286 research outputs found

    Cooperation for Innovation in Payment Systems: The Case of Mobile Payments

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    In this paper, we provide a definition of mobile payments and we analyze the markets that could be targeted by mobile payment service providers, both in developed and in developing countries. Focusing on the case of developed countries, we introduce five cooperation models that have emerged or could emerge between banks, mobile network operators, and payment systems, for the development of this payment method.mobile payments; payment systems; mobile banking; mobile commerce.

    Level of Access and Competition in Broadband Markets

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    In this paper, we consider an unregulated incumbent who owns a broadband infrastructure and decides on how much access to provide to a potential entrant. The level of access, i.e., the network elements that are shared in the provision of competing broadband services, not only determines the amount of investment the entrant needs to undertake to enter the market, but also the intensity of post-entry competition. We consider an access scheme that determines an access level and an associated two-part tariff. We show that the equilibrium level of access is higher when the sensitivity of product differentiation to the level of access is lower, and when the marginal investment cost is higher. We also show that the unregulated incumbent sets a suboptimally low (high) level of access if the degree of service differentiation is sufficiently high (low).

    An Economist's Guide to Local Loop Unbundling

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    This guide provides a critical review of the economics literature on the desirability and the effects of unbundling the local loop. Firstly, we discuss recent contributions, which aim to quantify the effect of unbundling regulations on the development of broadband services. Secondly, we review the literature on the potential impact of unbundling on investment and innovation incentives. Finally, we conclude this paper by offering some suggestions for further research.Unbundling; broadband diffusion; investment and innovation

    An Economist's Guide to Local Loop Unbundling

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    This guide provides a critical review of the economics literature on the desirability and the effects of unbundling the local loop. Firstly, we discuss recent contributions, which aim to quantify the effect of unbundling regulations on the development of broadband services. Secondly, we review the literature on the potential impact of unbundling on investment and innovation incentives. Finally, we conclude this paper by offering some suggestions for further research.Unbundling; broadband diffusion; investment and innovation

    National FTTH plans in France, Italy and Portugal

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    In this paper, we analyze the specific national broadband plans which have been developed by some European governments to foster the deployment of next generation access networks, namely in France, Italy, and Portugal. In particular, we discuss the strategies adopted to achieve wide fibre coverage and encourage co-investment between competing operators. Finally, we highlight the similarities and differences between the strategies followed in these three countries.broadband; fibre; next generation access networks; regulation

    National FTTH plans in France, Italy and Portugal

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    In this paper, we analyze the specific national broadband plans which have been developed by some European governments to foster the deployment of next generation access networks, namely in France, Italy, and Portugal. In particular, we discuss the strategies adopted to achieve wide fibre coverage and encourage co-investment between competing operators. Finally, we highlight the similarities and differences between the strategies followed in these three countries.broadband; fibre; next generation access networks; regulation.

    Cooperation in Product Development and Process R&D Between Competitors

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    In this paper, we first provide a simple framework for cooperation in product development between competitors. We put forward the tradeoff between the benefits obtained through development cost sharing and the cost of intensified competition due to reduced product differentiation, which implies that no cooperation can be an equilibrium outcome. We allow for firms to cooperate partially, i.e., to develop some product components jointly, but not necessarily all components. This enables us to study the factors that may have an effect on the degree of cooperation in product development, both in the presence and in the absence of process R&D. We also analyze the interaction between cooperation decisions on product development and process R&D. By considering a direct link between the two, we show that the degree of cooperation in product development may adversely affect the intensity of cooperation in process R&D

    Upstream Competition between Vertically Integrated Firms

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    We propose a model of two-tier competition between vertically integrated firms and unintegrated downstream firms. We show that, even when integrated firms compete in prices to offer a homogeneous input, the Bertrand result may not obtain, and the input may be priced above marginal cost in equilibrium, which is detrimental to consumers' surplus and social welfare. We obtain that these partial foreclosure equilibria are more likely to exist when downstream competition is fierce. We then use our model to assess the impact of several regulatory tools in the telecommunications industry.Vertical foreclosure, vertically-related markets, telecommunications.

    Digital conglomerates and EU competition policy

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