4 research outputs found

    Small Orbits

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    We study both the "large" and "small" U-duality charge orbits of extremal black holes appearing in D = 5 and D = 4 Maxwell-Einstein supergravity theories with symmetric scalar manifolds. We exploit a formalism based on cubic Jordan algebras and their associated Freudenthal triple systems, in order to derive the minimal charge representatives, their stabilizers and the associated "moduli spaces". After recalling N = 8 maximal supergravity, we consider N = 2 and N = 4 theories coupled to an arbitrary number of vector multiplets, as well as N = 2 magic, STU, ST^2 and T^3 models. While the STU model may be considered as part of the general N = 2 sequence, albeit with an additional triality symmetry, the ST^2 and T^3 models demand a separate treatment, since their representative Jordan algebras are Euclidean or only admit non-zero elements of rank 3, respectively. Finally, we also consider minimally coupled N = 2, matter coupled N = 3, and "pure" N = 5 theories.Comment: 40 pages, 9 tables. References added. Expanded comments added to sections III. C. 1. and III. F.

    Observations on Integral and Continuous U-duality Orbits in N=8 Supergravity

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    One would often like to know when two a priori distinct extremal black p-brane solutions are in fact U-duality related. In the classical supergravity limit the answer for a large class of theories has been known for some time. However, in the full quantum theory the U-duality group is broken to a discrete subgroup and the question of U-duality orbits in this case is a nuanced matter. In the present work we address this issue in the context of N=8 supergravity in four, five and six dimensions. The purpose of this note is to present and clarify what is currently known about these discrete orbits while at the same time filling in some of the details not yet appearing in the literature. To this end we exploit the mathematical framework of integral Jordan algebras and Freudenthal triple systems. The charge vector of the dyonic black string in D=6 is SO(5,5;Z) related to a two-charge reduced canonical form uniquely specified by a set of two arithmetic U-duality invariants. Similarly, the black hole (string) charge vectors in D=5 are E_{6(6)}(Z) equivalent to a three-charge canonical form, again uniquely fixed by a set of three arithmetic U-duality invariants. The situation in four dimensions is less clear: while black holes preserving more than 1/8 of the supersymmetries may be fully classified by known arithmetic E_{7(7)}(Z) invariants, 1/8-BPS and non-BPS black holes yield increasingly subtle orbit structures, which remain to be properly understood. However, for the very special subclass of projective black holes a complete classification is known. All projective black holes are E_{7(7)}(Z) related to a four or five charge canonical form determined uniquely by the set of known arithmetic U-duality invariants. Moreover, E_{7(7)}(Z) acts transitively on the charge vectors of black holes with a given leading-order entropy.Comment: 43 pages, 8 tables; minor corrections, references added; version to appear in Class. Quantum Gra

    Explicit Orbit Classification of Reducible Jordan Algebras and Freudenthal Triple Systems

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    We determine explicit orbit representatives of reducible Jordan algebras and of their corresponding Freudenthal triple systems. This work has direct application to the classification of extremal black hole solutions of N = 2, 4 locally supersymmetric theories of gravity coupled to an arbitrary number of Abelian vector multiplets in D = 4, 5 space-time dimensions.Comment: 18 pages. Updated to match published versio

    Jordan Pairs, E6 and U-Duality in Five Dimensions

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    By exploiting the Jordan pair structure of U-duality Lie algebras in D = 3 and the relation to the super-Ehlers symmetry in D = 5, we elucidate the massless multiplet structure of the spectrum of a broad class of D = 5 supergravity theories. Both simple and semi-simple, Euclidean rank-3 Jordan algebras are considered. Theories sharing the same bosonic sector but with different supersymmetrizations are also analyzed.Comment: 1+41 pages, 1 Table; v2 : a Ref. and some comments adde