263 research outputs found

    Stabilization of Polar Nano Regions in Pb-free ferroelectrics

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    Formation of polar nano regions through solid-solution additions are known to enhance significantly the functional properties of ferroelectric materials. Despite considerable progress in characterizing the microscopic behavior of polar nano regions, understanding their real-space atomic structure and dynamics of formation remains a considerable challenge. Here, using the method of dynamic pair distribution function, we provide direct insights into the role of solid-solution additions towards the stabilization of polar nano regions in the Pb-free ferroelectric of Ba(Zr,Ti)O3. It is shown that for an optimum level of substitution of Ti by larger Zr ions, the dynamics of atomic displacements for ferroelectric polarization are slowed sufficiently, which leads to increased local correlation among dipoles below THz frequencies. The dynamic pair distribution function technique demonstrates unique capability to obtain insights into locally correlated atomic dynamics in disordered materials, including new Pb-free ferroelectrics, which is necessary to understand and control their functional properties

    Serum levels of caspase-cleaved cytokeratin-18 and mortality are associated in severe septic patients: Pilot study

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    Objective: Apoptosis is increased in sepsis. Cytokeratin 18 (CK-18), a protein of the intermediate filament group present in most epithelial and parenchymal cells, is cleaved by the action of caspases and released into the blood as caspase-cleaved CK (CCCK)-18 during apoptosis. Circulating levels of CCCK-18 have scarcely been explored in septic patients. In one study with 101 severe septic patients, the authors reported higher serum CCCK-18 levels in non-survivors than in survivors; however, the sample size was too small to demonstrate an association between serum CCCK-18 levels and early mortality and whether they could be used as a biomarker to predict outcomes in septic patients. Thus, these were the objectives of this study with a large series of patients. Methods: We performed a prospective, multicenter, observational study in six Spanish Intensive Care Units with 224 severe septic patients. Blood samples were collected at the time that severe sepsis was diagnosed to determine serum levels of CCCK-18, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-10. The end point was 30-day mortality. Results: Non-surviving patients (n = 80) showed higher serum CCCK-18 levels (P391 u/L were associated with 30-day survival (Odds ratio = 2.687; 95% confidence interval = 1.449-4.983; P = 0.002), controlling for SOFA score, serum lactic acid levels and age. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis showed that the risk of death in septic patients with serum CCCK-18 levels >391 u/L was higher than in patients with lower values (Hazard Ratio = 3.1; 95% CI = 1.96-4.84; P<0.001). Serum CCCK-18 levels were positively associated with serum levels of IL-6 and lactic acid, and with SOFA and APACHE scores. Conclusions: The major novel finding of our study, the largest cohort of septic patients providing data on circulating CCCK-18 levels, was that serum CCCK-18 levels are associated with mortality in severe septic patients

    Association of sepsis-related mortality with early increase of TIMP-1/MMP-9 ratio

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    Objective: Higher circulating levels of tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases (TIMP)-1 at the time of severe sepsis diagnosis have been reported in nonsurviving than in surviving patients. However, the following questions remain unanswered: 1) Does TIMP-1/MMP-9 ratio differ throughout the first week of intensive care between surviving and nonsurviving patients? 2) Is there an association between TIMP-1/MMP-9 ratio and sepsis severity and mortality during such period? 3) Could TIMP-1/MMP-9 ratio during the first week be used as an early biomarker of sepsis outcome? 4) Is there an association between TIMP-1/MMP-9 ratio and coagulation state and circulating cytokine levels during the first week of intensive care in these patients? The present study sought to answer these questions. Methods: Multicenter, observational and prospective study carried out in six Spanish Intensive Care Units (ICUs) of 295 patients with severe sepsis. Were measured circulating levels of TIMP-1, MMP-9, tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, interleukin (IL)-10 and plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI)-1 at day 1, 4 and 8. End-point was 30-day mortality. Results: We found higher TIMP-1/MMP-9 ratio during the first week in non-surviving (n = 98) than in surviving patients (n = 197) (p, 0.01). Logistic regression analyses showed that TIMP-1/MMP-9 ratio at days 1, 4 and 8 was associated with mortality. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves showed that TIMP-1/MMP-9 ratio at days 1, 4 and 8 could predict mortality. There was an association between TIMP-1/MMP-9 ratio and TNF-alpha, IL-10, PAI-1 and lactic acid levels, SOFA score and platelet count at days 1, 4 and 8. Conclusions: The novel findings of our study were that non-surviving septic patients showed persistently higher TIMP-1/ MMP-9 ratio than survivors ones during the first week, which was associated with severity, coagulation state, circulating cytokine levels and mortality; thus representing a new biomarker of sepsis outcome

