1 research outputs found

    A Continued Fraction-Hyperbola based Attack on RSA cryptosystem

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    In this paper we present new arithmetical and algebraic results following the work of Babindamana and al. on hyperbolas and describe from the new results an approach to attacking a RSA-type modulus based on continued fractions, independent and not bounded by the size of the private key dd nor public exponent ee compared to Wiener's attack. When successful, this attack is bounded by O(blogαj4log(αi3+αj3))\displaystyle\mathcal{O}\left( b\log{\alpha_{j4}}\log{(\alpha_{i3}+\alpha_{j3})}\right) with b=10yb=10^{y}, αi3+αj3\alpha_{i3}+\alpha_{j3} a non trivial factor of nn and αj4\alpha_{j4} such that (n+1)/(n1)=αi4/αj4(n+1)/(n-1)=\alpha_{i4}/\alpha_{j4}. The primary goal of this attack is to find a point Xα=(α3, α3+1)Z2\displaystyle X_{\alpha}=\left(-\alpha_{3}, \ \alpha_{3}+1 \right) \in \mathbb{Z}^{2}_{\star} that satisfies Xα3, P3=0\displaystyle\left\langle X_{\alpha_{3}}, \ P_{3} \right\rangle =0 from a convergent of αi4αj4+δ\displaystyle\frac{\alpha_{i4}}{\alpha_{j4}}+\delta, with P3Bn(x,y)x4nP_{3}\in \mathcal{B}_{n}(x, y)_{\mid_{x\geq 4n}}. We finally present some experimental examples. We believe these results constitute a new direction in RSA Cryptanalysis using continued fractions