185 research outputs found

    Acte de celebració dels 30 anys del TERMCAT (23 de juliol de 2015)

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    El Diccionari general de l'esport

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    Presentació del nou Diccionari general de l'esport del TERMCAT que inclou la terminologia dels diccionaris que anteriorment havia publicat el TERMCAT, més nova terminologia d'esports no olímpics

    Primeres nomes UNE en català

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    Silver jubilee: 25 years of the first demonstration of the direct effect of phosphate on the parathyroid cell

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    Although phosphorus is an essential element for life, it is not found in nature in its native state but rather combined in the form of inorganic phosphates (P

    Vitamin D, a modulator of musculoskeletal health in chronic kidney disease

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    The spectrum of activity of vitamin D goes beyond calcium and bone homeostasis, and growing evidence suggests that vitamin D contributes to maintain musculoskeletal health in healthy subjects as well as in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), who display the combination of bone metabolism disorder, muscle wasting, and weakness. Here, we review how vitamin D represents a pathway in which bone and muscle may interact. In vitro studies have confirmed that the vitamin D receptor is present on muscle, describing the mechanisms whereby vitamin D directly affects skeletal muscle. These include genomic and non‐genomic (rapid) effects, regulating cellular differentiation and proliferation. Observational studies have shown that circulating 25‐hydroxyvitamin D levels correlate with the clinical symptoms and muscle morphological changes observed in CKD patients. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to low bone formation rate and bone mineral density, with an increased risk of skeletal fractures. The impact of low vitamin D status on skeletal muscle may also affect muscle metabolic pathways, including its sensitivity to insulin. Although some interventional studies have shown that vitamin D may improve physical performance and protect against the development of histological and radiological signs of hyperparathyroidism, evidence is still insufficient to draw definitive conclusions

    El TERMCAT: treinta años trabajando en terminología

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    Aquest article presenta una breu panoràmica de la trajectòria i les línies de treball del Centre de Terminologia TERMCAT, amb motiu del seu trentè aniversari. S’hi expliquen els quatre eixos al voltant dels quals gira l’activitat del centre: la normalització terminològica, per mitjà del Consell Supervisor; els serveis d’assessorament (terminològic puntual, per mitjà del Cercaterm; per a projectes terminològics, i documental); l’elaboració de productes terminològics, i la recerca i metodologia.This article gives a brief overview of the history and lines of work of the TERMCAT Terminology Centre on the occasion of its thirtieth anniversary. It explains the four cornerstones on which the centre’s activities are based: the standardization of terminology, by means of the Supervisory Council; the advisory services (specific terminology searches using Cercaterm; terminology and documentary projects); the production of terminology products, and research and methodology.Este artículo presenta una breve panorámica de la trayectoria y las líneas de trabajo del Centro de Terminología TERMCAT, con motivo de su trigésimo aniversario. En él se explican los cuatro ejes en torno a los cuales gira la actividad del centro: la normalización terminológica, por medio del Consejo Supervisor; los servicios de asesoramiento (terminológico puntual, por medio del Cercaterm; para proyectos terminológicos y documentales); la elaboración de productos terminológicos y la investigación y metodología