23 research outputs found

    Using SPIN and Eclipse for Optimized High-Level Modeling and Analysis of Computer Network Attack Models

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    Abstract. Advanced network attacks utilize complex, intertwined sequences of events on different hosts instead of just plain vulnerability exploitations. These sequences may contain protocol execution steps, attacker, and administrator actions. We propose a SPIN based approach for formal modeling and analysis of such attack sequences in scenarios where both protocol and network level aspects are relevant. Our approach allows to automatically find typical attack sequences and not yet considered variants in such an environment. The development of scenario models is supported by a modeling framework and the use of the high-level process specification language cTLA. For the purpose of automated analysis, the powerful model-checking tool SPIN is employed and a compiler provides optimized translation of the cTLA model descriptions to Promela. The development of models and analysis experiments are further facilitated by integrating the tools into the Eclipse universal tool platform. We outline the principles of our approach and focus on modeling structure, optimized translation and tool integration.

    Size estimation tools for conventional actuator system prototyping in aerospace

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    Predicting the size of an actuator capable of reaching given performance requirements isa critical step for any systems design. Thus, to help in the prototyping and early developmentstages of such devices, simple mathematical models were developed, which can be used withlittle knowledge in actuation system design. Based on physical phenomenons at the heart ofthe actuation mechanism, these models can be used to estimate diameter and length, and there-fore volume and weight of conventional actuators as a function of performance requirements.Models include linear hydraulic pistons and electric motors, divided into radial and axial fluxmachines. Off-the-shelf actuators and more aerospace specific products were used to validateand assess the accuracy of the models over a wide range of force and torque requirements.Simple sizing examples for aerospace actuation systems are also given as use-cases of the different tools. A discussion on model applicability, for various aircraft scales and applicationsconcludes the paper