2 research outputs found

    Benefits of rIX-FP prophylaxis in patients with Haemophilia B: real-world evidence from a Spanish reference centre

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    Haemophilia B; pharmacokinetic; Real world evidenceHemofilia B; Farmacocinética; Evidencia del mundo realHemofília B; Farmacocinètica; Evidència del món realStandard FIX prophylaxis for PWHB require frequent injections, which has led to the development of extended half-life products like rIX-FP (albutrepenonacog alfa) that has shown good efficacy in clinical studies. This ambispective study aims to report a real-world experience with rIX-FP in a Spanish centre with PWHB who switched from SHL-FIX or began prophylaxis with rIX-FP. Five PWHB were included in this study, Four PTP switched to rIX-FP with prophylaxis every 7 days whilst one PUP started with an every-14-days regimen. 3 PTPs extended their dosing intervals to every 14 days or every 21 days. In all PTPs, median annualized spontaneous and joint bleeding rates were maintained at 0.00 and median (range) of ABR was 0.92 (0.00–2.77) after switch to rIX-FP. Mean trough level with previous product was 3.68% (SD = 2.06), while it was 7.08% (SD = 3) with all rIX-FP dosing intervals. After switching to rIX-FP, all PTP reduced their annual infusion rate between 50 and 84% and their annual FIX consumption by 61% (59–67%). This is the first reported real-world experience with albutrepenonacog alfa in a small cohort in Spain and demonstrates good bleeding control together with a reduction of the infusion rate, factor consumption and higher through factor level than previous treatment

    Hepatic Rupture as the Initial Presentation of an EGFR-Mutated Lung Adenocarcinoma: A Case Report

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    Metastatic hepatic rupture; Non-small cell lung carcinoma; Tyrosine kinase inhibitorRuptura hepática metastásica; Carcinoma de pulmón de células no pequeñas; Inhibidor de la tirosina quinasaRuptura hepàtica metastàtica; Carcinoma de pulmó de cèl·lules no petites; Inhibidor de la tirosina quinasaHepatic rupture is a rare complication of solid tumor malignancies, notably in lung adenocarcinomas, and carries an extremely poor overall prognosis. Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations in lung adenocarcinoma predict benefit with tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs). This case report describes a female patient who presented with a metastatic hepatic rupture and was subsequently diagnosed with EGFR-mutated lung adenocarcinoma. The tumor had an impressive response to TKI inhibitor treatment, reversing her extremely poor, short-term prognosis. We believe this unique case sheds light on the treatment management of hepatic ruptures and supports the high response rate seen with TKIs in EGFR-mutated lung cancers, regardless of the patient’s performance status