665 research outputs found

    Two-loop renormalization-group theory for the quasi-one-dimensional Hubbard model at half filling

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    We derive two-loop renormalization-group equations for the half-filled one-dimensional Hubbard chains coupled by the interchain hopping. Our renormalization-group scheme for the quasi-one-dimensional electron system is a natural extension of that for the purely one-dimensional systems in the sense that transverse-momentum dependences are introduced in the g-ological coupling constants and we regard the transverse momentum as a patch index. We develop symmetry arguments for the particle-hole symmetric half-filled Hubbard model and obtain constraints on the g-ological coupling constants by which resultant renormalization equations are given in a compact form. By solving the renormalization-group equations numerically, we estimate the magnitude of excitation gaps and clarify that the charge gap is suppressed due to the interchain hopping but is always finite even for the relevant interchain hopping. To show the validity of the present analysis, we also apply this to the two-leg ladder system. By utilizing the field-theoretical bosonization and fermionization method, we derive low-energy effective theory and analyze the magnitude of all the excitation gaps in detail. It is shown that the low-energy excitations in the two-leg Hubbard ladder have SO(3) x SO(3) x U(1) symmetry when the interchain hopping exceeds the magnitude of the charge gap.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures; Two appendices and one figure adde

    Superconductor-to-Spin-Density-Wave Transition in Quasi-One-Dimensional Metals with Ising Anisotropy

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    We study a mechanism for superconductivity in quasi-one-dimensional materials with Ising anisotropy. In an isolated chain Ising anisotropy opens a spin gap; if inter-chain coupling is sufficiently weak, single particle hopping is suppressed and the physics of coupled chains is controlled by a competition between pair hopping and exchange interaction. Spin density wave and triplet superconductivity phases are found separated by a first order phase transition. For particular parameter values a second order transition described by SO(4) symmetry is found.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figur

    Influence of carrier lifetime on quantum criticality and superconducting Tc of (TMTSF)_2ClO_4

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    This work presents and analyzes electrical resistivity data on the organic superconductor (TMTSF)2_2ClO4_4 and their anion substituted alloys (TMTSF)2_2(ClO4_4)1−x_{1-x}(ReO4_4)x_x along the least conducting c⋆c^\star axis. Nonmagnetic disorder introduced by finite size domains of anion ordering on non Fermi liquid character of resistivity is investigated near the conditions of quantum criticality. The evolution of the TT-linear resistivity term with anion disorder shows a limited decrease in contrast with the complete suppression of the critical temperature TcT_c as expected for unconventional superconductivity beyond a threshold value of xx. The resulting breakdown of scaling between both quantities is compared to the theoretical predictions of a linearized Boltzmann equation combined to the scaling theory of umklapp scattering in the presence of disorder induced pair-breaking for the carriers.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    CDW Ordering in Stripe Phase of Underdoped Cuprates

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    The in-plane resistivity and out-of-plane resistivity of non-superconducting RBCO (R = Y, Tm) and Fe-doped Bi2212 single crystals are discussed. The comparison of electrical transport properties of the cuprates and quasi-one dimensional (1D) (TMTSF)2PF6 organic conductor suggests that RBCO and Bi2212 exhibit 1D transport properties, and the step rise at low temperatures in the resistivities of the cuprates and quasi-1D organic conductor is due to charge-density-wave ordering. We discuss also phonon-electron interactions in cuprates at low temperatures.Comment: 10 pages including 4 figure

    N-loss stoichiometry in a Peru ODZ eddy

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    Assuming heterotrophic denitrification as the dominant microbial process, Richards (1965) formulated a stoichiometry governing nitrogen loss in open-ocean oxygen deficient zones (ODZs). It prescribes the quantitative coupling between the oxidation of organic matter by NO–3 in the absence of O2 and the corresponding production of CO2, N2, and PO–34. Applied globally, this relationship defines key linkages between the C, N, and P cycles. However, the validity of Richards\u27s stoichiometry is challenged by recognition of complex microbial N processing in ODZs including anammox as an important pathway and nitrite reoxidation. Whereas Richards\u27s stoichiometry would result in N2-N production to NO–3 removal rates of 1.17, dominance by anammox with respect to biogenic N2 production could in theory result in a ratio as high as 2. Ratios with PO–34 production provide an additional constraint on the quantity and composition of respired organic matter. Here we use a mesoscale eddy with extreme N-loss in the Peru ODZ as a natural laboratory to examine N-loss stoichiometry. Its intense biogeochemical signatures, relatively well-defined timescales, and simplified hydrography allowed for the development of strong co-occurring gradients in NO–3, NO–2, biogenic N2, and PO–34. The production of biogenic N2 as compared with the removal of NO–3 (analyzed either directly or as N deficits) was slightly less than predicted by Richards\u27s stoichiometry and did not at all support any excess biogenic N2. PO–34 production, however, was twice the expectation from Richards\u27s stoichiometry suggesting that respired organic matter was P-rich as compared with C:N:P Redfield composition. These results suggest major gaps remain between current understanding of microbial N pathways in ODZs and their net biogeochemical output
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