5 research outputs found

    Neighbour-Joining tree of 2,199 dengue 1 envelope gene sequences.

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    <p>Tree produced using Mega 5.05 software with Kimura-2 model. Bootstrap values (in percentage), generated by using 500 replicates, are only indicated for the nodes that define the genotypes, and for clades inside genotype 1. The sequences from the Latsavang outbreak are indicated by red dots. The other Lao strains from this study are indicated by light blue dots while a dark blue dot is used for the 1996 Lao strain. The sequences from Vientiane are indicated by ‘VTE’, the ones from Luang Namtha by ‘LNT’, and the ones from Salavan by ‘SV’; all followed by year of collection.</p

    Dengue assay results.

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    <p>ELISA results: hl.IgG: High Level IgG; ‘+’: for NS1, IgM or IgG, positive according to the manufacturer's instruction; ‘−’ for negative result; ‘N/A’: no sample available; ‘Inter’: Interpretation, ‘Den’: for evidence of dengue infection. PCR results: ‘Den’: dengue All; ‘Den1’: dengue 1; ‘PF’: panflavivirus; ‘nPF’: heminested panflavivirus; ‘Seqce’: sequencing result of PF or nPF PCR product; ‘+’ in case of dengue genome amplification; ‘−’ in case of no detection of dengue or <i>Flavivirus</i> genome.</p

    Genotype 1 subtree with genome sequences.

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    <p>Genotype 1 subtree, 843 sequences, from tree performed with the 39 Lao dengue 1 envelope sequences produced in this study aligned with the 1,318 DENV-1 almost complete sequences (>10,000 bases) downloaded from HFVdb. Evolutionary branches that do not include 2007–2010 Lao DENV-1 strains are not shown to increase the legibility. Origin, country (ISO 3166 code) and year of strains within these branches are indicated. The sequences from the Latsavang outbreak (XB) are indicated by red dots. The sequences from Luang Namtha (LNT) are indicated by squares, the one from Salavan (SV) by triangles and the ones from Vientiane (UI) by lozenges. Sequences from 2007 are in yellow, the ones from 2008 (except the ones from Latsavang) are in purple, the ones from 2009 in blue and the ones from 2010 in green. Groups of sequences supported by a high bootstrap value (>90) that contain at least one of Lao sequence are designated as cluster (1 to 7).</p