19 research outputs found
La carrera dual en esport practicat per dones : una revisió d'abast
Les anteriors revisions sobre carrera dual (CD) ofereixen conclusions per a esportistes en general, sense esmentar el gènere i perpetuant la infrarepresentació de les dones. Per això, en aquesta revisió d'abast ens centrem únicament en sportistes dones amb l'objectiu de conèixer el panorama actual dels estudis sobre CD en esport femenÃ. La metodologia es basa en la declaració Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis i en les recomanacions per elaborar revisions d'abast. La cerca bibliogrà fica es va fer en les bases de dades Web of Science, PsycINFO, Scopus, Pro-Quest i SPORTDiscus. Es van incloure estudis sobre CD amb participants dones i publicacions en revistes cientÃfiques a partir del 2012, i es van obtenir 19 articles per a l'anà lisi i la sÃntesi de la recerca actual sobre esport femenà i CD. Els resultats mostren un augment progressiu de publicacions sobre dones esportistes i CD, predomina la compaginació d'esport i estudis i hi ha un buit en estudis sobre compaginació laboral i transicions crÃtiques en l'esport femenÃ. Amb aquesta revisió es visibilitza i es posa en valor la recerca duta a terme sobre CD i dones esportistes, aixà com l'efecte de l'androcentrisme, els rols de gènere i la manca de referents en el context esportiu. Malgrat que s'evidencia que la CD és inherent a l'esport femenÃ, tradicionalment s'ha estudiat i conceptualitzat basant-se en models masculins. Per tant, convidem a continuar investigant aquesta temà tica de manera holÃstica, des de models adaptats a les realitats de l'esport femenà i incloent de manera conscient les diferents formes de ser dones.Las revisiones existentes sobre carrera dual (CD) ofrecen conclusiones para deportistas en general, sin mencionar el género y perpetuando la infrarrepresentación de las mujeres. Por ello, en esta revisión de alcance nos centramos únicamente en deportistas mujeres con el objetivo de conocer el panorama actual de los estudios sobre CD en deporte femenino. La metodologÃa se basa en la declaración Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis y en las recomendaciones para elaborar revisiones de alcance. La búsqueda bibliográfica se hizo en las bases de datos Web of Science, PsycINFO, Scopus, Pro-Quest y SPORTDiscus. Se incluyeron estudios sobre CD con participantes mujeres y publicaciones en revistas cientÃficas a partir del 2012, y se obtuvieron 19 artÃculos para el análisis y la sÃntesis de la investigación actual sobre deporte femenino y CD. Los resultados muestran un aumento progresivo de publicaciones sobre mujeres deportistas y CD, predomina la compaginación de deporte y estudios y existe un vacÃo en estudios sobre compaginación laboral y transiciones crÃticas en el deporte femenino. Con esta revisión se visibiliza y se pone en valor la investigación llevada a cabo sobre CD y mujeres deportistas, asà como el efecto del androcentrismo, los roles de género y la falta de referentes en el contexto deportivo. Aunque se evidencia que la CD es inherente al deporte femenino, tradicionalmente se ha estudiado y conceptualizado basándose en modelos masculinos. Por lo tanto, invitamos a seguir investigando esta temática de manera holÃstica, desde modelos adaptados a las realidades del deporte femenino e incluyendo de manera consciente las diferentes formas de ser mujeres.Previous reviews on dual careers (DC) provide findings on athletes in general, without reference to gender and perpetuating the under-representation of women. Therefore, this scoping review focuses only on sportswomen in order to get an overview of the current landscape of DC studies in women's sport. The methodology is based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis statement and recommendations for scoping reviews. The bibliographic search was carried out in the databases: Web of Science, PsycINFO, Scopus, Pro-Quest and SPORTDiscus. Studies on DC with female participants and publications in scientific journals from 2012 onwards were included, and 19 articles were obtained for the analysis and synthesis of current research on women's sport and DC. The results reveal a progressive increase in publications on sportswomen and DC, a predominance of combining sport and studies, and a gap in studies on work-life balance and critical transitions in women's sport. This review makes visible and highlights the research carried out on DC and sportswomen, as well as the effect of androcentrism, gender roles and the lack of points of reference in the sporting context. Although it is evident that DC is inherent to women's sport, it has traditionally been studied and conceptualised based on male models. Therefore, research on this topic should be carried out in a holistic way, using models adapted to the realities of women's sport and consciously including the different modes of being a woma
Maternidad en el tenis profesional : ¿es suficiente con cambiar la normativa?
