70 research outputs found

    ÂżDespojados por ley? Los efectos del Decreto 68 de 1916 de la GobernaciĂłn del Magdalena sobre la poblaciĂłn arhuaca

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    This article reflects on the ambiguous role of the law in the administration of indigenous people in Colombia during the first decades of the twentieth century, based on the Decree 68 of 1916 promulgated by the Governor of Magdalena Grande. From the point of view of its promoters, this legal device sought to address a number of requests made by the Arhuaco, about the recognition of their own authorities, protection against economic exploitation by settlers, and the strengthening of cultural autonomy. But from the indigenous point of view, the decree led to a massive loss of autonomy, which can be conceptualized as part of a dispossession process. Despite the rhetoric of justice and equity, the practical consequences of the rule were contrary to Arhuaco requests. In contradiction with the principles and objectives claimed, the decade of the 1920s was one of the most violent for this population. https://doi.org/10.22380/2539472X41Este artículo reflexiona sobre el papel ambiguo del derecho en la administración de las poblaciones indígenas en Colombia durante las primeras décadas del siglo XX, a partir del Decreto 68 de 1916 promulgado por la Gobernación del Magdalena Grande. Desde el punto de vista de sus promotores, este dispositivo jurídico buscaba atender una serie de solicitudes formuladas por los arhuacos, acerca del reconocimiento de sus autoridades propias, la protección contra la explotación económica por parte de los colonos y el fortalecimiento de la autonomía cultural. Pero desde el punto de vista indígena, el decreto condujo a una descomunal pérdida de autonomía, que puede ser conceptualizada como parte de un proceso despojador. A pesar de la retórica de justicia y de equidad, las consecuencias pråcticas de la norma fueron contrarias a las peticiones arhuacas. En contradicción con los principios y objetivos reivindicados, la década de 1920 fue una de las mås violentas para esta población. https://doi.org/10.22380/2539472X4

    Des concepts et des faits

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    « À quoi sert l’histoire », demandait dĂ©jĂ  un de ses jeunes fils Ă  Marc Bloch, et chacun a lu la rĂ©ponse. À « collectionner les faits », dit notre gĂ©ographe. Il est clair que, s’il y a trois choses claires, elles sont quatre. Mais celle-lĂ , qu’il y a trois choses claires, reste obscure. Je souhaiterais dans cet article explorer deux contradictions fondamentales pour dĂ©finir l’espace logique dans lequel se dĂ©ploient les sciences sociales. Celles-ci ont bien des difficultĂ©s, depuis leur Ă©mergen..

    ÂżUn etnogrĂĄfo entre los archivos? Propuestas para una especializaciĂłn de conveniencia

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    This article provides a reflection on the idea of a “ethnography of/in the archives”. The first part is a critique both of disciplinary separations between anthropology and history and of certain conceptions of interdisciplinarity as an “alliance of disciplines”. In the second part, the author formulates an alternative proposal. On the one hand, he defends a unified vision of the social sciences, and, on the other, he advocates for the creation of a specialized “workspace”, based on the implementation of the methodological program of ethnography in historical grounds. Rather than talking about the confrontation between two disciplines, the authors insist on the relationships between two levels: 1) An object (the past), often believed to be the “property” of historians, but which is really a common patrimony of all social scientists. 2) A technique (the ethnography), sometimes presented as specific to anthropology, but which is important for all the social sciences.Este artĂ­culo pretende brindar una reflexiĂłn sobre la idea de “etnografĂ­a de/en los archivos”. En la primera parte, se desarrolla una crĂ­tica tanto de las separaciones disciplinares entre antropologĂ­a e historia como de la interdisciplinariedad concebida como “alianza de disciplinas”. En la segunda, se formula una propuesta alternativa, basada, por un lado, en la defensa de una concepciĂłn unificada de las ciencias sociales, y por otro, en la voluntad de definir un “espacio de trabajo” especializado, alredor de la aplicaciĂłn del programa metodolĂłgico de la etnografĂ­a en terrenos histĂłricos. MĂĄs que hablar de las relaciones entre dos disciplinas, preferimos hacerlo sobre las relaciones entre dos niveles: 1) Un objeto (el pasado), que se presenta como especĂ­fico a la historia, pero que realmente interesa al conjunto de los cientĂ­ficos sociales. 2) Una tĂ©cnica (la etnografĂ­a), que a veces se presenta como especĂ­fica a la antropologĂ­a, pero que tambiĂ©n interesa al conjunto de las ciencias sociales

