23 research outputs found

    Scaling the state: Egypt in the third millennium BC

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    Discussions of the early Egyptian state suffer from a weak consideration of scale. Egyptian archaeologists derive their arguments primarily from evidence of court cemeteries, elite tombs, and monuments of royal display. The material informs the analysis of kingship, early writing, and administration but it remains obscure how the core of the early Pharaonic state was embedded in the territory it claimed to administer. This paper suggests that the relationship between centre and hinterland is key for scaling the Egyptian state of the Old Kingdom (ca. 2,700-2,200 BC). Initially, central administration imagines Egypt using models at variance with provincial practice. The end of the Old Kingdom demarcates not the collapse, but the beginning of a large-scale state characterized by the coalescence of central and local models


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    Déterminisme du recrutement de la sole dans le golfe de Gascogne. Phase pélagique. Campagnes SOLDET IV. V. VI. 1986

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    The aim of these cruises following those initiated in 1985 is to identify the factors involved in the recruitment of the sole (Solea vulgaris) in the bay of Biscay. These cruises were carried out in an area between Belle-Ile and ile d' Yeu islands from the near shore to the 100 m bottom line. The main goals are the following: - Physics : evaluation of advection and diffusion parameters using remote sensing "drogues" (Argos) - Chemistry : identification of water masses (T, S , nutrients, chlorophyll, pheophytin) - Biology : distribution of sole eggs and larvae-and study of their variability (répliquates). Aging of larvae These goals will contribute to estimate the mortality of the different stages of the pelagic phases (eggs and larvae).Les trois campagnes font suite à celles entreprises en 1985 dans le golfe de Gascogne dans le but de connaître les facteurs qui déterminent le recrutement de la sole. Le secteur prospecté est compris entre Belle Ile et l'Ile d'Yeu de la côte jusqu' aux fonds de 100 m. Les objectifs retenus ont été les suivants : - En physique : estimation de l’advection et de la diffusion en utilisant des "drogues" équipées de balises "Argos" - En chimie : caractérisation des masses d'eau (T, S , sels nutritifs, chlorophylle, phéophytine) - En biologie : répartition des œufs et des larves et étude de la variabilité (reliquats) Ces objectifs permettront d'estimer la mortalité aux différentes phases de la vie pélagique de la sole (œufs et larves)