El cambio de normativa de la Women's Tennis Association (WTA) a principios del 2019 sobre maternidad y el auge de investigaciones en psicologÃa del deporte sobre este tema en el deporte de élite, inspiraron este estudio cuyo objetivo fue explorar si el cambio de normativa modifica la visión de la compaginación de maternidad y carrera tenÃstica en tenistas profesionales en activo y retiradas, madres y no madres. Participaron 10 mujeres tenistas españolas, algunas madres (n = 3) y otras no (n = 7). Para la recolección de datos se utilizó una entrevista semi-estructurada y a partir de un análisis temático del contenido se definieron tres temas: (a) game, set and match: ¿es suficiente solo con cambiar la normativa? (b) Centre court: al servicio mama-tenista versus al resto tenista, y (c) warning coaching: el tenis como deporte de equipo. Los resultados revelan como las modificaciones del reglamento facilitan un primer paso hacia la compatibilización de la maternidad con el tenis de élite, pero aún hacen falta más medidas de acompañamiento como las sugeridas en este estudio: (a) contar con el apoyo del entorno psicosocial de la deportista, (b) disponer de una ayuda económica, (c) disponer de espacios para los hijos en el entorno deportivo y (d) facilitar elementos básicos para los niños en los torneos.Changes in the Women's Tennis Association (WTA) rulebook at the beginning of 2019 regarding the special ranking for pregnancy or parental start and the uprising in sports psychology investigations regarding this theme in elite sport, inspired this study. The aim was to explore whether the changes in the WTA regulations modifies the vision of the possibility to combine motherhood and professional tennis career in both current and former elite tennis players. Participants were 10 Spanish female elite tennis players, some mothers (n = 3) and others non-mothers (n = 7). For data collection, a semi-structured interview was used and, through thematic content analysis, three themes were defined: (a) game, set and match: is it enough just by changing the rules? (b) Centre court: to serve tennis player and mom vs. at the return tennis player and (c) warning coaching: tennis as a team sport. The results of the study revealed that motherhood and an elite tennis career is possible to combine even though it is still a feat for the mother athlete. Our study suggests strategies that could favour motherhood with an elite tennis career: (a) have the support from the athletes' entourage, (b) having financial support or funding, (c) have some areas or rooms destined for children in tournaments and (d) provide basic services for children in tournaments.A mudança nos regulamentos da Women's Tennis Association (WTA) no inÃcio de 2019 sobre a maternidade e o surgimento das pesquisas em psicologia do esporte sobre o assunto no esporte de elite inspiraram este estudo cujo objetivo foi explorar se a mudança nos regulamentos modifica a visão da combinação de maternidade e carreira de tênis em tenistas profissionais ativos e aposentados, mães e não mães. Participaram 10 tenistas espanholas, algumas mães (n = 3) e outras não (n = 7). Para a coleta de dados, foi utilizada uma entrevista semiestruturada e, a partir da análise temática de conteúdo, foram definidos três temas: (a) jogo, jogo e jogo: basta mudar o regulamento? (b) Quadra central: servir a jogadora-mãe contra o resto da jogadora, e (c) orientação de advertência: tênis como esporte de equipe. Os resultados revelam como as modificações nas normas facilitam um primeiro passo para compatibilizar a maternidade com o tênis de elite, mas ainda são necessárias medidas de apoio como as sugeridas neste estudo: (a) contar com o apoio do ambiente psicossocial da atleta, (b) ter auxÃlio financeiro, (c) ter vagas para crianças no ambiente esportivo e (d) fornecer elementos básicos para as crianças em torneios
"No es solo pitar" : diseño e implementación de un taller de formación para árbitros y jueces de deporte escolar
