2 research outputs found

    Hiperwarburgismo: la “hipoglucemia feliz” de los pacientes oncológicos

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    Introducción: La glucosa es el combustible energético cerebral, esta relación es establecida de manera integral en la inmensa mayoría de revisiones, debido al ávido consumo -y casi exclusivo - glucósico por parte del tejido neuronal. En esta esfera, la hipoglucemia se traduce por defecto en un conjunto de síntomas neurológicos, resultado del estado neuroglucopénico. Cuando la caída de estos niveles glicémicos es pronunciada desencadena alteraciones del estado sensorial, pudiendo llegar al coma con daños irreversibles de sostenerse en el tiempo. Propósito de la revisión: El objetivo de la revisión es presentar un caso de hipoglucemia severa sin sintomatología neuroglucopénica. Recientes hallazgos: Al ausencia de sintomatología neurológica se da debido al consumo del lactato – tradicionalmente producto anaerobiótico – como una vía metabólica energética alternativa al consumo de glucosa. La hipoglucemia puede ser compensada a nivel neurológico con sistemas lanzadores de lactato en el tejido neuronal, este puede sustituir a la glucosa como sustrato energético del cerebro. Conclusiones: La hipoglicemia sin síntomas adrenérgicos o neuroglucopénicos es un tema vinculado a pacientes oncológicos, y propone al lactato como combustible del tejido nervioso adicional a la glucosa. Por otra parte, la asociación lactato = hipoperfusión, es otra entidad que debe ser revisada y reanalizada por todo lo que implica el lactato dentro de la vía fisiopatológica metabólica corporal

    Knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of Latin American healthcare workers relating to antibiotic stewardship and antibiotic use: a cross-sectional multi-country study

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    Abstract Background The burden of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in Latin America is high. Little is known about healthcare workers’ (HCWs) knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of antimicrobial stewardship (AS), AMR, and antibiotic use (AU) in the region. Methods HCWs from 42 hospitals from 5 Latin American countries were invited to take an electronic, voluntary, anonymous survey regarding knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of AS, AMR, and AU between March–April 2023. Findings Overall, 996 HCWs completed the survey (52% physicians, 32% nurses, 11% pharmacists, 3% microbiologists, and 2% “other”). More than 90% of respondents indicated optimizing AU was a priority at their healthcare facility (HCF), 69% stated the importance of AS was communicated at their HCF, and 23% were unfamiliar with the term “antibiotic stewardship”. Most (> 95%) respondents acknowledged that appropriate AU can reduce AMR; however, few thought AU (< 30%) or AMR (< 50%) were a problem in their HCF. Lack of access to antibiogram and to locally endorsed guidelines was reported by 51% and 34% of HCWs, respectively. Among prescribers, 53% did not consider non-physicians’ opinions to make antibiotic-related decisions, 22% reported not receiving education on how to select antibiotics based on culture results and 60% stated patients and families influence their antibiotic decisions. Conclusions Although HCWs perceived improving AU as a priority, they did not perceive AU or AMR as a problem in their HCF. AS opportunities include improved access to guidelines, access to AMR/AU data, teamwork, and education on AS for HCWs and patients and families