271 research outputs found

    Cold Positrons from Decaying Dark Matter

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    Many models of dark matter contain more than one new particle beyond those in the Standard Model. Often heavier particles decay into the lightest dark matter particle as the Universe evolves. Here we explore the possibilities that arise if one of the products in a (Heavy Particle) →\rightarrow (Dark Matter) decay is a positron, and the lifetime is shorter than the age of the Universe. The positrons cool down by scattering off the cosmic microwave background and eventually annihilate when they fall into Galactic potential wells. The resulting 511 keV flux not only places constraints on this class of models but might even be consistent with that observed by the INTEGRAL satellite.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    NeobiÄŤna pristunost juvenilnih primjeraka vrste Synagrops japonicus u jugozapadnom Mediteranu

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    This paper reports additional records of the Indo-Pacific fish Synagrops japonicus (Doderlein, 1884) in Western Mediterranean. Twenty juveniles of this species ranging from 4 to 4.8 cm (TL) were caught in Annaba Bay, Algeria, using beach seine, in Summer of 2011 (9 specimens, 4 ≤ TL ≤ 4.6 cm) and 2012 (11 specimens, 4.2 ≤ TL ≤ 4.8 cm). Some hypotheses on the origin of this unusual presence are discussed.U ovom radu se navode dodatni nalazi vrste Synagrops japonicus (Doderlein, 1884) u zapadnom Mediteranu. Uhvaćeno je dvadeset juvenilnih primjeraka ove vrste u rasponu od 4 do 4,8 cm (TL) u Annaba zaljevu, Alžir, pomoću obalne mreže potegače, u ljeto 2011. godine (9 primjeraka, 4 ≤ TL ≤ 4,6 cm) i 2012. (11 primjeraka, 4.2 ≤ TL ≤ 4,8 cm). U radu su iznesene neke hipoteze o podrijetlu ove neobične prisutnosti

    Surprising phenomena in a rich new class of inflationary models

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    We report on a new class of fast-roll inflationary models. In a huge part of its parameter space, inflationary perturbations exhibit quite unusual phenomena such as scalar and tensor modes freezing out at widely different times, as well as scalar modes reentering the horizon during inflation. In another, narrower range of parameters, this class of models agrees with observations. One specific point in parameter space is characterized by extraordinary behavior of the scalar perturbations. Freeze-out of scalar perturbations as well as particle production at horizon crossing are absent. Also the behavior of the perturbations around this quasi-de Sitter background is dual to a quantum field theory in flat space-time. Finally, the form of the primordial power spectrum is determined by the interaction between different modes of scalar perturbations.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, references + comments added, errors corrected, conclusions unchanged, version published in JCA

    TeV scale resonant leptogenesis from supersymmetry breaking

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    We propose a model of TeV-scale resonant leptogenesis based upon recent models of the generation of light neutrino masses from supersymmetry-breaking effects with TeV-scale right-handed (rhd) neutrinos, NiN_i. The model leads to naturally large cosmological lepton asymmetries via the resonant behaviour of the one-loop self-energy contribution to NiN_i decay. Our model addresses the primary problems of previous phenomenological studies of low-energy leptogenesis: a rational for TeV-scale rhd neutrinos with small Yukawa couplings so that the out-of equilibrium condition for NiN_i decay is satisfied; the origin of the tiny, but non-zero mass splitting required between at least two NiN_i masses; and the necessary non-trivial breaking of flavour symmetries in the rhd neutrino sector. The low mass-scale of the rhd neutrinos and their superpartners, and the TeV-scale AA-terms automatically contained within the model offer opportunities for partial direct experimental tests of this leptogenesis mechanism at future colliders.Comment: 10 Pages latex, version for JHE

    Comments on SUSY inflation models on the brane

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    In this paper we consider a class of inflation models on the brane where the dominant part of the inflaton scalar potential does not depend on the inflaton field value during inflation. In particular, we consider supernatural inflation, its hilltop version, A-term inflation, and supersymmetric (SUSY) D- and F-term hybrid inflation on the brane. We show that the parameter space can be broadened, the inflation scale generally can be lowered, and still possible to have the spectral index ns=0.96n_s=0.96.Comment: 7 page