Financiación: Este trabajo ha sido posible gracias al convenio de colaboración entre la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona y la Unió de Consells Esportius deCatalunya (2017)El objetivo de este trabajo es explicar cómo a partir de una demanda realizada por la Unió de Consells Esportius Catalans (UCEC), el Grup d'Estudis en Psicologia de l'Esport i de l'Activitat FÃsica (GEPE) diseñó e implementó un taller de formación dirigido a árbitros y jueces de deporte escolar. Para abordar esta demanda, se utilizó como guÃa el Modelo GEPE de Práctica Basada en la Evidencia, modelo de consultorÃa que integra los últimos avances cientÃficos del ámbito en la práctica aplicada. Para dar respuesta a la demanda planteada por la UCEC se siguieron las cinco fases del modelo: (1) Actualización documental, (2) Análisis de necesidades, (3) Intervención, (4) Evaluación y, (5) Seguimiento. Un total de 40 árbitros y jueces de deporte escolar participaron en los cinco talleres de formación realizados, mostrándose satisfechos con el mismo. Este trabajo puede servir de ejemplo para aquellos profesionales que quieran basar su práctica en la evidencia cientÃfica para asà dotarla de rigurosidad, teniendo en cuenta además las necesidades de las personas implicadas en el proceso.The purpose of this paper is to describe how the GEPE (Research Group in Sport and Exercise Psychology), in response to a demand from the UCEC (Group of Sport Councils of Catalunya), designed and implemented a workshop to train officials and judges in Catalan school sports. The GEPE Model of Evidence-Based Practice, integrating the most recent scientific advances in the applied practice, was used to address this demand. This consultancy model consists of five steps: (1) Literature , (2) Needs analysis, (3) Intervention, (4) Assessment and, (5) Monitoring. A total of 40 officials and judges participated in the five conducted workshops and were very satisfied with them. This work may serve as a guide for professionals who want to base their practice on scientific evidence to make it more rigorous while taking into ac the needs of the people involved in the whole process.O objetivo deste trabalho é explicar como a partir de um pedido feito pela Unió de Consells Esportius Catalans (UCEC), o Grup d'Estudis en Psicologia de l'Esport i de l'Activitat FÃsica (GEPE) desenvolveu e implementou um workshop de formação destinado a árbitros e juÃzes de desportos escolares. Para responder a esse pedido, foi usado como guia o Modelo GEPE de Prática Baseada em Provas, um modelo de consultoria que integra os mais recentes avanços cientÃficos no âmbito da prática aplicada. Para dar resposta ao pedido feito pela UCEC, foram seguidas as cinco fases do modelo: (1) atualização documental, (2) análise de necessidades, (3) intervenção, (4) avaliação e (5) acompanhamento. Um total de 40 árbitros e juÃzes de desportos escolares participaram nos cinco workshops de formação realizados, mostrando-se satisfeitos com os mesmos. Este trabalho pode servir de exemplo para os profissionais que queiram sustentar a sua prática em provas cientÃficas, a fim de conferir rigor à mesma, tendo também em consideração as necessidades das pessoas envolvidas no processo
TaxonomÃa de Entornos Desarrolladores de Carrera Dual en España
This work proposes a national taxonomy through the identification and classification of dual career development environments in Spain. Based on the results of the Erasmus+ Ecology of Dual Careers project, a documentary analysis of the environments that promote dual careers at a national level has been carried out, as well as a verification and analysis of their characteristics and needs through work with dual career support providers. The results suggest the existence of three macrosystems: (a) public sports centres, (b) private sport clubs, and (c) educational centres. Public sport centres include high performance and sport technification centres. Private sports clubs include professional and amateur high-performance clubs, specialized and multi-sports. Finally, educational centres include institutes and universities. Each of these systems offers different dual career assistance programs. The figure of the support provider is repeated in a large part of the environments, as well as the fixed offer of services. The dual career assistance programs cover, for the most part, student-athletes who are in the same sport’s development stages (i.e., junior) and academic/professional levels (i.e., secondary education). As elements for improvement, there is a lack of environments that promote the combination of sports and work, as well as extending this exercise to student-athletes who represent vulnerable populations (e.g., athletes with disabilities)Este trabajo tiene por objetivo proponer una taxono-mÃa nacional a través de la identificación y clasificación de los entornos desarrolladores de carrera dual en Es-paña. A partir de los resultados del proyecto Erasmus+ Ecology of Dual Careers se ha realizado un análisis docu-mental de los entornos que promueven la carrera dual a nivel nacional, asà como una verificación y un análisis de sus caracterÃsticas y necesidades a través del traba-jo con asesoras1 de carrera dual de estos entornos. Los resultados sugieren la existencia de tres macrosistemas: (a) centros deportivos públicos, (b) clubes deportivos