1,695 research outputs found

    A Keck/HIRES Doppler Search for Planets Orbiting Metal-Poor Dwarfs. I. Testing Giant Planet Formation and Migration Scenarios

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    We describe a high-precision Doppler search for giant planets orbiting a well-defined sample of metal-poor dwarfs in the field. This experiment constitutes a fundamental test of theoretical predictions which will help discriminate between proposed giant planet formation and migration models. We present here details on the survey as well as an overall assessment of the quality of our measurements, making use of the results for the stars that show no significant velocity variation.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Models of the formation of the planets in the 47 UMa system

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    Formation of planets in the 47 UMa system is followed in an evolving protoplanetary disk composed of gas and solids. The evolution of the disk is calculated from an early stage, when all solids, assumed to be high-temperature silicates, are in the dust form, to the stage when most solids are locked in planetesimals. The simulation of planetary evolution starts with a solid embryo of ~1 Earth mass, and proceeds according to the core accretion -- gas capture model. Orbital parameters are kept constant, and it is assumed that the environment of each planet is not perturbed by the second planet. It is found that conditions suitable for both planets to form within several Myr are easily created, and maintained throughout the formation time, in disks with α0.01\alpha \approx 0.01. In such disks, a planet of 2.6 Jupiter masses (the minimum for the inner planet of the 47 UMa system) may be formed at 2.1 AU from the star in \~3 Myr, while a planet of 0.89 Jupiter masses (the minimum for the outer planet) may be formed at 3.95 AU from the star in about the same time. The formation of planets is possible as a result of a significant enhancement of the surface density of solids between 1.0 and 4.0 AU, which results from the evolution of a disk with an initially uniform gas-to-dust ratio of 167 and an initial radius of 40 AU.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 10 pages, 10 figure

    The Thermal Regulation of Gravitational Instabilities in Protoplanetary Disks II. Extended Simulations with Varied Cooling Rates

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    In order to investigate mass transport and planet formation by gravitational instabilities (GIs), we have extended our 3-D hydrodynamic simulations of protoplanetary disks from a previous paper. Our goal is to determine the asymptotic behavior of GIs and how it is affected by different constant cooling times. Initially, Rdisk = 40 AU, Mdisk = 0.07 Mo, M* = 0.5 Mo, and Qmin = 1.8. Sustained cooling, with tcool = 2 orps (outer rotation periods, 1 orp ~ 250 yrs), drives the disk to instability in ~ 4 orps. This calculation is followed for 23.5 orps. After 12 orps, the disk settles into a quasi-steady state with sustained nonlinear instabilities, an average Q = 1.44 over the outer disk, a well-defined power-law Sigma(r), and a roughly steady Mdot ~ 5(-7) Mo/yr. The transport is driven by global low-order spiral modes. We restart the calculation at 11.2 orps with tcool = 1 and 1/4 orp. The latter case is also run at high azimuthal resolution. We find that shorter cooling times lead to increased Mdots, denser and thinner spiral structures, and more violent dynamic behavior. The asymptotic total internal energy and the azimuthally averaged Q(r) are insensitive to tcool. Fragmentation occurs only in the high-resolution tcool = 1/4 orp case; however, none of the fragments survive for even a quarter of an orbit. Ring-like density enhancements appear and grow near the boundary between GI active and inactive regions. We discuss the possible implications of these rings for gas giant planet formation.Comment: Due to document size restrictions, the complete manuscript could not be posted on astroph. Please go to http://westworld.astro.indiana.edu to download the full document including figure

    Ethylene and other stimuli affect expression of the UDP glucose-flavonoid 3-O-glucosyltransferase in a non-climacteric fruit

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    The UDP glucose-flavonoid 3-O-glucoslyltransferase (UFGT) is a key enzyme for biosynthesis and stability of anthocyanin pigments of red grapes. Understanding factors affecting expression of this enzyme is thus important for the control of grape colour. A 1640 bp promoter region of the grapevine ufgt gene was cloned and sequenced. Sequence analysis revealed seven putative ethylene-responsive cis-elements and others related to three major signals known to induce anthocyanin accumulation in plant tissues: light, sugar, and abscisic acid. In order to evaluate the ability of ethylene and other signals to drive expression from the ufgt promoter, we ran transient expression experiments using an anthocyanin-rich grape cell culture, with very low green auto-fluorescence. After biolistic bombardment, the cells were treated with various combinations of the four signals on gfp expression (green fluorescent protein). The comparison of fluorescent light intensity in cells subjected to the various treatments showed that ethylene better stimulates expression of the ufgt promoter in the dark than under light. In addition, results showed that there may be a positive interaction between ethylene and abscisic acid. This system, a promoter of interest driving the gfp expression in cells with low auto-fluorescence, may be a good tool for studies about synergistic or antagonist roles of transcription factors. Moreover, treatment of grape berries with a specific inhibitor of ethylene receptors (1-methylcyclopropene) inhibited ufgt mRNA accumulation. This confirms that the ethylene signal is likely a regulator of grape UFGT expression in a non-climacteric fruit.

