473 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the technique of female shot put athletes. In this paper the ANN Analysis Model of sport Technique (ANNAMT) was applied to the data. It was shown that there were three possible ways to use this technique. The first was to reveal the general principles underlying an activity. The second method was to determine what differences exist between elite and other athletes and finally to achieve an individual technique diagnosis for direction in training. This study demonstrates the potential of the system that was developed previously for this purpose. It has the ability to standardize and program the technique analysis course, to some extent overcoming subjective decisions. This study suggests that ANNAMT could be used to establish sports training programs if the database was made available, compiled from performances of elite athletes

    On precision holography for the circular Wilson loop in AdS5Γ—S5AdS_{5}\times S^{5}

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    The string theory calculation of the 1/2-BPS circular Wilson loop of N=4 SYM in the planar limit at next to leading order at strong coupling is revisited in the ratio of its semiclassical string partition function and the one dual to a latitude Wilson loop with trivial expectation value. After applying a conformal transformation from the disk to the cylinder, this problem can be approached by means of the Gel'fand-Yaglom formalism. Using results from the literature and the exclusion of zero modes from a modified Gel'fand-Yaglom formula, we obtain matching with the known field theory result. As seen in the phaseshift method computation, non-zero mode contributions cancel and the end result comes from the zero mode degeneracies of the latitude Wilson loop.Comment: 7 pages, published versio


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    By using the, methods of experiment and documentary, the data and motor photo of liu Xiang attending Olympic and pre-Olympic games were collected and digitized. Based on the sport training practice, Liu-Xiang 110m hurdle sport techniques were investigated. Results show that the performance showing the technique characteristics of short flight time, long offending hurdle distance, short landing distance, high sprint pace frequency and the hip-hurdling style which postponed hold-down-hurdle time, enhanced hold-downhurdle speed and decreased landing time. His knee conceding angle was small and pelvis swung rapidly

    Flat-band and multi-dimensional fermions in Pb10(PO4)6O4

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    Employing a combination of first-principles calculations and low-energy effective models, we present a comprehensive investigation on the electronic structure of Pb10_{10}(PO4_{4})6_{6}O4_{4}, which exhibits remarkable quasi-one-dimensional flat-band around the Fermi level that contains novel multi-dimensional fermions. These flat bands predominantly originate from px/pyp_x/p_y orbital of the oxygen molecules chain at 4e4e Wyckoff positions, and thus can be well-captured by a four-band tight-binding model. Furthermore, the abundant crystal symmetry inherent to Pb10_{10}(PO4_{4})6_{6}O4_{4} provides an ideal platform for the emergence of various multi-dimensional fermions, including a 0D four-fold degenerated Dirac fermion with quadratic dispersion, a 1D quadratic/linear nodal-line (QNL/LNL) fermion along symmetric kk-paths, 1D hourglass nodal-line (HNL) fermion linked to the Dirac fermion, and a 2D symmetry-enforced nodal surface (NS) found on the kzk_z=Ο€\pi plane. Moreover, when considering the weak ferromagnetic order, Pb10_{10}(PO4_{4})6_{6}O4_{4} transforms into a rare semi-half-metal, which is characterized by the presence of Dirac fermion and HNL fermion at the Fermi level for a single spin channel exhibiting 100%\% spin polarization. Our findings reveal the coexistence of flat bands, diverse topological semimetal states and ferromagnetism within in Pb10_{10}(PO4_{4})6_{6}O4_{4}, which may provide valuable insights for further exploring intriguing interplay between superconductivity and exotic electronic states.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    TI-DNS: A Trusted and Incentive DNS Resolution Architecture based on Blockchain

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    Domain Name System (DNS) is a critical component of the Internet infrastructure, responsible for translating domain names into IP addresses. However, DNS is vulnerable to some malicious attacks, including DNS cache poisoning, which redirects users to malicious websites displaying offensive or illegal content. Existing countermeasures often suffer from at least one of the following weakness: weak attack resistance, high overhead, or complex implementation. To address these challenges, this paper presents TI-DNS, a blockchain-based DNS resolution architecture designed to detect and correct the forged DNS records caused by the cache poisoning attacks in the DNS resolution process. TI-DNS leverages a multi-resolver Query Vote mechanism to ensure the credibility of verified records on the blockchain ledger and a stake-based incentive mechanism to promote well-behaved participation. Importantly, TI-DNS is easy to be adopted as it only requires modifications to the resolver side of current DNS infrastructure. Finally, we develop a prototype and evaluate it against alternative solutions. The result demonstrates that TI-DNS effectively and efficiently solves DNS cache poisoning

    SGD with a Constant Large Learning Rate Can Converge to Local Maxima

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    Previous works on stochastic gradient descent (SGD) often focus on its success. In this work, we construct worst-case optimization problems illustrating that, when not in the regimes that the previous works often assume, SGD can exhibit many strange and potentially undesirable behaviors. Specifically, we construct landscapes and data distributions such that (1) SGD converges to local maxima, (2) SGD escapes saddle points arbitrarily slowly, (3) SGD prefers sharp minima over flat ones, and (4) AMSGrad converges to local maxima. We also realize results in a minimal neural network-like example. Our results highlight the importance of simultaneously analyzing the minibatch sampling, discrete-time updates rules, and realistic landscapes to understand the role of SGD in deep learning.Comment: ICLR 2022 Spotligh
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