privados, y (c) centros educativos. Los centros deporti-vos públicos incluyen centros de alto rendimiento y de tecnificación deportiva. Los clubes deportivos privados incluyen clubes de alto rendimiento profesionales y amateurs, especializados y multideportivos. Por último, los centros educativos incluyen institutos y universida-des. Cada uno de estos sistemas ofrece distintos progra-mas de asistencia a la carrera dual. La figura de la ase-sora se repite en gran parte de los entornos, asà como la oferta fija de servicios. Los programas de asistencia abarcan, en su gran mayorÃa, a estudiantes-deportistas que se encuentran en las mismas etapas de desarrollo a nivel deportivo (i.e., junior) y académico/profesional (i.e., educación secundaria). Como elementos que cabrÃa mejorar, deberÃa trabajarse para aumentar los entornos que promuevan la compaginación de deporte y trabajo, asà como también extender este ejercicio a estudiantes-deportistas que representen poblaciones vulnerables (e.g., deportistas con discapacidad).Actividad FÃsica y Deport
Ready for Failure? Irrational Beliefs, Perfectionism and Mental Health in Male Soccer Academy Players
Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UABSince Junior-to-Senior Transition (JST) is only considered successful when soccer players become professionals, many junior athletes must cope with failure, and their sporting careers and mental health may be at risk. Therefore, the objectives of this study are to (a) identify different career expectancies of male soccer academy players, and (b) describe irrational beliefs, perfectionism and mental health levels associated with different career expectancies, identifying risk factors in the JST. A total of 515 male soccer players between 14 and 19 years old (M = 16.7; SD = 1.6) who played in Spanish professional youth academies during the 2020-2021 season, answered questionnaires on sports career model, beliefs, perfectionism and mental health (i.e., iPBI, MPS-2 and GHQ-12). The results suggest that the number of juniors who aspire to be professionals (57%) far exceeds the number of players who become professionals (10%; Dugdale in Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 31:73-84, 2021). Also, results show that this population presents high levels of demandingness (M = 5.5), low frustration tolerance (M = 5.2), self-organization (M = 5.2) and social functioning (M = 5.5), and low scores on depreciation (M = 2.6) and loss of confidence and self-esteem (M = 2.4). In a more detailed way, the results are compared according to expectancies. These academies are usually environments where success and failure are antagonistic concepts, and where perfectionism and irrational beliefs are normalized and integrated among all members of this context. However, the possible maladaptive effects put their mental health at risk. With the aim of rationalizing the concepts of success and failure and protecting their mental health, especially those who will not become professionals, this study proposes a new route based on the REBT philosophy and ARRC technique
Women coaches at top level : looking back through the maze
Framed in the Ecological-Intersectional Model and the Stages of Career Progression Model, the objective of this study was to explore how women coaching in high-performance settings advanced through the ‘bottle-neck’ path. In total 13 women coaches from Southern Europe between the age of 28 and 46 years working in high-performance contexts were interviewed. In order to assess both the subjective perceptions of participants and the structural factors that prevent women from accessing top-level positions, we adopted a critical realist perspective to perform a thematic analysis. Results show that while women coaches may follow a linear coaching career path in their early career stages, once they try to progress to high-performance settings their careers are shaped by the metaphor of a maze. Women need to navigate through a maze while having to overcome jeopardizing factors to find a succeeding career path in sports coaching. Moreover, previous experience as elite athletes, close entourage, role models, organizational support, precarious working conditions and motherhood influenced women's development of a coaching career, with differing relevance depending on the career stage. Women coaches who reach top-level positions associate their success with casual or external factors, instead of causal explanations related to their own achievements. We add evidence on the specificities of women's coaching careers that should be addressed not only to improve their recruitment and professional progression, but also to work on reducing the probabilities of women exiting the role
