189 research outputs found

    Transitioning to Multiple-use Polyculture Grassland-derived Bioenergy Feedstock Systems

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    We argue that research and development of grassland-derived bioenergy feedstock (GBF) has focused unduly on dedicated monospecific biomass systems to the detriment of more stable multiple-use multispecies grasslands. This has retarded GBF adoption as a viable, sustainable contribution to renewable energy production in North America. We hypothesize that focusing on multiple-use GBFs will foster greater feedstock availability for nascent renewable energy generation while minimizing financial risk to grassland husbandry during market transitions from current grazing systems to more flexible business models. Our hypothesis is that source and demand are more likely to develop simultaneously under less risky multiple-use grassland management. We review what little research exists detailing such multiple-use systems that include GBF as a major component. We propose that more federal and private sector research funding should focus on perennial forage legumes and bunchgrasses for multiple uses including forage, bioenergy, grassland restoration, wildlife, and ecosystems services such as hydrology, carbon capture and biodiversity. These data cover both native and introduced species in cultivated pastures as well as managed rangeland and native grassland. We conclude that more research effort should be focused on multiple-use GBF in order to identify individual species, mixtures and ecosystems that provide flexibility in the face of unpredictable grassland environments and volatile energy markets

    Localization of P-gp (Abcb1) and Mrp2 (Abcc2) in Freshly Isolated Rat Hepatocytes

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    Freshly isolated hepatocytes are widely accepted as the “gold standard” for providing reliable data on drug uptake across the sinusoidal (basolateral) membrane. However, the suitability of freshly isolated hepatocytes in suspension to assess efflux by canalicular (apical) proteins or predict biliary excretion in the intact organ is unclear. After collagenase digestion, hepatocytes rapidly lose polarity, but localization of canalicular transport proteins in the first few hours after isolation has not been well characterized. In this study, immunostaining and confocal microscopy have provided, for the first time, a detailed examination of canalicular transport protein localization in freshly isolated rat hepatocytes fixed within 1 h of isolation and in cells cultured for 1 h. Organic anion transporting polypeptide 1a1 (Oatp1a1) was expressed in all hepatocytes and distributed evenly across the basolateral membrane; there was no evidence for colocalization of Oatp1a1 with P-glycoprotein (P-gp) or multidrug resistance-associated protein 2 (Mrp2). In contrast, P-gp and Mrp2 expression was lower than Oatp1a1 and confined to junctions between adjacent cells, intracellular compartments, and “legacy” network structures at or near the cell surface. P-gp and Mrp2 staining was more predominant in regions adjacent to former canalicular spaces, identified by zonula occludens-1 staining. Functional analysis of rat hepatocytes cultured for 1 h demonstrated that the fluorescent anion and Mrp2 substrate, 5-(and-6)-carboxy-2â€Č,7â€Č-dichlorofluorescein (CDF), accumulated in cellular compartments; compartmental accumulation of CDF was sensitive to (E)-3-[[[3-[2-(7-chloro-2-quinolinyl)ethenyl]phenyl]-[[3-dimethylamino)-3-oxopropyl]thio]methyl]thio]-propanoic acid (MK571, Mrp inhibitor) and was not observed in hepatocytes isolated from Mrp2-deficient rats. Drug efflux from freshly isolated hepatocytes as an estimate of apical efflux/biliary excretion would give an inaccurate assessment of true apical elimination and, as such, should not be used to make in vivo extrapolations

    Foreign policy beliefs and support for Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party

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    Similar to other recent Canadian elections, foreign policy did not feature prominently in the 2011 federal election campaign. In fact, many doubt Canadian public opinion on international affairs is linked to the actions taken by recent Governments. In this paper, we examine Canadian public opinion toward a range of foreign policy issues and argue that the survey questions measure two latent dimensions —militarism and internationalism. Our survey evidence indicates the existence of an “issue public” which is prepared to endorse military action and is skeptical of human rights and overseas aid programs, and this group is far more supportive of Prime Minister Harper and the Conservative Party than other Canadians. The absence of an elite discussion, either among politicians or between media elites, about the direction of Canadian foreign policy does not prevent the Canadian voter from thinking coherently about questions pertaining to this issue domain and employing these beliefs to support or oppose political parties and their leaders

    Singular regional brightening events on Titan as seen by Cassini/VIMS

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    Titan, the largest satellite of Saturn, is the only satellite in the solar system with a dense atmosphere. The close and continuous observations of Titan by the Cassini spacecraft, in orbit around Saturn since July 2004, bring us evidences that Titan tropo-sphere and low stratosphere experience an exotic, but complete meteorological cycle similar to the Earth hy-drological cycle, with hydrocarbons evaporation, con-densation in clouds, and rainfall. Cassini monitoring campaigns also demonstrate that Titan’s cloud cover-age and climate vary with latitude. Titan’s tropics, with globally weak meteorological activity and widespread dune fields, seem to be slightly more arid than the poles, where extensive and numerous liquid reservoirs and sustained cloud activity were discovered. Only a few tropospheric clouds have been observed at Titan’s tropics during the southern summer [2-4]. As equinox was approaching (in August 2009), they oc-curred more frequently and appeared to grow in strength and size [5-7]

    Location of residence associated with the likelihood of patient visit to the preoperative assessment clinic

