119 research outputs found

    Oceanographic implications of radioactive fall-out distributions in the Atlantic Ocean: From 20°N to 25°S, from 1957 to 1961

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    The patterns of Sr90 distribution in the equatorial Atlantic are described for the years 1957, 1958, 1960, and 1961. Evidence is drawn from analysis of surface samples and of vertical profiles. The concentration distributions bear no resemblance to patterns of fall-out delivery on land; it is concluded that hydrographic processes are responsible for seawater concentration patterns. The data provide evidence for two otherwise unobserved, high fallout incidents over the Atlantic Ocean...

    Fission Product Concentration in the Chukchi Sea

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    Reports on concentrations of strontium-90, cerium-144, and promethium-147 in water samples collected 1959-1962, especially as indicating mass transport of ocean water. The 1959 Sr-90 fallout values were less than those reported from the northwestern Pacific and similar to values for the North Atlantic and mainland Alaska; but the 1960-62 values increased, in contrast to the other areas. No comparable increase was found in the Ce-144 and Pm-147 concentrations, but these radioisotopes may be removed from sea water during passage over shallow seas and analysis of sediment content would be enlightening

    Comparative studies of mineral constituents of marine sponges I. The genera Dysidea, Chondrilla, Terpios

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    Analyses of Al, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, Pb, Sn, Ti, and V are presented for specimens of five species of marine sponges: Dysidea crawshayi, D. etheria, Chondrilla nucula, Terpios fugax and T. zeteki; and of F in D. crawshayi…

    Analyses of coccolith ooze from the deep tropical Atlantic

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    Analyses of samples from a 200-cm core of coccolith ooze from the deep tropical Atlantic (00° 07\u27S, 17° 34\u27W) show it to be uniformly composed of low-magnesium calcite. The levels of most trace elements were found to be low for pelagic marine carbonate sediments

    Radionuclides from Windscale discharges I: Nonequilibrium tracer experiments in high-latitude oceanography

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    The releases of soluble radionuclides from the nuclear fuel reprocessing plant at Windscale represent for some artificial radionuclides a major addition to the inventories due to nuclear test fallout on the northern hemisphere…

    Radionuclides from Windscale discharges II: Their dispersion in Scottish and Norwegian coastal circulation

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    Measurement of the concentrations of 134Cs, 137Cs, 90Sr, 238Pu, and 239, 240Pu in Scottish and Norwegian coastal waters in 1976 and 1978 provides information on dispersal pathways, transport times, and dilution in these waters of radioactive waste discharged to the Irish Sea from the Windscale nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in Cumbria, U. K...

    Shallow-water Strontium-90 anomaly about the Antilles Arc----1970

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    Vertical profiles about the southeastern approaches to the Caribbean in early 1970 have shown a consistent Sr-90 inversion, with the maximum concentrations at depths of about room. It appears that four water masses may be involved, in this area, in a very complicated mixing and overlayering phenomenon

    The intersection between the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the Vema Fracture zone in the North Atlantic

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    Near 11°N, the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is offset by the Verna Fracture. The hypothesis of sea-floor spreading has suggested that the fracture is a transform fault, and this has been confirmed by the first motion studies of recent earthquakes along the fracture. The fault zone is developed as a deep and narrow east-west trending through, bordered on the south side by a high and steep rocky wall representing an uplifted slice of crust...


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    Observations on the distribution of chlorinated hydrocarbons in Atlantic Ocean organisms

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    Industrial polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) and the DDT family (t-DDT) were measured in several species of organisms collected from the open Atlantic Ocean between 66°N and 35°S latitude. All the organisms had higher concentrations of PCBs than t-DDT. Many trophic levels were represented in the collections, but the analytical data offer no support for food chain magnification among gilled organisms...
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