Máxima Información, MÃnima Molestia (MIMO) : Reducir cuestionarios para cuidar de las personas participantes en psicologÃa del deporte
Contestar a un gran número de Ãtems puede suponer una gran carga para las personas participantes, lo cual puede empeorar la calidad de los datos recogidos. Por este motivo, el propósito de nuestro estudio es presentar el método de Máxima Información, MÃnima Molestia (MIMO) para el desarrollo de versiones cortas en psicologÃa del deporte. Nuestro protocolo propone cuatro fases para preparar la versión corta de un cuestionario ya existente. Concretamente, proponemos (a) realizar una selección inicial de Ãtems en base a criterios teóricos, psicométricos y de comprensión (Fase I); (b) refinar la versión corta gracias a las opiniones de un panel de personas expertas (Fase II); (c) evaluar la comprensión de los Ãtems por parte de la población diana (Fase III); y (d) evaluar la estructura factorial, fiabilidad y validez de relación con otras variables (Fase IV). Para cada fase, aportamos justificación, explicamos su desarrollo, las personas involucradas, y ofrecemos un ejemplo real de cómo podrÃa aplicarse. En esencia, el método MIMO permite desarrollar versiones cortas que cuiden de las personas participantes, evalúen los aspectos clave de los constructos, conserven las propiedades psicométricas e incrementen la calidad de los datos recogidos.Responding to a large number of items could be a great burden for the participants, which can worsen the quality of the data collected. Therefore, the purpose of the present study is to describe the method of Maximum Information, Minimum Discomfort (MIMO in Spanish) to develop questionnaire short-forms in sport psychology. Our protocol suggests four phases to create the short-form of an existing questionnaire. Specifically, we recommend: (a) selecting an initial pool of items based on theory-driven, data-driven and comprehension-related criteria (Phase I), (b) refining the short-form with the evaluation of a panel of experts (Phase II), (c) assessing target population's understanding of the items (Phase III), and (d) evaluating factor structure, reliability and validity evidence based on relation to other variables of the short-form (Phase IV). We describe each phase (i.e., justification, procedure and participants involved) and then we present a real case showing how these phases could be carried out. In sum, the MIMO method explains how to develop short-forms that take care of participants, assess the core of constructs, minimize the loss of psychometric properties and increase the quality of the data collected
Entorns que afavoreixen la compaginació d'estudis i esport a Europa
L'equilibri òptim entre la carrera esportiva i l'acadèmica o laboral (carrera dual) és un dels reptes que els i les esportistes d'alt rendiment han d'afrontar al llarg del seu desenvolupament. La recerca següent examina diferents ambients i ajuts que permeten seguir una carrera dual a Europa, una regió que supleix aquesta demanda però que encara ha d'anar més enllà i garantir el creixement en altres contextos especÃfics que tinguin en compte la diversitat de casos i de països. Addicionalment, els entorns han de facilitar l'equilibri amb les altres esferes de la vida dels i les esportistes, aixà com procurar promoure i preservar la seva salut mental.El equilibrio óptimo entre la carrera deportiva y la académica o laboral (carrera dual) es uno de los retos que los y las deportistas de alto rendimiento deben afrontar a lo largo de su desarrollo. La siguiente investigación examina los distintos ambientes y las ayudas que permiten seguir una carrera dual en Europa, una región que suple esta demanda pero que aún debe ir más allá y garantizar el crecimiento en otros contextos especÃficos que tengan en cuenta la diversidad de casos y de paÃses. Adicionalmente, los entornos deben facilitar el equilibrio con las demás esferas de la vida de los y las deportistas, asà como procurar promover y preservar su salud mental.An optimal balance between the athletic and the academic or job career (dual career) is one of the main challenges elite athletes face throughout their development. The following research examines the different existing environments in Europe that support the development of a dual career, showing that this demand is well covered in this region, but it has yet to guarantee the growth in other specific contexts according to the diversity of cases and countries. Additionally, environments should facilitate the balance of the life spheres of all athletes, along with trying to promote and preserve their mental health