94 research outputs found

    Fast, Accurate Second Order Methods for Network Optimization

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    Dual descent methods are commonly used to solve network flow optimization problems, since their implementation can be distributed over the network. These algorithms, however, often exhibit slow convergence rates. Approximate Newton methods which compute descent directions locally have been proposed as alternatives to accelerate the convergence rates of conventional dual descent. The effectiveness of these methods, is limited by the accuracy of such approximations. In this paper, we propose an efficient and accurate distributed second order method for network flow problems. The proposed approach utilizes the sparsity pattern of the dual Hessian to approximate the the Newton direction using a novel distributed solver for symmetric diagonally dominant linear equations. Our solver is based on a distributed implementation of a recent parallel solver of Spielman and Peng (2014). We analyze the properties of the proposed algorithm and show that, similar to conventional Newton methods, superlinear convergence within a neighbor- hood of the optimal value is attained. We finally demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach in a set of experiments on randomly generated networks.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1502.0315

    Are Random Decompositions all we need in High Dimensional Bayesian Optimisation?

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    Learning decompositions of expensive-to-evaluate black-box functions promises to scale Bayesian optimisation (BO) to high-dimensional problems. However, the success of these techniques depends on finding proper decompositions that accurately represent the black-box. While previous works learn those decompositions based on data, we investigate data-independent decomposition sampling rules in this paper. We find that data-driven learners of decompositions can be easily misled towards local decompositions that do not hold globally across the search space. Then, we formally show that a random tree-based decomposition sampler exhibits favourable theoretical guarantees that effectively trade off maximal information gain and functional mismatch between the actual black-box and its surrogate as provided by the decomposition. Those results motivate the development of the random decomposition upper-confidence bound algorithm (RDUCB) that is straightforward to implement - (almost) plug-and-play - and, surprisingly, yields significant empirical gains compared to the previous state-of-the-art on a comprehensive set of benchmarks. We also confirm the plug-and-play nature of our modelling component by integrating our method with HEBO, showing improved practical gains in the highest dimensional tasks from Bayesmark
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