    Tim Rowse, Obliged to be Difficult. Nugget Coombs’ Legacy in Indigenous Affairs

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    Cet ouvrage n’est pas Ă  proprement parler un livre anthropologique, mais il pourrait ĂȘtre rangĂ© au cĂŽtĂ© des « biographies politiques ». Tim Rowse s’est en effet donnĂ© pour ambition de retracer, Ă  partir d’un fonds d’archives important et jusque-lĂ  inexplorĂ©, l’engagement du bureaucrate australien Nugget Coombs dans les affaires aborigĂšnes. NĂ© en 1906, Coombs a longtemps Ă©tĂ© directeur de la Reserve Bank et son intĂ©rĂȘt pour les questions aborigĂšnes ne se manifesta que tardivement. Ce n’est qu’e..

    Ce qui change et le déjà fait

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    Cet article propose une rĂ©flexion sur la place de la diachronie et de la synchronie dans la recherche sociale, en partant de l’une des contradictions indĂ©passables pour toute apprĂ©hension du temps. Celui-ci peut ĂȘtre pensĂ© sous l’angle de la concomitance (dont chacun a fait l’expĂ©rience et qui revient Ă  penser le temps comme une « succession de prĂ©sents diffĂ©rents ») ou sous l’angle des processus (c’est-Ă -dire de la modification permanente des conditions de l’expĂ©rience en fonction d’une diffĂ©rentiation entre passĂ©, prĂ©sent et futur). Nous nous interrogerons sur ce que signifie travailler dans la diachronie ou dans la synchronie, en soulignant notamment la difficultĂ© Ă  distinguer clairement les deux approches : de nombreuses recherches habituellement pensĂ©es comme diachroniques ne le sont peut-ĂȘtre pas et, rĂ©ciproquement, des approches pensĂ©es comme synchroniques s’articulent presque nĂ©cessairement avec une pensĂ©e des processus.This article proposes a reflection on the place of the synchrony-diachrony distinction in social research. The understanding of time is structured by a recurring contradiction : time can be thought of in terms of “concomitant experiences” (time appears in that perspective as a “succession of different presents”) or in terms of “processes” (insisting on the permanent modifications of social life on the basis of a differentiation between past, present and future). I will try to present as clearly as possible diachronic and synchronic approaches, before stressing the difficulty to separate them : some researches usually thought of as diachronic might include other dimensions, while conversely, investigations presented as synchronic almost necessarily articulate processual perspectives

    Les chevaux de Harry

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    RĂ©sumĂ©Cet article entend illustrer l’ambiguĂŻtĂ© de la relation entre les AborigĂšnes et l’Aboriginal Welfare Board, l’institution coloniale australienne ayant eu, jusqu’à la fin des annĂ©es 1960, la responsabilitĂ© des populations indigĂšnes dans l’État des New South Wales (Nouvelles-Galles-du-Sud). Il prĂ©sentera un cas parti­culier de rĂ©sistance aux conditions de la subordination, mettant en scĂšne un conflit entre Harry Combo, un rĂ©sident de l’une des missions du Board, et le manager responsable de cette mission, J. B. Stratton. Cet exemple constitue une bonne illustration des interactions entre les diffĂ©rentes autoritĂ©s blanches (managers, Welfare Officers, bureaucrates de Sydney) et la population aborigĂšne des rĂ©serves du gouvernement. Il s’agit de faire ici le pari, qu’en se concentrant sur un cas singulier (voire « atypique »), il est possible d’apporter un Ă©clairage nouveau sur les pratiques quotidiennes de dominations coloniales.Harry’s Horses: Resistances to Colonial AuthoritiesThis article intends to illustrate the relationships between the Indigenous people of Australia and the Aboriginal Welfare Board, the colonial administration which was in charge of the Aboriginal population of New South Wales until the end of the 1960s. I will present a specific case of resistance to the conditions of subordination: a conflict between Harry Combo, a resident of one of the Board’s missions and the manager in charge of that mission, J. B. Stratton. This example is a good illustration of the kind of interactions that were taking place between various white authorities (managers, Welfare Officers, Sydney bureaucrats) and the Aboriginal people living in the governmental missions. I would like to show that, by focussing on a singular (or atypical) case, one can shed new light on everyday practices of colonial domination