    Presentación de las actividades que lleva a cabo el grupo ORIÓN de investigación del área de óptica de la Universidad de Extremadura

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    Per ser conseqüents amb la nostra línia de treball d'innovació en l’ensenyament de la física i amb la línia editorial d'aquesta revista, aquest article sobre els treballs d'innovació i investigació educativa del nostre grup Orión d’investigació, es presenta en forma de mapa conceptual. La millor manera de llegir-lo és, si es té instal·lat el CmapTools a l'ordinador, visitar el lloc Cmap Universitat d'Extremadura (Espanya) i entrar a la carpeta Investigaciones del Grupo Orión. Encara que d'una forma una mica més limitada (no es podran obrir els Post-its aclaridors que hi apareixen), també pot llegir-se anant a l'adreça web: <http://grupoorion.unex.es:8001> i entrant a la carpeta indicada. Per qualsevol d'aquests dos procediments s'arriba al mapa conceptual que apareix més endavant i que resumeix les activitats del nostre grup. En aquest mapa apareixen multitud de vincles que porten als resultats dels diferents treballs duts a terme.Para resultar consecuentes con nuestra línea de trabajo de Innovación en la Enseñanza de la Física y con la línea editorial de esta revista, este artículo sobre los trabajos de Innovación e Investigación Educativa de nuestro Grupo Orión de Investigación, se presenta en forma de Mapa Conceptual. La mejor forma de leerlo es, si se tiene instalado CmapTools en el ordenador, visitar el Sitio Cmap “Universidad de Extremadura (España)” y entrar en la carpeta “Investigaciones del Grupo Orión”. Aunque de una forma algo más limitada (no se podrán abrir los post-it aclaratorios que aparecen), también puede leerse yendo a la dirección Web: http://grupoorion.unex.es:8001 y entrando en la carpeta antes indicada. Por cualquiera de estos 2 procedimientos se llega al mapa conceptual que aparece más adelante y que resume las actividades de nuestro grupo. En dicho mapa aparecen multitud de vínculos que llevan a los resultados de los diferentes trabajos llevados a cabo

    Intravenous delivery of adeno-associated virus 9-encoded IGF-1Ea propeptide improves post-infarct cardiac remodelling

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    The insulin-like growth factor Ea propeptide (IGF-1Ea) is a powerful enhancer of cardiac muscle growth and regeneration, also blocking age-related atrophy and beneficial in multiple skeletal muscle diseases. The therapeutic potential of IGF-1Ea compared with mature IGF-1 derives from its local action in the area of synthesis. We have developed an adeno-associated virus (AAV) vector for IGF-1Ea delivery to the heart to treat mice after myocardial infarction and examine the reparative effects of local IGF-1Ea production on left ventricular remodelling. A cardiotropic AAV9 vector carrying a cardiomyocyte-specific IGF-1Ea-luciferase bi-cistronic gene expression cassette (AAV9.IGF-1Ea) was administered intravenously to infarcted mice, 5 h after ischemia followed by reperfusion (I/R), as a model of myocardial infarction. Virally encoded IGF-1Ea in the heart improved global left ventricular function and remodelling, as measured by wall motion and thickness, 28 days after delivery, with higher viral titers yielding better improvement. The present study demonstrates that single intravenous AAV9-mediated IGF-1Ea Gene Therapy represents a tissue-targeted therapeutic approach to prevent the adverse remodelling after myocardial infarct

    Portable magnetic resonance imaging of patients indoors, outdoors and at home

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    Mobile medical imaging devices are invaluable for clinical diagnostic purposes both in and outside healthcare institutions. Among the various imaging modalities, only a few are readily portable. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the gold standard for numerous healthcare conditions, does not traditionally belong to this group. Recently, low-field MRI start-up companies have demonstrated the first decisive steps towards portability within medical facilities, but these are so far incompatible with more demanding use cases such as in remote and developing regions, sports facilities and events, medical and military camps, or home healthcare. Here we present in vivo images taken with a light, home-made, low-field extremity MRI scanner outside the controlled environment provided by medical facilities. To demonstrate the true portability of the system and benchmark its performance in various relevant scenarios, we have acquired images of a volunteer's knee in: i) an MRI physics laboratory; ii) an office room; iii) outside a campus building, connected to a nearby power outlet; iv) in open air, powered from a small fuel-based generator; and v) at the volunteer's home. All images have been acquired within clinically viable times, and signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) and tissue contrast suffice for 2D and 3D reconstructions with diagnostic value, with comparable overall image quality across all five situations. Furthermore, the volunteer carries a fixation metallic implant screwed to the femur, which leads to strong artifacts in standard clinical systems but appears sharp in our low-field acquisitions. Altogether, this work opens a path towards highly accessible MRI under circumstances previously unrealistic.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, comments welcom