54 research outputs found

    On-farm diversity and market participation are positively associated with dietary diversity of rural mothers in southern Benin, west Africa

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    OBJECTIVE:The objective of this study is to test the extent to which, under different opportunities for market participation, the diversity of plant species rural households grow or collect (on-farm diversity), and the variety of foods mothers purchase (market diversity) are associated with their dietary diversity. METHODS:Rural households from three districts in southern Benin were interviewed during dry (n = 472) and wet (n = 482) seasons between 2011 and 2012. Villages within districts and their households were selected randomly according to market accessibility, with a mother selected from each household. Information on on-farm diversity was collected using a semi-structured questionnaire. Market diversity was obtained through a 7-day food frequency questionnaire that elicited if foods were purchased. Dietary diversity was derived from a quantitative 24-hour food recall. A system of three simultaneous equations via a Generalized Methods of Moments was estimated to address potential endogeneity between dietary diversity and on-farm diversity and market diversity. RESULTS:Results show rich on-farm diversity with more than 65 different edible plant species grown or collected by households. More than 70% of foods consumed by mothers were purchased in 55 market places. More than 50% of mothers met minimum dietary diversity with at least 5 food groups consumed. Diagnostic tests indicated the existence of endogeneity. Econometric results showed that on-farm and market diversities were positively associated with mothers' dietary diversity (p < 0.05) once market opportunities, seasonality and other socioeconomic factors were controlled for. CONCLUSION:Results provide evidence of a positive relationship between on-farm diversity and dietary diversity among participant mothers. They demonstrate the important contribution of market diversity to their dietary diversity. Links among these three facets of diversity suggest that production for self-consumption and food purchases complement rather than replace each other in their contribution to dietary diversity and thus dietary quality

    The role of local biodiversity in meeting nutritional requirements for complementary foods of infants and young children, Southern Benin

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    The mothers/care-givers, and the communities in general, will benefit from locally adapted information and knowledge on how to improve diets making the best use of the locally available biodiversity. Better knowledge and improved complementary feeding practices will contribute to better nutritional status of children and thus healthier and more productive communities

    Combining market and nonmarket food sources provides rural households with more options to achieve better diets in Southern Benin

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    This study examines the relative contributions to dietary diversity of the diversity of plant and domesticated animal species which rural households produce or collect, i.e., nonmarket food sources, versus the diversity of foods purchased in markets. Although opinions differ in the literature as to their relative importance, clarifying how different sources of food contribute to the dietary diversity of rural households in the developing world is important to inform policies and interventions to improve their food security and dietary quality. This case study was carried out among a random sample of 654 rural households in southern Benin during two seasons: when food is plentiful after harvest; and when food is scarcer between harvests. We collected data on crops, wild plants, and domesticated animals utilized by households, the number of markets they visited, and the diet of a mother in the household, with a structured 24-hour food frequency questionnaire. We hypothesize that the number of markets visited is an indicator of the diversity of foods available in the markets they have access to, and thus shows the contribution of markets as food sources. Results support this hypothesis and show that households that produced more plant and domesticated animal species and those that visited more markets had more diversified diets. Obtaining diverse foods from multiple sources provides households with more options to achieve better diets. These results suggest a need for a more holistic approach that recognizes the complementarities between market and nonmarket sources of foods. This approach should build on the diversity of species rural households already utilize, and on the ways they interact with markets

    Complementary feeding practices of children aged 6-23 months in rural area, Southern-Benin: challenges and opportunities

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    Aims: This study aims to provide in-depth knowledge of current infant feeding practices in order to create an evidence base and develop well-targeted strategies to reduce the prevalence of child malnutrition. Study Design: This study is designed by using a descriptive cross-sectional survey. Place and Duration of Study: This study was carried out in two rural districts, Bopa and Houeyogbe, in Southern Benin from October to December 2013. Methodology: A total of 1225 mother-infant pairs, aged 6-23 months were randomly selected in seventeen villages through exhaustive sampling. Socio-demographic data of participants were obtained through semi-structured interviews. Complementary feeding practices were assessed using recommended Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) indicators. Statistical analysis were performed with SPSS version 20. Statistical significance was set at P<0.05. Results: Overall, 20% had timely initiation of complementary feeding, whereas 61% and 17% had early and delayed initiation of complementary feeding, respectively. The mean age of introducing solid foods was 4.9 ± 2.3 months. Prevalence of MDD, MMF and MAD was 60%, 71% and 46% respectively. There is no specific complementary foods (CFs) for Benin children. Cereal porridges and extracts from family diets were two categories of complementary foods identified. Complementary food (CF) is characterized by unenriched porridges, mashed family diets and low consumption of fruits and eggs. Most of the children (70%) were fed vegetables consumed individually or mixed with other leaves. The most popular vegetables consumed by the children were Corchorus olitorius (48%), Hibiscus esculentus (22%), Solanum macrocarpon (18%). Conclusion: Untimely initiation of complementary feeding was predominant. Complementary feeding practices in this area of Benin were suboptimal. The valorization of local biodiversity and traditional recipes was an opportunity to improve quality of child’s diet. Reinforcing the capacity building of stakeholders focused on child feeding may be a crucial step for child well-being

