2 research outputs found

    The Law on Foreigners in the F. R. of Germany

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    Prava stranaca u SR Njemačkoj regulirana su Zakonom za strance. U prvom dijelu teksta autorica prikazuje razvoj tog zakonodavstva na području Njemačke od 1794. do danas (na snazi je još uvijek Zakon donesen 1965). Sa 1. siječnja 1991. stupa na snagu novi Zakon o strancima. U drugom dijelu teksta navedeni su elementi kojima će taj zakon poboljšati ali i pogoršati pravni status stranaca. Poboljšanja čine pravo na učvršćivanje boravišnog statusa i doseljenje obitelji; mogućnost povratka mladih stranaca; pravo druge generacije na olakšano dobivanje njemačkog državljanstva te kraće vrijeme čekanja od godine dana za dobivanje dozvole boravka za mlade bračne parove druge generacije. Autorica navodi odredbe novog Zakona o pravu boravka stranaca kojima je savezna vlada stvorila pravnu osnovu da se strance, prema njemačkim interesima i potrebama, zapošljava i protjeruje. Novim Zakonom individualni interesi stranaca potpuno su podređeni interesima zajednice; njime se država i njemačko stanovništvo želi zaštititi.The rights of foreigners in the FR of Germany are regulated by the Law on Foreigners. In the first part of this paper, the author describes the development of this Law on the territory of Germany from 1794 to the present (the law of 1965 is still in force). On the 1st of January 1991 a new law concerning foreigners shall come into effect. In the second part of the text, the author lists elements by which this law both improves and worsens the legal status of foreigners. As improvements may be seen – the right to consolidate one\u27s residence status and the right to family immigration, the possibility for return given to young foreigners, the right of second generation migrants to receive German citizenship under facilitated conditions, abolishment of the one-year waiting period for young married couples of the second generation requesting residence permits. The author indicates measures of the new law concerning residence rights for foreigners by which the federal government has created a legal basis for employing or expelling foreigners in accordance with German interests and needs. By the new law individual interests of migrants shall be completely subjugated to the interests of the community. In this way the state and German population wish to protect themselves

    The Law on Foreigners in the F. R. of Germany

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    Prava stranaca u SR Njemačkoj regulirana su Zakonom za strance. U prvom dijelu teksta autorica prikazuje razvoj tog zakonodavstva na području Njemačke od 1794. do danas (na snazi je još uvijek Zakon donesen 1965). Sa 1. siječnja 1991. stupa na snagu novi Zakon o strancima. U drugom dijelu teksta navedeni su elementi kojima će taj zakon poboljšati ali i pogoršati pravni status stranaca. Poboljšanja čine pravo na učvršćivanje boravišnog statusa i doseljenje obitelji; mogućnost povratka mladih stranaca; pravo druge generacije na olakšano dobivanje njemačkog državljanstva te kraće vrijeme čekanja od godine dana za dobivanje dozvole boravka za mlade bračne parove druge generacije. Autorica navodi odredbe novog Zakona o pravu boravka stranaca kojima je savezna vlada stvorila pravnu osnovu da se strance, prema njemačkim interesima i potrebama, zapošljava i protjeruje. Novim Zakonom individualni interesi stranaca potpuno su podređeni interesima zajednice; njime se država i njemačko stanovništvo želi zaštititi.The rights of foreigners in the FR of Germany are regulated by the Law on Foreigners. In the first part of this paper, the author describes the development of this Law on the territory of Germany from 1794 to the present (the law of 1965 is still in force). On the 1st of January 1991 a new law concerning foreigners shall come into effect. In the second part of the text, the author lists elements by which this law both improves and worsens the legal status of foreigners. As improvements may be seen – the right to consolidate one\u27s residence status and the right to family immigration, the possibility for return given to young foreigners, the right of second generation migrants to receive German citizenship under facilitated conditions, abolishment of the one-year waiting period for young married couples of the second generation requesting residence permits. The author indicates measures of the new law concerning residence rights for foreigners by which the federal government has created a legal basis for employing or expelling foreigners in accordance with German interests and needs. By the new law individual interests of migrants shall be completely subjugated to the interests of the community. In this way the state and German population wish to protect themselves