5 research outputs found

    Correlation between length-weight and age in Barbus sharpeyi and Barbus grypus broodstocks in artificial propagation

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    This study was carried out to identify proper broodstock of Barbus sharpeyi and Barbus grypus using working fecundity indices. For Barbus sharpeyi three female groups were chosen based on previous experiences that included treatment 1: 650±300g, 1±0.5 years, (T.L) 40.68±2.7cm, treatment 2: 1350±350g, 2.5±0.5 years, (T.L) 47.92±4.63cm and treatment 3: 2200±400g, 4±0.4 years, and (T.L) 59.62±3.56cm. The same male broodstock (700±80g) and 2 year old fish were used for all treatments. For Barbus grypus three female groups were chosen using previous experiences that included treatment 1: 2212.5±780g, 2.5±0.5 years, (T.L) 62.68±6.7cm, treatment 2: 4518±780g, 4±1 years (T.L) 79.12±4.36cm and treatment 3: 7712.5±171g, 7.7±1.3 years and (T.L) 92.62±3.13cm. The same male broodstock (1400±100g) and 2 year old fish were used for all treatments. Female broodstock of the two species were injected 3mg/kg of PG hormone two times at an interval of 10 hours and males were injected 2mg/kg. The maximum working fecundity was seen in treatment 2 for Barbus sharpeyi (33000±1450) and Barbus grypus and (13000.37±4651.57). Functional fecundity were calculated for Barbus sharpeyi in all treatments which was significantly different between treatment 2 and other treatments for the two species. After this stage, the working fecundity was decreased in treatments. We conclude that treatment 2 is the best for selection of broodstocks in the two fish species

    Determination of dietary protein and energy level s and optimum lipid to carbohydrate ratio for Gattan (barbus xanthopterus) fingerlings

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    This study was done is three phase ,to required suitable level of protein and energy and optimum carbohydrate to lipid ratio (B.xanthopterus) fingerling . Phase one: Determine of dietary protein and energy l eve in tanks (300 liters) treatment with triplicate e in different level of protein (25 ,30 ,35 percentage) and three level of energy (250 ,300 ,350 kcal/gr) the result showed that the best (GSR and WG) belongs to diet with protein % 35 and 300 kcal/gr. this experiment showed with increased of protein , SGR and WG increased and the one special level of protein with increased of energy level ,first SGR and WG increased (the most of SGR belonged 300 kcal/gr) ,and SGR decreased. Phase 2 : Determine optimum lipid to carbohydrate ratio in tanks (300 liters) In this phase with suitable level of protein and energy( protein %35 and 300kcal/gr) determined 5 ratio of carbohydrate and lipid (0.8, 2.8, 4.86, 8.8 ) in this phase best diet determined with 4/8 ratio , and 6/8 , 2/8 ratios were after that carbohydrate and lipid ratio. Phase 3: Determine optimum lipid to carbohydrate ratio in pond: In this phase, the result of thirty phase were like second phase. we determined that the best SGR and WG and WG % belonged to 4/8 carbohydrate and lipid ratio and 6/8 2/8 ratio were after 4/8 carbohydrate and lipid rate

    Survey of different dietary energy and protein levels on the reproduction indices of Benni (Barbus sharpeyi) broodstock

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    The survey of different protein and energy levels of brooders Benni (Mesopotamichthys sharpeyi) diet on reproductive indices This study, to preparation of suitable diet for brooders of Benni (Mesopotamichthys sharpeyi) carried Out increasing efficiency artificial propagation and achievement to maximum working fecundity and fingerling production. 9 dietary feeding with 3 triplication were prepared that included 3 protein levels (30,35 and 40 percentage) and 3 different levels of digestable energy (250, 300 and 350 kcal/100g).The reproductive indices (working fecundity, fertilization, hatching and survival rate) were studied in this experiment in South Iran Aquaculture Research Center .12 female brooders in any triplication were transported to earthen ponds 300 m2. They were fed 2 times in days for 4 month until satiation. The artificial breeding carried out in spring for survey of reproductive indices. The amount of hypophysis injection was 3mg/kg weight of fish with two doses10% in first stage and 90% in second stage with interval 10 Hour. The male broodstock injection was first stage spantanously with second females injections with a dose of 2 mg/kg. The total of breeding stages until larvae release was registered 22.5-24.5°C. Result showed that constant protein (35%) with rising energy until specified amount (350 Kcal/100g) was increased reproductive indicies. The working fecundity is one of the reproductive indices that in treatment 5 had significant difference compare to other treatment. In this survey, Comparison between different levels of dietary protein and energy on the brooders Benni indicated that 35% protein level and 350 Kcal/100g energy for barbus grypus had best efficiency in diet of broodstock