    Complementary feeding practices: determinants of dietary diversity and meal frequency among children aged 6–23 months in Southern Benin

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    Poor complementary feeding practices have detrimental effects on child growth, development and survival. This cross-sectional study in rural areas of southern Benin examined some determinants of complementary feeding practices using socioeconomic and dietary data collected among 1225 primary caregivers. Determinants of complementary feeding practices in the study areas are multidimensional and include many interacting factors such as socio-economic aspects, farming practices, household demographics, cultural practices and geography. Child age, diversity of food groups produced, income allocated to feeding, commune of residence, ethnicity, caregivers’ occupation, marital status and household size were identified as the main factors affecting complementary feeding practices. Food group diversification in farm-systems and overall social behavior and support as well as women’s empowerment are necessary to improve children’s diets. Reducing women’s workload through improved working conditions appears crucial to decrease time burdens and allow more time for child care. Multisectoral interventions should be embraced to improve complementary feeding practices in Benin

    Complementary feeding practices among children under two years old In West Africa: A review

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    The burden of child malnutrition is still high in West African countries with 19.2 million stunted children and increases rapidly during the weaning period. This has been attributed to inappropriate complementary feeding practices. To our knowledge, few studies have tried to review the state of complementary feeding in the sub-region. This review aimed to provide an overview of current complementary feeding practices in West Africa in order to identify issues that should be targeted for ensuring optimal infant and young child nutrition. Articles and reports published from 2006 to 2016 were selected and reviewed. All documents were accessed through PubMed, Google scholar, and FreeFullPDF databases. Relevant and current documents focused on infant and young child (IYC) feeding from World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) were identified by using electronic searches via the Google platform. Complementary feeding practices are suboptimal in West Africa compared to the Northern Africa. Porridges and family dishes are the two main categories of complementary foods given to children and there are nutritionally inadequate. Enriched flours have been developed by using local diversity of food resources and improved food process like dehulling, fermentation, germination, malting, but their use remains low. Socio-economic, cultural and geographical factors were the determinants influencing IYC feeding practices at mother and household levels. Besides food availability, social, cultural, economic and geographic determinants were interrelated in a complex way to affect child feeding practices. This paper contributes to a much-needed evidence-based focus on the state of complementary feeding practices. As a key component to child survival, the improvement of complementary feeding has been shown to be the most effective in enhancing child growth and reducing stunting. Stakeholders such as policy and decision-makers, development partners, the private sector, and Non-Governmental Organizations should develop strategies for making enriched flours and nutritionally dense foods more accessible and affordable. Nutritional interventions should emphasize the promotion of adequate complementary feeding practices including feeding frequency, quality and quantity of diet and food safety in order to reduce malnutrition. Ongoing national plans and strategies for optimal IYC feeding should be encouraged to reduce child malnutrition. © 2018, African Scholarly Science Communications Trust (ASSCAT).Peer reviewe

    Complementary feeding practices among children under two years old in west Africa: a review

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    The burden of child malnutrition is still high in West African countries with 19.2 million stunted children and increases rapidly during the weaning period. This has been attributed to inappropriate complementary feeding practices. To our knowledge, few studies have tried to review the state of complementary feeding in the sub-region. This review aimed to provide an overview of current complementary feeding practices in West Africa in order to identify issues that should be targeted for ensuring optimal infant and young child nutrition. Articles and reports published from 2006 to 2016 were selected and reviewed. All documents were accessed through PubMed, Google scholar, and FreeFullPDF databases. Relevant and current documents focused on infant and young child (IYC) feeding from World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) were identified by using electronic searches via the Google platform. Complementary feeding practices are suboptimal in West Africa compared to the Northern Africa. Porridges and family dishes are the two main categories of complementary foods given to children and there are nutritionally inadequate. Enriched flours have been developed by using local diversity of food resources and improved food process like dehulling, fermentation, germination, malting, but their use remains low. Socio-economic, cultural and geographical factors were the determinants influencing IYC feeding practices at mother and household levels. Besides food availability, social, cultural, economic and geographic determinants were interrelated in a complex way to affect child feeding practices. This paper contributes to a much-needed evidence-based focus on the state of complementary feeding practices. As a key component to child survival, the improvement of complementary feeding has been shown to be the most effective in enhancing child growth and reducing stunting. Stakeholders such as policy and decision-makers, development partners, the private sector, and Non-Governmental Organizations should develop strategies for making enriched flours and nutritionally dense foods more accessible and affordable. Nutritional interventions should emphasize the promotion of adequate complementary feeding practices including feeding frequency, quality and quantity of diet and food safety in order to reduce malnutrition. Ongoing national plans and strategies for optimal IYC feeding should be encouraged to reduce child malnutrition.Keywords: complementary feeding, practices, determinants, nutrition plans, West Afric

