84 research outputs found

    Turner syndrome: skin, liver, eyes, dental and ENT evaluation should be improved.

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    Turner syndrome association with multi-organ system comorbidities highlights the need for effective implementation of follow-up guidelines. We aimed to assess the adequacy of care with international guidelines published in 2007 and 2017 and to describe the phenotype of patients. In this multicenter retrospective descriptive cohort study, we collected growth and pubertal parameters, associated comorbidities, treatment, and karyotype in patients diagnosed at age <18 years between 1993 and 2022. We assessed age-appropriate recommendation follow-up (children, adolescents and adults) according to the 2007 guidelines if the last visit was before 2017 (18 recommendations) and the 2017 guidelines if the last visit was after 2017 (19 recommendations). We included 68 patients followed at Lausanne University Hospital (n=64) and at Neuchatel Regional Hospital (RHNe) (n=4). 2.9% of patients underwent all recommended investigations.Overall, 68.9 ± 22.5% and 78.5 ± 20.6% of the recommendations were followed, before and after 2017 respectively. High implementation rates were found for height, weight and BMI (100%), cardiac (80 to 100%) and renal (90 to 100%) imaging. Low implementation rates were found for Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) (56.5%), skin (38.5%), dental (23.1%), ophthalmological (10%) and cholestasis (0 to 29%) assessments, depending on age and time of visit. In adults (n=33), the mean proportion of followed recommendations was lower before than after 2017: 63.5 ± 25.8% vs. 78.7 ± 23.4%, p=0.039. Growth parameters, cardiac and renal imaging are well followed. However, efforts should be made for dental, ENT, ophthalmological, skin and cholestasis assessments. Adequacy of follow-up improved with the quality of transition to adult care

    A novel CHD7 mutation in an adolescent presenting with growth and pubertal delay.

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    Mutations in the CHD7 gene, encoding for the chromodomain helicase DNA-binding protein 7, are found in approximately 60% of individuals with CHARGE syndrome (coloboma, heart defects, choanal atresia, retarded growth and development, genital hypoplasia, ear abnormalities and/or hearing loss). Herein, we present a clinical case of a 14-year-old male presenting for evaluation of poor growth and pubertal delay highlighting the diagnostic challenges of CHARGE syndrome. The patient was born full term and underwent surgery at 5 days of life for bilateral choanal atresia. Developmental milestones were normally achieved. At age 14 his height and weight were -2.04 and -1.74 standard deviation score respectively. He had anosmia as well as prepubertal testes and micropenis (4 cm×1 cm). The biological profile showed low basal serum testosterone and gonadotropins (testosterone, 0.2 nmol/L; luteinizing hormone, 0.5 U/L; follicle-stimulating hormone, 1.3 U/L), and otherwise normal pituitary function and normal imaging of the hypothalamic-pituitary area. The constellation of choanal atresia, anosmia, mild dysmorphic features, micropenis and delayed puberty were suggestive of CHARGE syndrome. Targeted genetic testing of CHD7 was performed revealing a de novo heterozygous CHD7 mutation (c.4234T>G [p.Tyr1412Asp]). Further paraclinical investigations confirmed CHARGE syndrome. Despite the presence of suggestive features, CHARGE syndrome remained undiagnosed in this patient until adolescence. Genetic testing helps clarify the phenotypic and genotypic spectrum to facilitate diagnosis, thus promoting optimal follow-up, treatment, and appropriate genetic counselling

    Obésité infantile : nouveautés thérapeutiques ciblées [Obesity in infancy: new precision treatment]

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    Obesity is a chronical disease, which leads to multiple short- and long-term complications. 4% of Swiss children and adolescents are obese. A prompt diagnosis and multicomponent lifestyle intervention is mandatory to avoid persistence of the disease into adulthood. Growth and BMI charts are still the essential tools to diagnose and define the etiology of obesity. A precocious and severe obesity, accompanied by hyperphagia, will raise the suspicion of monogenic obesity. The precise molecular diagnosis enables in some patients the use of a specific treatment. Leptine in case of LEP gene defects, or setmelanotide when the affected gene is part of the MC4R signaling pathway (LEPR, POMC, PCSK1)