    Effect of protein and energy levels of diet on the growth parameters of shirbot (Barbus grypus) in the grow out stage

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    This study was done is two phases, to determine required suitable level of protein and energy for Barbus grypus to get maximum growth to market size. Phase 1-finger ling phase Treatments with triplicate in different level of protein (25, 30, 35 percentage) and different level of digestible energy (kcal/100 gr 250,300,350) were used. Also the effect of mentioned diets on fish growth by calculating (WG, FER, FCR, SVR, PER, SGR) was studied. 9 treatments with triplicate random group of 15 fish per 300 liter tank the mean of were stuclied for 60 days. Body weight was (29.68±0.19gr). The results showed that in constant protein levels growth parameters improved to a special level with in Creasing energy level but in constant. Protein decrease with in crase in energy level. The result of caracass showed energy, protein, fiber and lipid caracass increased with increase in protein and energy, ash level of diet, on the other hand the mentioned diets had meaningfull effect on biochemical composition of caracass except (protein and ash). The best protein level was (%30) and suitable energy level was (250 Kcal/100gr). Phase 2: Grow out stage The best diets (P30%) and (250Kcal/100gr) and (p350%),(300kcal/100gr),(p35%)(350Kcal/100gr)was determind of second phase. These three suitable diets 3 treament in a soil pond 160m² with primary weight 98.3±23 in 60 day. Siqnificant different bet ween treatments were obsereved based on WG,FER,FCR,SVR,PER,SGR Indices. There were no Siqnificant different in (fish body composition)in second phases of experiment. The level of energy,protein,fiber and lipid. In fishes body were increased with in increasing the diet protein. Finally, according to mean valves,30% protein level and (250 Kcal/100gr) energy for barbus grypus are suggestedias the best levels

    The survey of possibility of beluga (Huso huso) sturgeon culture in different densities in Khuzestan province

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    The influence of stocking density was investigated on growth, survival and FCR of great sturgeon (Huso huso) juvenile in north of Khuzestan province (Dezful). The study was conducted by Southern Iran Aquaculture research center. This study was done from September 2013 to July 2014 in three stage with different weight of Huso huso juveniles. In the first stage density of 1.5, 3 and 6 kg/m^2 during two month was performed. The initial weight and length of fish in this stage considered as 143±0.29 g and 316±1.1 mm. In the second stage 3, 6 and 9 kg/m2 density were introduced. The initial weight and length of fish in this stage considered as 548.58±33.26 g and 416.5±0.81 mm and duration of the stage was 84 days. In the third stage 6, 9 and 12 kg/m^2 density were introduced and initial weight and length were 1571.33±71.33 g and 687.5±10.96 mm. Growth and feeding index were assess in each stage. In the first stage monthly blood samples were collected from each density. In this stage bold and hormonal indices were assessed. The results showed that the average final weight in stage 1 in 1.5, 3 and 6 kg/m^2 densities were 527.27±6.82 g, 467.91±18.81 g and 431.02±24.25 g respectively. The highest average of weight was in treatment 1 and it has significant difference with treatment 3 (P0.05). FCR, condition factor, daily growth, special growth index, BWI and food performance index have not significant difference in treatments. Daily growth rate in treatment 1, 2 and 3 were 13.93±2.83, 11.44±2.65 and 9.6±2.49 respectively. In the third stage the average final weight in 6, 9 and 12 kg/m^2 densities were 3232.22±66.12g, 3407.39±119.73g and 2869.72±135.7g. The highest average weight was in treatment 2 and has significant difference with treatment 3 (P0.05). FCR, condition factor, daily growth, special growth index, BWI and food performance index have not significant difference in treatments. Daily growth rate in treatment 1, 2 and 3 were 20.37±3.12 g/day, 19.90±4.2 g/day and 16.36±3.64 g/day respectively