    Substellar companions and isolated planetary mass objects from protostellar disc fragmentation

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    Self-gravitating protostellar discs are unstable to fragmentation if the gas can cool on a time scale that is short compared to the orbital period. We use a combination of hydrodynamic simulations and N-body orbit integrations to study the long term evolution of a fragmenting disc with an initial mass ratio to the star of M_disc/M_star = 0.1. For a disc which is initially unstable across a range of radii, a combination of collapse and subsequent accretion yields substellar objects with a spectrum of masses extending (for a Solar mass star) up to ~0.01 M_sun. Subsequent gravitational evolution ejects most of the lower mass objects within a few million years, leaving a small number of very massive planets or brown dwarfs in eccentric orbits at moderately small radii. Based on these results, systems such as HD 168443 -- in which the companions are close to or beyond the deuterium burning limit -- appear to be the best candidates to have formed via gravitational instability. If massive substellar companions originate from disc fragmentation, while lower-mass planetary companions originate from core accretion, the metallicity distribution of stars which host massive substellar companions at radii of ~1 au should differ from that of stars with lower mass planetary companions.Comment: 5 pages, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Annealing of Silicate Dust by Nebular Shocks at 10 AU

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    Silicate dust grains in the interstellar medium are known to be mostly amorphous, yet crystalline silicate grains have been observed in many long-period comets and in protoplanetary disks. Annealing of amorphous silicate grains into crystalline grains requires temperatures > 1000 K, but exposure of dust grains in comets to such high temperatures is incompatible with the generally low temperatures experienced by comets. This has led to the proposal of models in which dust grains were thermally processed near the protoSun, then underwent considerable radial transport until they reached the gas giant planet region where the long-period comets originated. We hypothesize instead that silicate dust grains were annealed in situ, by shock waves triggered by gravitational instabilities. We assume a shock speed of 5 km/s, a plausible value for shocks driven by gravitational instabilities. We calculate the peak temperatures of micron and submicron amorphous pyroxene grains of chondritic composition under conditions typical in protoplanetary disks at 5 - 10 AU. Our results also apply to chondritic amorphous olivine grains. We show that {\it in situ} thermal annealing of submicron and micron-sized silicate dust grains can occur, obviating the need for large-scale radial transport.Comment: 12 pages; includes 1 figure, 1 table; accepted by ApJ Letter

    Convergence of SPH simulations of self-gravitating accretion discs: Sensitivity to the implementation of radiative cooling

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    Recent simulations of self-gravitating accretion discs, carried out using a three-dimensional Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) code by Meru and Bate, have been interpreted as implying that three-dimensional global discs fragment much more easily than would be expected from a two-dimensional local model. Subsequently, global and local two-dimensional models have been shown to display similar fragmentation properties, leaving it unclear whether the three-dimensional results reflect a physical effect or a numerical problem associated with the treatment of cooling or artificial viscosity in SPH. Here, we study how fragmentation of self-gravitating disc flows in SPH depends upon the implementation of cooling. We run disc simulations that compare a simple cooling scheme, in which each particle loses energy based upon its internal energy per unit mass, with a method in which the cooling is derived from a smoothed internal energy density field. For the simple per particle cooling scheme, we find a significant increase in the minimum cooling time scale for fragmentation with increasing resolution, matching previous results. Switching to smoothed cooling, however, results in lower critical cooling time scales, and tentative evidence for convergence at the highest spatial resolution tested. We conclude that precision studies of fragmentation using SPH require careful consideration of how cooling (and, probably, artificial viscosity) is implemented, and that the apparent non-convergence of the fragmentation boundary seen in prior simulations is likely a numerical effect. In real discs, where cooling is physically smoothed by radiative transfer effects, the fragmentation boundary is probably displaced from the two-dimensional value by a factor that is only of the order of unity.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures, MNRAS in pres

    A Search for Exozodiacal Clouds with Kepler

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    Planets embedded within dust disks may drive the formation of large scale clumpy dust structures by trapping dust into resonant orbits. Detection and subsequent modeling of the dust structures would help constrain the mass and orbit of the planet and the disk architecture, give clues to the history of the planetary system, and provide a statistical estimate of disk asymmetry for future exoEarth-imaging missions. Here we present the first search for these resonant structures in the inner regions of planetary systems by analyzing the light curves of hot Jupiter planetary candidates identified by the Kepler mission. We detect only one candidate disk structure associated with KOI 838.01 at the 3-sigma confidence level, but subsequent radial velocity measurements reveal that KOI 838.01 is a grazing eclipsing binary and the candidate disk structure is a false positive. Using our null result, we place an upper limit on the frequency of dense exozodi structures created by hot Jupiters. We find that at the 90% confidence level, less than 21% of Kepler hot Jupiters create resonant dust clumps that lead and trail the planet by ~90 degrees with optical depths >~5*10^-6, which corresponds to the resonant structure expected for a lone hot Jupiter perturbing a dynamically cold dust disk 50 times as dense as the zodiacal cloud.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap

    Effect of B-site Dopants on Magnetic and Transport Properties of LaSrCoRuO6_6

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    Effect of Co, Ru and Cu substitution at B and B' sites on the magnetic and transport properties of LaSrCoRuO6_6 have been investigated. All the doped compositions crystallize in the monoclinic structure in the space group P21/nP2_1/n indicating a double perovskite structure. While the magnetization and conductivity increase in Co and Ru doped compounds, antiferromagnetism is seen to strengthen in the Cu doped samples. These results are explained on the basis of a competition between linear Co-O-Ru-O-Co and perpendicular Co-O-O-Co antiferromagnetic interactions and due to formation of Ru-O-Ru ferromagnetic networks

    Dusty Cometary Globules in W5

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    We report the discovery of four dusty cometary tails around low mass stars in two young clusters belonging to the W5 star forming region. Fits to the observed emission profiles from 24 micron observations with the Spitzer Space Telescope give tail lifetimes < 30 Myr, but more likely < 5 Myr. This result suggests that the cometary phase is a short lived phenomenon, occurring after photoevaporation by a nearby O star has removed gas from the outer disk of a young low mass star (see also Balog et al. 2006; Balog et al. 2008).Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication to ApJ Letter