37 research outputs found

    Subsidies voor kunst en cultuur van grote sociale waarde

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    Twee oren en één mond: op zoek naar nieuwe woorden en wegen in een veranderend sociaal cultureel domein

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    Gezamenlijke activiteiten, vooral culturele activiteiten, zijn geen luxe tijdsbesteding maar een must om de samenleving gezond te houden. Hoe zorgen we ervoor dat burgers hieraan gaan of blijven deelnemen, nu de verzorgingsstaat verandert? Eltje Bos, lector Culturele en Sociale Dynamiek aan de Hogeschool van Amsterdam, legt in haar Lectorale Rede van 13 januari 2015 uit hoe sociaal-culturele professionals moeten luisteren naar verschillende burgers in deze tijd van verandering

    Socialer met muziek

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    Waarom het maar niet wil lukken…: Rijksbeleid en uitvoeringspraktijk voor cultuur en immigranten 1980-2004

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    De vestiging van grote groepen niet-westerse immigranten in Nederland is de aanleiding geweest voor het ontwikkeken van een minderheden- en later een immigratiebeleid. Dit overheidsbeleid voor gevestigde immigranten en hun nakomelingen kwam aan het eind van de jaren zeventig op gang. De vakministers dienden onder toezicht van het toenmalig coördinerend ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken een passend immigratiebeleid te ontwikkelen

    Forum theatre as participatory action research with community workers

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    In Amsterdam, just like in 87 % of all municipalities in the Netherlands, integrated neighbourhood teams have been installed as an answer to the reform of the welfare state. During the last decade, the social domain has gone through its strongest change since 1945. Transitions by new national acts and policies have gone hand in hand with decentralisation, which has transferred most responsibilities in the social domain to municipalities, accompanied by less financial means. On the local level, these changes have been translated by municipalities into policies, responsibilities, interventions, and a repertoire that requires strong changes in the professional behaviour of all stakeholders. One of the newly implemented practices consists of interdisciplinary neighbourhood teams focussed on empowerment of people or families who are dealing with multiple challenges in their lives. Professionals from elder care, youth care, community development, and welfare organisations need to collaborate while they attempt to reconcile various professional perspectives on a specific problematic situation. At the same time, there is a shift for many professionals from solving problems for clients towards empowering the clients to solve problems themselves, based on their own strengths or their network. Most of the structural transitions and implementations might be finished; however, the transformation in professional behaviour following these changes, is just starting to develop. Despite a series of training courses in various methods, the Amsterdam neighbourhood team professionals strongly felt a need to deepen their experiences with situations in which the contact with a client or family had somehow stagnated

    Art in social work practice: theory and practice : international perspectives

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    Overheid moet zich bezinnen op eigen kracht

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    In beleidsnota’s, beleidsbrieven en besluiten schittert de krachtige, participerende burger. De beoogde steunpilaar van de gemeenten, bij de herinrichting van het welzijnswerk, de decentralisatie van de AWBZ en van de jeugdzorg. Maar dat kan niet zonder professionals

    Social initiatives around refugees

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    After the arrival of refugees in the Netherlands, many citizens wanted to act and help the social inclusion of refugees. Community initiatives emerged where some of the initiatives even grew into potential Social Enterprises. In this research we investigated the main issues initiatives around refugees encounter when growing into a social enterprise (RQ1). Through the organization of learning networks we gathered data form initiatives who were currently in this process. The two main issues that arose were making a good business model and in what way impact can be measured when the impact area is the social inclusion of refugees. Our second research question (RQ2) investigated in what way the social initiatives help refugees in their social inclusion process. For this research question we interviewed refugees whom where involved with one of the initiatives participating in our research. Our main findings are that the participants in this research are all trying to take control over their lives, learning how to make a change and are trying to achieve a life that is good for them. They attributed various benefits to their active participation in the initiatives. They all mention that they met new people, that the people who started the initiative were very helpful and that they liked participating

    Adviescommissie hoger sociaal agogisch onderwijs wil het onmogelijke: dossier: toekomst hoger speciaal onderwijs

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    Onlangs verscheen het advies Meer van Waarde, over de opleidingen tot de sociale beroepen op de hogescholen. Weliswaar een moedige poging om duidelijkheid te scheppen, maar de brede opleiding die de commissie bepleit sluit niet aan bij de netwerksamenleving

    Uit de kunst in de wijk

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