25 research outputs found

    Estrogen signaling in testicular cells

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    International Symposium on Cell SignalingInternational audienceAromatase transforms irreversibly androgens into estrogens and is present in the endoplasmic reticulum of various tissues including the mammalian testis. In rat all testicular cells except peritubular cells express aromatase. Indeed in adult rat germ cells (pachytene spermatocytes and round spermatids) we have demonstrated the presence of a functional aromatase (transcript, protein and biological activity) and the estrogen output is equivalent to that of Leydig cells. In addition in the adult rat, transcripts of aromatase vary according to the germ cell type and to the stages of seminiferous epithelium. By contrast with the androgen receptors mainly localized in somatic cells, estrogen receptors (ERs) are described in most of the testicular cells including germ cells. Moreover, besides the presence of high affinity ERα and/or ERβ, a rapid membrane effect has been recently reported and we demonstrated that GPR30 (a transmembrane intracellular estrogen receptor) is expressed in adult rat pachytene spermatocytes. Therefore estrogens through both GPR30 and ERα are able to activate the rapid EGFR/ERK/c-jun signaling cascade, which in turn triggers an apoptotic mitochondrial pathway involving an increase in Bax expression and a concomitant reduction of cyclin A1 and B1 gene levels. In another study in round spermatids of adult rat we have shown that the rapid membrane effect of estradiol is also efficient in controlling apoptosis and maturation / differentiation of these haploid germ cells. In man the presence of a biologically active aromatase and of estrogen receptors has been reported in Leydig cells, but also in immature germ cells and ejaculated spermatozoa. Thus the role of estrogen (intracrine, autocrine and / or paracrine) in spermatogenesis (proliferation, apoptosis, survival and maturation) and more generally, in male reproduction is now evidenced taking into account the simultaneous presence of a biologically active aromatase and the widespread distribution of estrogen receptors especially in haploid germ cells

    Maternal parity affects placental development, growth and metabolism of foals until 1 year and a half

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    International audiencePrimiparous mares are known to produce smaller foals than multiparous mares. This difference seems to be partly explained by the reduced exchange surface and volume of the placental villi in primiparous compared to multiparous placentas. The effect of maternal parity on foals' post-natal growth, metabolism and sexual maturation, however, has been given little consideration. The objectives of this work were to analyse placental biometry and structure at term, growth of foals and yearlings, their metabolism and testicular maturation at one year of age. Twenty multiparous mares (M), aged over 6 years and 12 primiparous mares (P), aged up to 5 years were artificially inseminated with the same stallion and monitored the same way until foaling. At birth, foals and placentas were measured and placentas were sampled above at the umbilical cord insertion, as well as in the pregnant and the non-pregnant horn to perform stereological analyses. Foals were weighed and measured until 540 days of age. At 120 and 360 days of age, an Intravenous Glucose Tolerance Test was performed on foals and yearlings. At 360 days of age, the males were castrated and testicular maturation analysed by RT-qPCR. At birth, P dams produced lighter and smaller foals and placentas. The foal birth weight to placental surface ratio was lower in the P compared to the M group. P Foals remained lighter than M foals until 360 days of age and smaller until at least 540 days of age. At 120 days of age, P foals had a higher glucose tolerance than M foals, and then may be less mature than M foals in terms of the control of their glucose homeostasis. At 360 days of age, the testicles of prepubertal P stallions were less mature in the P vs the M group. In conclusion, primiparous dams produce intrauterine growth restricted, less mature and smaller foals compared to multiparous dams with altered metabolism and growth until at least 540 days of age. These differences could affect the sport career of these foals, especially if it begins at an early age