    Victimes ou criminels ?

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    En 1957, l’Aboriginal Welfare Board (l’organisation qui avait la charge des populations aborigĂšnes de l’État des New South Wales) commençait Ă  s’interroger sur le bien-fondĂ© des « mesures lĂ©gislatives restrictives et discriminatoires Ă  l’encontre des AborigĂšnes », dont il pensait qu’elles pouvaient entrer en contradiction avec sa politique officielle d’assimilation. Il dĂ©cida donc d’organiser un sondage afin d’obtenir l’opinion de tous ceux qui Ă©taient « étroitement associĂ©s au bien-ĂȘtre et Ă  la conduite des AborigĂšnes », et en particulier la police. Le Board ne demanda pas simplement aux policiers de donner leur avis sur la question, mais aussi de fournir quelques chiffres au sujet de la population aborigĂšne dans leur secteur d’intervention. L’article propose un examen critique de ces statistiques et de ce qu’elles nous apprennent des relations entre les AborigĂšnes et la police, avant de montrer comment, peu Ă  peu, de nouvelles interprĂ©tations des donnĂ©es en question ont Ă©mergĂ© dans le dĂ©bat public, en particulier Ă  travers la montĂ©e des revendications des AborigĂšnes contre les discriminations.In 1957, the Aboriginal Welfare Board (the authority in charge of the Aboriginal population in the State of New South Wales) questioned the soundness of one section of the Aboriginal Protection Act (apa, 1909-43) it administered. It therefore it launched a major survey in order to obtain the view on the question of all those “closely associated with aboriginal welfare and conduct”, and in particular the members of the police. The Board did not just ask the police to state their opinion on the issue, but also to provide some figures about the Aboriginal population in their Patrol. The article analyses the construction of those figures, and it attempts to show how new interpretations emerged during the 1960s, especially through the rise of the political movement in favour of Aboriginal Rights

    Volver: el retorno de los capuchinos españoles al norte de Colombia a finales del siglo XIX

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    El artĂ­culo describe la compleja secuencia de interacciones y eventos que permitiĂł asegurar la presencia de una misiĂłn dirigida por Capuchinos españoles en Colombia a finales del siglo XIX. Reflexiona sobre las condiciones intelectuales que permitieron justificar, en el contexto de la RepĂșblica, el regreso de los mismos misioneros que fueron expulsados durante la Independencia. El autor analiza los diferentes registros de justificaciĂłn utilizados por los actores involucrados en este proceso. Discute, por otro lado, sobre las condiciones materiales, jurĂ­dicas e institucionales que permitieron a los Capuchinos consolidar su posiciĂłn dentro de la compleja estructura eclesiĂĄstica y establecerse como intermediarios indispensables para el Estado colombiano.This article describes the complex sequence of interactions and events that led to the settlement of a mission headed by Spanish Capuchins in Colombia in the late of nineteenth century. It analyses the intellectual conditions that enabled the legitimation, in a Republican context, of the return of the very missionaries who were expelled at the time of the Independence. The author analyses the different registers of justification used by multiple actors involved in this process. He discuses, on the other hand, the material, legal and institutional conditions that made it possible for the Capuchins to consolidate their position within the complex ecclesiastical structure and to establish themselves as indispensable intermediaries for the Colombian Stat

    PresentaciĂłn del dossier

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