6 research outputs found

    Dissecting Intra-Tumor Heterogeneity by the Analysis of Copy Number Variations in Single Cells: The Neuroblastoma Case Study

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    Tumors often show intra-tumor heterogeneity because of genotypic differences between all the cells that compose it and that derive from it. Recent studies have shown significant aspects of neuroblastoma heterogeneity that may affect the diagnostic-therapeutic strategy. Therefore, we developed a laboratory protocol, based on the combination of the advanced dielectrophoresis-based array technology and next-generation sequencing to identify and sort single cells individually and carry out their copy number variants analysis. The aim was to evaluate the cellular heterogeneity, avoiding overestimation or underestimation errors, due to a bulk analysis of the sample. We tested the above-mentioned protocol on two neuroblastoma cell lines, SK-N-BE(2)-C and IMR-32. The presence of several gain or loss chromosomal regions, in both cell lines, shows a high heterogeneity of the copy number variants status of the single tumor cells, even if they belong to an immortalized cell line. This finding confirms that each cell can potentially accumulate different alterations that can modulate its behavior. The laboratory protocol proposed herein provides a tool able to identify prevalent behaviors, and at the same time highlights the presence of particular clusters that deviate from them. Finally, it could be applicable to many other types of cancer

    Jihadismo e carcere in Italia. Analisi, strategie e pratiche di gestione tra sicurezza e diritti

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    Questo volume raccoglie gli atti di un convegno tenutosi a Napoli presso l'UniversitĂ  l'Orientale nel settembre 2019, dedicato al tema del radicalismo nel carcer

    “Bisphenol a: an emerging threat to male fertility”

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    Abstract Background Among the factors causing male infertility, one of the most debated is the exposure to environmental contaminants. Recently, the chemical compound Bisphenol A (BPA) has drawn attention from the reproductive science community, due to its ubiquitous presence in day-to-day life. Its toxic action appears to mainly affect the male reproductive system, directly impacting male fertility. Main The purpose of this review is to investigate current research data on BPA, providing an overview of the findings obtained from studies in animal and human models, as well as on its supposed mechanisms of action. Conclusion A clear understanding of BPA action mechanisms, as well as the presumed risks deriving from its exposure, is becoming crucial to preserve male fertility. The development and validation of methodologies to detect BPA toxic effects on reproductive organs can provide greater awareness of the potential threat that this chemical represents

    Indicazioni e limiti della diagnosi genetica preimpianto

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    The preimplantation genetic diagnosis allows to identify genetic disease and chromosomal alterations in early stages of embryonic development, giving the opportunity to overcome the risk of transmitting an inherited disease and to improve the efficiency of in vitro fertilization techniques. In this paper, we provide an overview of indications and of the advantages and limits of techniques used to perform the preimplantation genetic diagnosis. We describe the multiplex-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and the karyomapping for the genetic diagnosis of inherited disease as well as the comparative genomic hybridization array, the qualitative real-time PCR and the next generation sequencing for the screening of chromosomal aneuploidy