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    BACKGROUND: Outpatient preoperative assessment clinics were developed to provide an efficient assessment of surgical patients prior to surgery, and have demonstrated benefits to patients and the health care system. However, the centralization of preoperative assessment clinics may introduce geographical barriers to utilization that are dependent on where a patient lives with respect to the location of the preoperative assessment clinic. METHODS: The association between geographical distance from a patient's place of residence to the preoperative assessment clinic, and the likelihood of a patient visit to the clinic prior to surgery, was assessed for all patients undergoing surgery at a tertiary health care centre in a major Canadian city. The odds of attending the preoperative clinic were adjusted for patient characteristics and clinical factors. RESULTS: Patients were less likely to visit the preoperative assessment clinic prior to surgery as distance from the patient's place of residence to the clinic increased (adjusted OR = 0.52, 95% CI 0.44–0.63 for distances between 50–100 km, and OR = 0.26, 95% CI 0.21–0.31 for distances greater than 250 km). This 'distance decay' effect was remarkable for all surgical specialties. CONCLUSION: The present study demonstrates that the likelihood of a patient visiting the preoperative assessment clinic appears to depend on the geographical location of patients' residences. Patients who live closest to the clinic tend to be seen more often than patients who live in rural and remote areas. This observation may have implications for achieving the goals of equitable access, and optimal patient care and resource utilization in a single universal insurer health care system

    Comparison of distance measures in spatial analytical modeling for health service planning

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Several methodological approaches have been used to estimate distance in health service research. In this study, focusing on cardiac catheterization services, Euclidean, Manhattan, and the less widely known Minkowski distance metrics are used to estimate distances from patient residence to hospital. Distance metrics typically produce less accurate estimates than actual measurements, but each metric provides a single model of travel over a given network. Therefore, distance metrics, unlike actual measurements, can be directly used in spatial analytical modeling. Euclidean distance is most often used, but unlikely the most appropriate metric. Minkowski distance is a more promising method. Distances estimated with each metric are contrasted with road distance and travel time measurements, and an optimized Minkowski distance is implemented in spatial analytical modeling.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Road distance and travel time are calculated from the postal code of residence of each patient undergoing cardiac catheterization to the pertinent hospital. The Minkowski metric is optimized, to approximate travel time and road distance, respectively. Distance estimates and distance measurements are then compared using descriptive statistics and visual mapping methods. The optimized Minkowski metric is implemented, via the spatial weight matrix, in a spatial regression model identifying socio-economic factors significantly associated with cardiac catheterization.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The Minkowski coefficient that best approximates road distance is 1.54; 1.31 best approximates travel time. The latter is also a good predictor of road distance, thus providing the best single model of travel from patient's residence to hospital. The Euclidean metric and the optimal Minkowski metric are alternatively implemented in the regression model, and the results compared. The Minkowski method produces more reliable results than the traditional Euclidean metric.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Road distance and travel time measurements are the most accurate estimates, but cannot be directly implemented in spatial analytical modeling. Euclidean distance tends to underestimate road distance and travel time; Manhattan distance tends to overestimate both. The optimized Minkowski distance partially overcomes their shortcomings; it provides a single model of travel over the network. The method is flexible, suitable for analytical modeling, and more accurate than the traditional metrics; its use ultimately increases the reliability of spatial analytical models.</p

    Bone mineral density enhances use of clinical risk factors in predicting ten-year risk of osteoporotic fractures in Chinese men: the Hong Kong Osteoporosis Study

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    This prospective study aimed to determine the risk factors and the 10-year probability of osteoporotic fracture in Southern Chinese men. The findings show substantial population differences in fracture incidence and risk prediction compared to the FRAX TM model, and the addition of BMD information to clinical risk factor assessment improved fracture risk prediction in Chinese men. Introduction: Clinical risk factors with or without bone mineral density (BMD) measurements are increasingly recognized as reliable predictors of fracture risk. Prospective data on fracture incidence in Asian men remain sparse. This prospective study aimed to determine the risk factors and the 10-year absolute fracture risk in Southern Chinese men. Methods: This is a part of the Hong Kong Osteoporosis Study. One thousand eight hundred ten (1,810) community-dwelling, treatment-naive men aged 50 years or above were evaluated. Baseline demographic characteristics, clinical risk factors and BMD were recorded. Ten-year risk of osteoporotic fracture was calculated using Cox proportional hazards models. Results: The mean age of subjects was 68.0 ± 10.3 years. After a mean follow-up period of 3.5±2.9 years (range 1 to 14 years), 37 incident low-trauma fractures were recorded. The incidence for all osteoporotic fractures and hip fractures was 635/100,000 and 123/100,000 person-years, respectively. The most significant predictors of osteoporotic fracture were history of fall (RR 14.5), femoral neck BMD T-score < -2.5 (RR 13.8) and history of fracture (RR 4.4). Each SD reduction in BMD was associated with a 1.8 to 2.6-fold increase in fracture risk. Subjects with seven clinical risk factors and BMD T-score of -1 had an absolute 10-year risk of osteoporotic fracture of 8.9%, but this increased to 22.7% if they also had a femoral neck BMD T-score of -2.5. Conclusions: These findings show substantial population differences in fracture incidence and risk prediction. The addition of BMD information to clinical risk factor assessment improved fracture risk prediction in Chinese men. © 2011 The Author(s).published_or_final_versionSpringer Open Choice, 21 Feb 201
