638 research outputs found

    The open XXZ-chain: Bosonisation, Bethe ansatz and logarithmic corrections

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    We calculate the bulk and boundary parts of the free energy for an open spin-1/2 XXZ-chain in the critical regime by bosonisation. We identify the cutoff independent contributions and determine their amplitudes by comparing with Bethe ansatz calculations at zero temperature T. For the bulk part of the free energy we find agreement with Lukyanov's result [Nucl.Phys.B 522, 533 (1998)]. In the boundary part we obtain a cutoff independent term which is linear in T and determines the temperature dependence of the boundary susceptibility in the attractive regime for T1T\ll 1. We further show that at particular anisotropies where contributions from irrelevant operators with different scaling dimensions cross, logarithmic corrections appear. We give explicit formulas for these terms at those anisotropies where they are most important. We verify our results by comparing with extensive numerical calculations based on a numerical solution of the T=0 Bethe ansatz equations, the finite temperature Bethe ansatz equations in the quantum-transfer matrix formalism, and the density-matrix renormalisation group applied to transfer matrices.Comment: 35 pages, 8 figure

    Lattice Gas Dynamics; Application to Driven Vortices in Two Dimensional Superconductors

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    A continuous time Monte Carlo lattice gas dynamics is developed to model driven steady states of vortices in two dimensional superconducting networks. Dramatic differences are found when compared to a simpler Metropolis dynamics. Subtle finite size effects are found at low temperature, with a moving smectic that becomes unstable to an anisotropic liquid on sufficiently large length scales.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    A Rapid Dynamical Monte Carlo Algorithm for Glassy Systems

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    In this paper we present a dynamical Monte Carlo algorithm which is applicable to systems satisfying a clustering condition: during the dynamical evolution the system is mostly trapped in deep local minima (as happens in glasses, pinning problems etc.). We compare the algorithm to the usual Monte Carlo algorithm, using as an example the Bernasconi model. In this model, a straightforward implementation of the algorithm gives an improvement of several orders of magnitude in computational speed with respect to a recent, already very efficient, implementation of the algorithm of Bortz, Kalos and Lebowitz.Comment: RevTex 7 pages + 4 figures (uuencoded) appended; LPS preprin

    Lattice path integral approach to the one-dimensional Kondo model

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    An integrable Anderson-like impurity model in a correlated host is derived from a gl(2|1)-symmetric transfer matrix by means of the Quantum-Inverse-Scattering-Method (QISM). Using the Quantum Transfer Matrix technique, free energy contributions of both the bulk and the impurity are calculated exactly. As a special case, the limit of a localized moment in a free bulk (Kondo limit) is performed in the Hamiltonian and in the free energy. In this case, high- and low-temperature scales are calculated with high accuracy.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figure

    Local Inhomogeneity in Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Processes with Extended Objects

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    Totally asymmetric simple exclusion processes (TASEP) with particles which occupy more than one lattice site and with a local inhomogeneity far away from the boundaries are investigated. These non-equilibrium processes are relevant for the understanding of many biological and chemical phenomena. The steady-state phase diagrams, currents, and bulk densities are calculated using a simple approximate theory and extensive Monte Carlo computer simulations. It is found that the phase diagram for TASEP with a local inhomogeneity is qualitatively similar to homogeneous models, although the phase boundaries are significantly shifted. The complex dynamics is discussed in terms of domain-wall theory for driven lattice systems.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Finite temperature Drude weight of an integrable Bose chain

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    We study the Drude weight D(T)D(T) at finite temperatures TT of an integrable bosonic model where the particles interact via nearest-neighbour coupling on a chain. At low temperatures, D(T)D(T) is shown to be universal in the sense that this region is equivalently described by a Gaussian model. This low-temperature limit is also relevant for the integrable one-dimensional Bose gas. We then use the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz to confirm the low-temperature result, to obtain the high temperature limit of D(T)D(T) and to calculate D(T)D(T) numerically.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Bethe Ansatz study of one-dimensional Bose and Fermi gases with periodic and hard wall boundary conditions

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    We extend the exact periodic Bethe Ansatz solution for one-dimensional bosons and fermions with delta-interaction and arbitrary internal degrees of freedom to the case of hard wall boundary conditions. We give an analysis of the ground state properties of fermionic systems with two internal degrees of freedom, including expansions of the ground state energy in the weak and strong coupling limits in the repulsive and attractive regimes.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figures, key reference added, typos correcte

    Performance Limitations of Flat Histogram Methods and Optimality of Wang-Landau Sampling

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    We determine the optimal scaling of local-update flat-histogram methods with system size by using a perfect flat-histogram scheme based on the exact density of states of 2D Ising models.The typical tunneling time needed to sample the entire bandwidth does not scale with the number of spins N as the minimal N^2 of an unbiased random walk in energy space. While the scaling is power law for the ferromagnetic and fully frustrated Ising model, for the +/- J nearest-neighbor spin glass the distribution of tunneling times is governed by a fat-tailed Frechet extremal value distribution that obeys exponential scaling. We find that the Wang-Landau algorithm shows the same scaling as the perfect scheme and is thus optimal.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Soft versus Hard Dynamics for Field-driven Solid-on-Solid Interfaces

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    Analytical arguments and dynamic Monte Carlo simulations show that the microstructure of field-driven Solid-on-Solid interfaces depends strongly on the dynamics. For nonconservative dynamics with transition rates that factorize into parts dependent only on the changes in interaction energy and field energy, respectively (soft dynamics), the intrinsic interface width is field-independent. For non-factorizing rates, such as the standard Glauber and Metropolis algorithms (hard dynamics), it increases with the field. Consequences for the interface velocity and its anisotropy are discussed.Comment: 9 pages LaTex with imbedded .eps figs. Minor revision

    Exchange Monte Carlo for Molecular Simulations with Monoelectronic Hamiltonians

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    We introduce a general Monte Carlo scheme for achieving atomistic simulations with monoelectronic Hamiltonians including the thermalization of both nuclear and electronic degrees of freedom. The kinetic Monte Carlo algorithm is used to obtain the exact occupation numbers of the electronic levels at canonical equilibrium, and comparison is made with Fermi-Dirac statistics in infinite and finite systems. The effects of a nonzero electronic temperature on the thermodynamic properties of liquid silver and sodium clusters are presented