    Contribution of local agrobiodiversity to complementary foods for 6 to 23 months old children in southern rural Benin

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    In rural Benin, malnutrition, especially micronutrient deficiencies, contrasts with a rich agrobiodiversity that abounds in cultivated or wild foods that are potential sources of micronutrients. This paradox leads us to examine the role of local agrobiodiversity in the diet of children living in two agroecological zones of southern Benin. This study involved 1,263 children aged 6-23 months from 17 randomly selected villages in Southern Benin. A multiple-pass 24-h recall method on two non-consecutive days with the estimation of the consumed portions was used to collect dietary intake data. Semistructured questionnaires were used to collect socioeconomic and demographic data to explore factors driving agrobiodiversity food consumption, especially wild foods. Nonparametric analyses based on gamma distribution were performed to establish the effect of wild food consumption on vitamin A, calcium, iron, and zinc intakes. Conditional inference tree-classification models were performed to identify factors driving wild food consumption. Among a total of 48 local foods that were reported as consumed by children, 11 were from wild species. The contributions of total local agrobiodiversity to nutrient intake of complementary foods was between 49% (calcium) and 98% (vitamin A). Cultivated species contributed to local agrobiodiversity foods for 57% (calcium) and 96 % (zinc). The semi-domesticated species have a contribution of between 2% (zinc) and 35% (calcium) to nutrient intake. Wild species contribution to nutrient intake was between 1% (zinc) and 9% for vitamin C. Wild foods consumption correlated significantly and positively with calcium and vitamin A intakes among children. Sociolinguistic factors such as ethnicity and religion of the household head were determinants of wild food consumption. These findings suggest that sensitization on the nutritional importance of the wild foods including socio-linguistic factors may be necessary to promote wild foods’ consumption. This could be a good strategy to promote healthy diets in local communities.&nbsp

    Dietary species richness as a measure of food biodiversity and nutritional quality of diets

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    Biodiversity is key for human and environmental health. Available dietary and ecological indicators are not designed to assess the intricate relationship between food biodiversity and diet quality. We applied biodiversity indicators to dietary intake data from and assessed associations with diet quality of women and young children. Data from 24-hour diet recalls (55% in the wet season) of n = 6,226 participants (34% women) in rural areas from seven lowand middle-income countries were analyzed. Mean adequacies of vitamin A, vitamin C, folate, calcium, iron, and zinc and diet diversity score (DDS) were used to assess diet quality. Associations of biodiversity indicators with nutrient adequacy were quantified using multilevel models, receiver operating characteristic curves, and test sensitivity and specificity. A total of 234 different species were consumed, of which < 30% were consumed in more than one country. Nine specieswere consumed in all countries and provided, on average, 61% of total energy intake and a significant contribution of micronutrients in the wet season. Compared with Simpson's index of diversity and functional diversity, species richness (SR) showed stronger associations and better diagnostic properties with micronutrient adequacy. For every additional species consumed, dietary nutrient adequacy increased by 0.03 (P < 0.001). Diets with higher nutrient adequacy were mostly obtained when both SR and DDS were maximal. Adding SR to the minimum cutoff for minimum diet diversity improved the ability to detect diets with higher micronutrient adequacy in women but not in children. Dietary SR is recommended as the most appropriate measure of food biodiversity in diets

    Local knowledge of agricultural biodiversity and food uses of edible plant species in two agroecological zones of southern Benin

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    Locally available food plants are not only a good source of essential micronutrients but also provided culturally acceptable foods. Their evaluation could be a sustainable strategy that can effectively meet the nutrient requirements for vulnerable groupsin rural areas. They are therefore of great importance in ensuring food security in low-and middle-income countries. Several communities in Benin depend mainly on indigenous food sources especially plant species. An ethnobotanical survey was conducted in southern Benin to document the edible plant species (EPS) used by people living in two agroecological zones (AEZ 6 and AEZ 8). Field investigations were carried out in eight villages of the two agroecological zones, with four villages per agroecological zone. Data were collected through focus group discussions (FGDs) and analyzed using descriptive statistics. A total of 146 edible plant species belonging to 46 families were recorded and herbarium specimens were collected and deposited at the national herbarium of Benin. Species diversity was lower in AEZ 6 compared with AEZ 8. Herbs and shrubs were the dominant plant habits, with leaves and fruits (arils, flesh, pulp) as the most reported plant parts that were consumed mainly as leafy vegetables or fruits. The study area harbors an important plant diversity with high nutritional potential. Nutrient-dense leafy vegetables and fruit species were dominant. This represents an opportunity that could be used to improve the diet quality and food security in the study area. However, the locally available food plant species remain undervalued
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