    Dynamical compactification from de Sitter space

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    We show that D-dimensional de Sitter space is unstable to the nucleation of non-singular geometries containing spacetime regions with different numbers of macroscopic dimensions, leading to a dynamical mechanism of compactification. These and other solutions to Einstein gravity with flux and a cosmological constant are constructed by performing a dimensional reduction under the assumption of q-dimensional spherical symmetry in the full D-dimensional geometry. In addition to the familiar black holes, black branes, and compactification solutions we identify a number of new geometries, some of which are completely non-singular. The dynamical compactification mechanism populates lower-dimensional vacua very differently from false vacuum eternal inflation, which occurs entirely within the context of four-dimensions. We outline the phenomenology of the nucleation rates, finding that the dimensionality of the vacuum plays a key role and that among vacua of the same dimensionality, the rate is highest for smaller values of the cosmological constant. We consider the cosmological constant problem and propose a novel model of slow-roll inflation that is triggered by the compactification process.Comment: Revtex. 41 pages with 24 embedded figures. Minor corrections and added reference

    The shape of the CMB lensing bispectrum

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    Lensing of the CMB generates a significant bispectrum, which should be detected by the Planck satellite at the 5-sigma level and is potentially a non-negligible source of bias for f_NL estimators of local non-Gaussianity. We extend current understanding of the lensing bispectrum in several directions: (1) we perform a non-perturbative calculation of the lensing bispectrum which is ~10% more accurate than previous, first-order calculations; (2) we demonstrate how to incorporate the signal variance of the lensing bispectrum into estimates of its amplitude, providing a good analytical explanation for previous Monte-Carlo results; and (3) we discover the existence of a significant lensing bispectrum in polarization, due to a previously-unnoticed correlation between the lensing potential and E-polarization as large as 30% at low multipoles. We use this improved understanding of the lensing bispectra to re-evaluate Fisher-matrix predictions, both for Planck and cosmic variance limited data. We confirm that the non-negligible lensing-induced bias for estimation of local non-Gaussianity should be robustly treatable, and will only inflate f_NL error bars by a few percent over predictions where lensing effects are completely ignored (but note that lensing must still be accounted for to obtain unbiased constraints). We also show that the detection significance for the lensing bispectrum itself is ultimately limited to 9 sigma by cosmic variance. The tools that we develop for non-perturbative calculation of the lensing bispectrum are directly relevant to other calculations, and we give an explicit construction of a simple non-perturbative quadratic estimator for the lensing potential and relate its cross-correlation power spectrum to the bispectrum. Our numerical codes are publicly available as part of CAMB and LensPix.Comment: 32 pages, 10 figures; minor changes to match JCAP-accepted version. CMB lensing and primordial local bispectrum codes available as part of CAMB (http://camb.info/

    The Little Review on Leptogenesis

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    This is a brief review on the scenario of baryogenesis through leptogenesis. Leptogenesis is an appealing scenario that may relate the observed baryon asymmetry in the Universe to the low-energy neutrino data. In this review talk, particular emphasis is put on recent developments on the field, such as the flavourdynamics of leptogenesis and resonant leptogenesis near the electroweak phase transition. It is illustrated how these recent developments enable the modelling of phenomenologically predictive scenarios that can directly be tested at the LHC and indirectly in low-energy experiments of lepton-number and lepton-flavour violation.Comment: 15 pages, based on a plenary presentation given at the DISCRETE'08 Symposium, 11-16 December 2008, Valencia, Spai

    Generating the curvature perturbation at the end of inflation

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    The dominant contribution to the primordial curvature perturbation may be generated at the end of inflation. Taking the end of inflation to be sudden, formulas are presented for the spectrum, spectral tilt and non-gaussianity. They are evaluated for a minimal extension of the original hybrid inflation model.Comment: 5 pages. v3: as it will appear in JCA

    A Hydrodynamical Approach to CMB mu-distortions

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    Spectral distortion of the cosmic microwave background provides a unique opportunity to probe primordial perturbations on very small scales by performing large-scale measurements. We discuss in a systematic and pedagogic way all the relevant physical phenomena involved in the production and evolution of the mu-type spectral distortion. Our main results agree with previous estimates (in particular we show that a recently found factor of 3/4 arises from relativistic corrections to the wave energy). We also discuss several subleading corrections such as adiabatic cooling and the effects of bulk viscosity, baryon loading and photon heat conduction. Finally we calculate the transfer function for mu-distortions between the end of the mu-era and now.Comment: 45 page
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