16 research outputs found

    Nouvelles observations sur le complexe mimétique de Mesoplatys cincta Olivier (Coléoptère Chrysomelidae) au Sénégal

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    The design and colouring of the adult Chrysomelid beetle, Mesoplatys cincta Olivier, living in Senegal on Sesbania spp., and that of the larva of the Hemiptera Afrius purpureus Westwood — sub-family Asopinae are very similar. This Asopinae, a predator of the Chrysomelidae apparently mimics its prey in order to capture it more easily. This would seem to be a hitherto unrecorded case of aggressive mimicry between Coleoptera and Hemiptera.Les dessins et les colorations du Coléoptère Chrysomélide adulte Meso-platys cincta Olivier vivant au Sénégal sur Sesbania spp., et ceux de la larve de l'Hémip-tère Asopinae, Afrius purpureus Westwood sont très proches. Cet Asopinae, prédateur du Chrysomélide mimerait ainsi sa proie pour s'en emparer plus facilement. Il s'agirait là d'un cas inédit de mimétisme agressif entre un Coléoptère et un Hémiptère.Bourdouxhe L., Jolivet Pierre. Nouvelles observations sur le complexe mimétique de Mesoplatys cincta Olivier (Coléoptère Chrysomelidae) au Sénégal. In: Bulletin mensuel de la Société linnéenne de Lyon, 50ᵉ année, n°2, février 1981. pp. 46-48

    Controlled comparison of milnacipran (F2207) 200 mg and amitriptyline in endogenous depressive inpatients

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    A multicentre study compared the antidepressant efficacy and the tolerance of milnacipran (200 mg/d) and amitriptyline (150 mg/d) in two parallel groups of 43 major depressive inpatients, endogenous subtype, as defined by Research Diagnostic Criteria. The duration of the study was 4 weeks, with weekly assessments by means of the Montgomery and Asberg depression scale (MADS), the Hamilton depression scale, the Clinical Global Impressions (CGI) and a checklist of symptoms and side‐effects. Results showed similar improvement in both groups but better tolerance with milnacipran (less drowsiness and anticholinergic side‐effects), reflected in the better scores on the therapeutic index of the CGI. The clinical profile of the two drugs was somewhat different with more transitory sedation with amitriptyline and more improvement in concentration difficulties with milnacipran during the first weeks of the study associated with more effect on retardation with milnacipran at the end of the study. Copyright © 1989 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd