53 research outputs found

    Algoritm i programm dlja opredelenija kanoničeskih sootnoŔčenij meždu latentnymi dvuh grupp nekvantitativnyh dannyh

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    Predložen je algoritam i napisan program za utvrđivanje kanoničkih relacija ortogoniliziranih, i prethodno dovedenih u neku parsomonijsku poziciju, intentnih dimenzija u dva skupa nominalnih varijabli, transformiranih u binarni oblik.The algorithm is proposed and the program written to establish canonical relations between latent dimensions of two groups of nonquantitative data transformed into binary form. The basis for canonical analysis is obtained by means of orthogonalization of entity values on the reduced major components of the probability matrix, transformed into various position. The program is written in the SS meta-language (ZakrajÅ”ek, Å talec, Momirović. 1974)

    Algoritm i programm dlja opredelenija kanoničeskih sootnoŔčenij meždu latentnymi dvuh grupp nekvantitativnyh dannyh

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    Predložen je algoritam i napisan program za utvrđivanje kanoničkih relacija ortogoniliziranih, i prethodno dovedenih u neku parsomonijsku poziciju, intentnih dimenzija u dva skupa nominalnih varijabli, transformiranih u binarni oblik.The algorithm is proposed and the program written to establish canonical relations between latent dimensions of two groups of nonquantitative data transformed into binary form. The basis for canonical analysis is obtained by means of orthogonalization of entity values on the reduced major components of the probability matrix, transformed into various position. The program is written in the SS meta-language (ZakrajÅ”ek, Å talec, Momirović. 1974)

    VzaimootnoŔčenija intellektual\u27nyh faktorov i uspeŔnosti v futbole

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    Na uzorku od 50 studenata Fakulteta za fizičku kulturu, pozitivno selekcioniranih s obzirom na kognitivne sposobnosti i poznavanje nogometa, provedeno je istraživanje relacije kognitivnih faktora i uspjeha u nogometu određenog subjektivnim procjenama sudaca za pojedine aspekte igre i relacija kognitivnih faktora i uspjeha u nogometu određenog kao rezultat na situaciono-motoričkim faktorima specifičnim za nogomet, izvedenim iz objektivnih testova. Rezultati istraživanja obrađeni su kvazikanoničkom analizom pod OCR modelom (Momirović, Dobrić i Karaman, 1983) i regresijskom analizom pod SRA modelom (Momirović i Štalec, 1983) pri čemu su u svim analizama kognitivni faktori imali status prediktora. Jedna značajna veza dobijena je kvazikanoničkom analizom skupa kognitivnih faktora i skupa situaciono-motoričkih faktora s malom ali značajnom prvom kvazikanoničko korelacijom od 0.299.The relationship between cognitive factors, defined as the efficiency of perceptive (INPUT), parallel (PARAL) and serial (SERIJ) processors, and two sets of indicators of performance in football was investigated in a group of 50 males positively selected for cognitive abilities and with at least an average knowledge of football in comparison with active footballers. The results were subjected to quasicanonical (QCR model) and regression (SRA model) analysis. Neither quasicanonical nor regression analysis, in which cognitive factors had the status of predictors of evaluation of individual aspects of the game, showed a significant correlation between cognitive factors and performance when this was determined by the evaluations of judges who awarded points for technique (TEHNIK), play in attack (NAPAD), play in defense (OBRANA), creativity (STVARA), responsibility (ODGOVO), commitment (ANGAZI), control of behaviour (PONASA) and overall efficiency (OPCOCJ) after observing players over a number of matches. When performance was defined as results in tests of situational-motoric factors specific to football, the first quasicanonical correlation between cognitive factors and performance was small but significant. It was formed by the almost equal participation of all three cognitive factors while the participation of situational-motoric factors of football was greatest for speed of non-linear running (BKRVIT) and the lesser for dribbling speed (BRZVOD) and manipulation with the ball (BARATL). Regression analysis did not give any significant multiple correlation in the prediction of individual situational-motoric factors by means of the set of cognitive factors. It is concluded that in a segment of the population of above-average cognitive status and with average playing quality in football there exists a weak positive relationship between cognitive factors and performance. However, it can be detected using objective means to determine the level of performance and by analyzing the relations between the full set of cognitive factors and the full set of situational-motoric factor specific to football

    Struktura intellektual\u27nyh spososbnostej i zanjatie sportom i vzgljady o sporte

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    Na reprezentativnom uzorku od 720 ispitanika iz jugoslavenske muÅ”ke populacije u dobi od 18 do 27 godina određene su relacije između kognitivnih sposobnosti i stupanj angažiranosti i stava prema sportu regresijskom analizom pod modelom najmanjih kvadrata i regresijskom analizom pod SRA modelom. Analize pod oba modela su pokazale statistički značajne, ali niske korelacije, koje u oba slučaja određuje pozitivna povezanost testa serijalnog procesiranja i negativna povezanost testa paralellnog procesiranja u angažiranoŔću sportom. Analizirani rezultati pokazuju da veći stupanj angažiranost u sportu imaju osobe čija kognitiivna struktura nije optimalna za postizanje vrhunskih rezultataThe representative sample of 720 Yugoslav males aged 18 to 27 was involved in the study of the relations between engagement and attitude toward sport on one hand, and the cognitive abilities on the other. The regression analysis was applied under the model of least squares, as well as the regression analysis under the SRA model. The cognitive abilities were defined by the of the perceptual, parallel and serial processing and the criterion variable, the general attitude and involvement in sport was quantified by determining the first principal component of the items of the scale KI (Mraković, 1971). The analyses under both models show statistically multiple correlations of low values which are in both examples determined by the positive correlation of the test for serial processing and the negative correlation of the best for parallel processing and the attitude toward sport. The analyzed results show that those subjects that have a more positive and greater degree of involvement in sport also have a cognitive structure which is not optimal for achievements of top-level results

    Analiz nekotoryh rezul\u27tatob, polučennyh v testah umstvennyh sposobnostej i v testah ličnosti perspektivnyh sporstmenov SR Horvatii

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    Na uzorku od 80 perspektivnih sportaÅ”a SR Hrvatske muÅ”kog spola od 15-27 godina, angažiranih u 13 različitih sportova, primijenjena je baterija SVPN-2 za procjenu kognitivnih sposobnosti, te MMPI za procjenu konativnih osobina. Taksonomska analiza (pod modelom polarnih taksona) rezultata transformiranih u image obliku dala je tri karakteristične grupe sportaÅ”a. Analizom sportaÅ”a tipičnih za pojedinu taksonomsku skupinu nije nađena veća veza između vrste sportaÅ”a, kao ni dobi, i dobijenih skupina.Eight perspective male sportsmen in SR of Croatia, aged 15 to 27, active in training and playing of soccer, wrestling, rowing, judo, bycicling, bowling, tennis, water-polo, basketball, track-and-field, swimming, handball and softball were studied. The intellectual abilities of the sportsmen were assessed by means of SVPN-2 (spatial, verbal, perceptive and numerical factor) battery while in assessing of the personality factors the MMPI was used. Taxonomic analysis was applied to these results under the model of polar taxons in the image space. Three characteristic groups of sportsmen were isolated. The first group may be described as possessing a developed intellectual functioning, a great sincerity and an individual and self-assured approach to problems. Neurotic tendencies, self-pity and identification problems are characteristics of the second group while the third group shows weaker intellectual functioning and various disturbances pointing generally to dissociation. The analysis of the most characteristic sportsmen in each taxonomic group did not give evidence of any greater relation between the kind of sport and age, and the obtained groups

    VzaimotnoŔenija intellektual\u27nyh faktorov i uspeŔnosti v igre vručnoj mjač

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    Na uzorku od 53 studenata Fakulteta za fizičku kulturu istražena je povezanost kognitivnih faktora definiranih kao efikasnost perceptivnog, paralelnog i serijalnog procesiranja i uspjeha u igri rukometa, opisanog skupom sudačkih ocjena i rezultatima na situaciono-motoričkim faktorima rukometa, izvedenim iz objektivnih testova. Utvrđena je povezanost srednjeg intenziteta koja se pretežno može pripisati učeŔću kognitivnih funkcija, u prvom redu paralelnom procesiranju, u rjeÅ”avanju problemnih situacija u rukometnoj igri i pri analizi povratnih informacija potrebnih za adaptivnu regulaciju gibanja.The relationship between cognitive factors, defined as the efficacy of perceptive (INPUT), parallel (PARAL) and serial (SERIJ) processing, and two sets of measures of performance was investigated in 53 males subjects positively selected for their cognitive abilities and judged as being below average handball players. The first set of measures consisted of evaluations made by judges efficacy in the phase of defence (OBRANA), production of original solutions during play (STVARA), keeping in line with the agreed tactics (ODGOVO), range and motoric activity during play (ANGAZI), control of behaviour in accidental situations (PONASA) and the total contribution to the outcome of the match (OPCOCJ). The second set of measures of performance in handball consisted f situational motoric factors extracted from objectve tests relatiing to individual elements of the game of handball and defined as precision of hitting a non-moving target (PRECIZ), manipulation with the ball (BARLOP), speed of movement with the ball (BKRSLO), speed of movement without the ball (BKBRLO) and ball-throwing power (SIZBLO). A quasicanonical analysis using the QCR model established a significant first quasicanonical correlation between cognitive factors an the set of judges\u27 evaluations (r=0.34) and between cognitive factors an the set of situational motoric factors of handball (r=0.40). A regression analysis using the SRA model, in which cognitive factors had the status of predictors, gave significant multiple correlations with judges\u27 evaluations of the production of original solutions in the game (r=0.32), keeping in line with agreed tactics (0.33) and control of behaviour (r=0.32) and with situational motoric factors, manipulation with the ball (r=0.42) and speed of movement with the ball (r=0.35). The observed correlations can mainly be assigned to the participation of cognitive functions, primarily the function of the parallel processor in the solution of problem situations in handball and in the analysis of feedback information required for adaptive regulation of movement

    VzaimootnoŔenija intellektual\u27nyh faktorov i uspeŔnosti v basketbole

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    Na uzorku muÅ”karaca, pozitivno selekcioniranih s obzirom na kognitivne sposobnosti, te osrednje razine ograničenog raspona koÅ”arkaÅ”kih sposobnosti, provedeno je istraživanje relacija kognitivnih faktora i uspjeha u koÅ”arkaÅ”koj igri određenog na temelju ocjena sudaca za igru na utakmicama i na temelju rezultata na situaciono-motoričkim faktorima izvedenim iz objektivnih testova. Rezultati su podvrgnuti kvazikanoničkoj analizi OCR modelom (Momirović, Dobrić, Karaman, 1983) i regresijskoj analizi pod SRA modelom (Momirović i Å talec, 1983). Skup kognitivnih faktora imao je status prediktora. Regresijske analize nisu pokazale niti jednu značajnu vezu. U obje kvazikanoničke analize dobijene su niske korelacije. Kvazikanonička korelacija kognitivnih faktora su sa sudačkim ocjenama na granici je značajnosti i iznosi 23. Sa situaciono-motoričkim faktorima kvazikanonička korelacija iznosi .24 i značajno je na nivou p=0.05.The relationship between cognitive factors and two sets of measures of performance in basketball were investigated on a group of male students of the Faculty of Physical Education who had been positively selected with regard to their cognitive abilities and who were basketball players of average quality. The cognitive factors were defined as efficiency of the perceptive processor (INPUT), efficiency of the parallel processor (PARAL) and efficiency of the serial processor (SERIJ). The first set of measures of performance in basketball were obtained with the aid of evaluations made by judges at regular matches and related to seven aspects of the game: (1) efficiency of play (TEHNIK), (2) efficiency of play in attack (NAPAD), (3) efficiency in play in defence (OBRANA), (4) creativity in the game (STVARA), (5) responsibility with respect to the agreed tactics (PONASA) and (8) general efficiency of play (OPCOCJ). The second set of measures of performance consisted of results for situational-motoric factors extracted from objective tests which contain certain elements of basketball. The situational factors were defined (1) precision of passing (PRECDO), (2) precision of shooting (PRECUB), (3) manipulation with the ball (MANLOP), (4) efficacy of movement with and without the ball (EFKRET) and (5) ball-throwing power (SNAIZB). The results were subjected to quasicanonical (QCR model) and regression (SRA) analysis. The regression analysis did not show any significant multiple correlation between cognitive factors as the predictive set and individual measures of performance defined by judges\u27 evaluations, nor between the set of cognitive factors and individual situational-motoric factors. The quasicanonical analysis of the relationships between cognitive factors and judges\u27 evaluations gave a small, barely significant (r=.225) correlation which was interpreted as a connection between cognitive factors and the evaluation of bahaviour of the general modality. This analysis was carried out on 50 subjects. The quasicanonical analysis of the relationships between cognitive factors and situational-motoric factors also gave a small correlation (r=.243), significant at the p=0.05 level. It is assumed that this relationship was realized through the participation of part of the variability of the basal motoric factor coordination with which the situational-motoric factors are saturated. This analysis was carried out on 53 subjects. The results of the investigation confirm the existence of positive link between cognitive factors and performance in basketball and also indicate the possibility of realizing this link through various mechanisms. In order to draw reliable conclusions about the intensity and structure of this relationship it will be necessary to carry out further investigations on a greater number of subjects with a wider range of results for cognitive factors and quality of play

    VzaimootnoŔenija intellektual\u27nyh faktorov i uspeŔnosti v volejbole

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    Na uzorku od 53 muÅ”karca, pozitivno selekcionirana s obzirom na kognitivne sposobnosti i osrednjeg poznavanja odbojkaÅ”ke igre, provedeno je istraživanje relacija kognitivnih faktora i uspjeha u odbojci, određenog subjektivnim ocjenama sudaca za pojedine aspekte igre na utakmicama i rezultatima na situaciono-motoričkim faktorima izvedenim iz objektivnih testova. Primijenjena je kvazikanonička analiza pod QCR modelom i regresijska analiza pod SRA modelom. Jedina značajna veza utvrđena je kvazikanoničkom analizom relacije skupa kognitivnih faktora i skupa situaciono-motoričkih faktora, kojom je ustanovljena korelacija niske vrijednosti r=0.255, objaÅ”njena učeŔćem kognitivnih procesa serijalnog tipa u izvođenju elemenata odbojkaÅ”ke igre kod kojih se zahtijeva odbijanje nabačene lopte u smjeru zadanog cilja.The relationship between cognitive factors and performance in volleyball was investigated in a group of 53 male subjects positively selected for cognitive abilities and with an average knowledge of the game of volleyball. The data were analyzed by quasicanonical (QCR model) and regression (SRA model) analysis. The results of the analyses did not show any significant correlation between cognitive factors, defined as efficacy of the perceptive, parallel and serial processors, and performance in the game determined by the subjective evaluations of judges for technique, attack, defence, creativity, responsibility, commitment, control of behaviour in accidental situations and overall performance. Moreover, both the greatest quasicanonical correlation and the multiple correlation when the set of cognitive factors was used to predict individual evaluations were not significant. However, in the quasicanonical anlysis of the relationship between cognitive factors and situational-motoric factors extracted from objective tests which are in the main similar to elements of the game of volleyball, a small but significant correlation was found between cognitive abilities and ability in volleyball defined in this way. The greatest quasicanonical correlation of 0.255 was significant at the p=0.05 level. The basic carriers of this correlation were the factor of serial processing from the set of cognitive factors and the factors of precision of passing and hitting the ball with the forearm frm the set of situational-motoric factors precision of smashing and power with which the ball is hit. The part of the variance of the situational-motoric factors mentioned may be attributed to the efficacy of estimating the path of the ball\u27s motion, efficacy of estimating the moment in time at which to start a motoric action and the efficacy of determining the trajectory of the ball towards a target. These cognitive abilities are mainly of the serial type. The correlation between cognitive factors and situational-motoric factors is therefore explained by the participation of serial processing in the performance of elements of the game of volleyball which an incoming ball is hit in the direction of the required target. In further investigations especial attention should be given to the relationship motoric endurance and cognitive factors in selected subjects. Namely, the situational-motoric factor of speed endurance of volleyball players showed a negative correlation with the group of cognitive factors which is in accordance with the results of canonical correlation analysis of cognitive factors and basal motoric factors on the total sample of subjects of this investigation. There are factors subordinate to the mechanism on which motoric endurance is dependent were also negatively correlated with the factors of intelligence. So far no satisfactory explanation has been found for this phenomenon. The next phase of the investigation should also confirm the correlation between cognitive factors and performance in elements of the game of volleyball after partialization of the variance of morphological factors since the results indicate the possibility that most of the correlation is masked by the influence of morphological factors of performance

    Kibernetički model kognitivnog funkcioniranja: pokuŔaj sinteze nekih teorija o strukturi kognitivnih sposobnosti

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    Eksplorativna i konfirmativna analiza !latentne strukture mjernih instrumenata za procjenu kognitivnih funkcija na jednom pozitivno selekcioniranom uzorku ispitanika pokazala je da se osnovne kognitivne sposobnosti mogu svesti na efikasnost perceptivnog, paralelnog i serijalnog procesora, i da u prostoru drugog reda nesumnjivo postoji jak generalni kognitivni faktor koji se može pripisati efikasnosti centralnog procesora
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