic History

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    Over the past several decades, galaxy formation theory has met with significant successes. In order to test current theories thoroughly we require predictions for as yet unprobed regimes. To this end, we describe a new implementation of the Galform semi-analytic model of galaxy formation. Our motivation is the success of the model described by Bower et al. in explaining many aspects of galaxy formation. Despite this success, the Bower et al. model fails to match some observational constraints and certain aspects of its physical implementation are not as realistic as we would like. The model described in this work includes substantially updated physics, taking into account developments in our understanding over the past decade, and removes certain limiting assumptions made by this (and most other) semi-analytic models. This allows it to be exploited reliably in high-redshift and low mass regimes. Furthermore, we have performed an exhaustive search of model parameter space to find a particular set of model parameters which produce results in good agreement with a wide range of observational data (luminosity functions, galaxy sizes and dynamics, clustering, colours, metal content) over a wide range of redshifts. This model represents a solid basis on which to perform calculations of galaxy formation in as yet unprobed regimes.Comment: MNRAS accepted. Extended version (with additional figures and details of implementation) is available at http://www.galform.or

    Reconstructing the History of Star Formation in Rich Cluster Cores

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    We address the current crucial issues on the formation and evolution of cluster galaxies: ie., connection between the Butcher-Oemler effect, assembly of cluster galaxies, truncation of star formation, and the origin of S0 galaxies. We construct the field corrected colour-magnitude (CM) diagrams for 7 CNOC clusters (0.23<z<0.43) and Coma, and illustrate the evolution of the complete cluster population down to the present-day based on the model in which star formation is truncated when the galaxies infall from the surrounding field. We show that the blue galaxies are incorporated into the present-day tight CM relation as they fade and become redder after the truncation, which is possibly responsible for producing faint S0's (>M*+1). Truncation of star formation is, however, found to be relatively milder (with a time scale of 1 Gyr) than suggested by the viorent processes such as ram-pressure stripping and/or mergers/harassment. The BO effect is after all found to be a combination of three effects, namely, increasing field star formation activity, increasing galaxy infall rate, and the truncatin of star formation after the accretion. Our approach naturally leads to the history of galaxy assembly and `global' star foramtion for `cluster' galaxies.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures, Accepted for Publication in MNRAS (first submitted on 9th Feb 2000

    Ram Pressure Stripping of Spiral Galaxies in Clusters

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    We use 3-dimensional SPH/N-BODY simulations to study ram pressure stripping of gas from spiral galaxies orbiting in clusters. We find that the analytic expectation of Gunn & Gott (1972) relating the gravitational restoring force provided by the disk to the ram pressure force, provides a good approximation to the radius that gas will be stripped from a galaxy. However, at small radii it is also important to consider the potential provided by the bulge component. A spiral galaxy passing through the core of a rich cluster such as Coma, will have its gaseous disk truncated to ∌4\sim 4 kpc, thus losing ∌80\sim 80% of its diffuse gas mass. The timescale for this to occur is a fraction of a crossing time ∌107\sim 10^7 years. Galaxies orbiting within poorer clusters, or inclined to the direction of motion through the intra-cluster medium will lose significantly less gas. We conclude that ram-pressure alone is insufficient to account for the rapid and widespread truncation of star-formation observed in cluster galaxies, or the morphological transformation of Sab's to S0's that is necessary to explain the Butcher-Oemler effect.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, to be published in MNRAS. Levels added/corrected on figures 3, 4 and

    A locally adaptive time-stepping algorithm for\ud petroleum reservoir simulations

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    An algorithm for locally adapting the step-size for large scale finite volume simulations of multi-phase flow in petroleum reservoirs is suggested which allows for an “all-in-one” implicit calculation of behaviour over a very large time scale. Some numerical results for simple two-phase flow in one space dimension illustrate the promise of the algorithm, which has also been applied to very simple 3D cases. A description of the algorithm is presented here along with early results. Further development of the technique is hoped to facilitate useful scaling properties
