37 research outputs found


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    We studied apoptosis of peripheral blood cells in 47 patients older than 60 years with varying course and outcome of acute poisoning with psychopharmacological drugs. It is shown that a control group of volunteers of the same age should be formed for an objective assessment of these disturbances. We revealed deviation of apoptotic parameters from the control group values. However, we failed to specify its information value for the prognosis and disease outcomeУ 47 больных старше 60 лет с различным течением и исходом острых отравлений психофарма- кологическими препаратами изучен апоптоз клеток периферической крови. Показано, что для объективной оценки нарушений следует формировать контрольную группу из добровольцев та- кого же возраста. Выявлены отклонения показателей апоптоза от значений контрольной группы. Однако не удалось установить их информативность для прогноза течения и исхода заболевания


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    Background. Inhalation trauma remains one of the most common and complex condition to be treated. Fibrobronchoscopic sanitation plays a significant role in the complex therapy of patients with inhalation trauma, allowing purulent necrotic discharge, soot and combustion products to be removed from the lumen of the tracheobronchial tree. We proposed a method for local treatment of mucosal lesions in inhalation trauma based on early endoscopic sanitation of the tracheobronchial tree with solutions of antiseptics followed by application of human type 1 collagen solution.Aim of study. To assess the effect of early fibroblochoscopic sanitation with application of human-type collagen 1 on the timing of epithelialization of the damaged tracheal and bronchial mucosa in patients with inhalation trauma.Material and methods. The study included 59 patients with inhalation trauma of 2–3 degree. All patients from the first day after the trauma underwent bronchoscopic sanitation in accordance with the standards of medical care. Immediately after the removal of soot, the solution of human-type collagen 1 was applied in patients of the main group, obtained from ligaments and tendons by the acid extraction method. The dynamics of the reparative process was evaluated on the basis of the endoscopic study and according to a series of morphological studies of the biopsy material obtained in the course of fibrobronchoscopy.Results. Complete epithelization of erosions of the mucous membrane of the trachea and bronchi in patients with inhalation trauma of 2 degree occurred significantly earlier (3 (2; 6) days) than without its application (7 (4; 9) day) (n1 =15; n2 =21; U=49.5; p=0.0004). In patients with inhalation trauma of 3 degree, epithelialization time was reduced from 17 (12; 22) days in the comparison group to 7 (6; 9) days in the main group (n1 =14; n2 =9; U=1; p=0.001). According to the morphological study, a characteristic feature of the fibrobronchoscopic sanitation with the human collagen type 1 was the absence of purulent inflammation of the trachea and bronchial wall.Conclusion. In the study, it was statistically proved that the early fibrobrochoscopic sanitation and application of the human collagen type 1 solution for acute lesions of the mucous membrane of the trachea and bronchi twice accelerates epithelialization of mucosal lesions without the development of purulent inflammation. Ингаляционная травма (ИТ) — одна из наиболее распространенных и сложных для лечения острых патологических состояний. Санационная фибробронхоскопия (СФБС) играет существенную роль в комплексной терапии пациентов с ИТ, позволяя удалить из просвета трахеобронхиального дерева (ТБД) гнойно-некротический секрет, копоть и продукты горения. Нами был предложен метод местного лечения повреждений слизистой оболочки при ИТ, основанный на проведении ранней эндоскопической санации просвета ТБД растворами антисептиков с последующим нанесением раствора коллагена 1-го типа человека.Цель исследования. Оценить влияние ранней СФБС с аппликацией коллагена 1-го типа человека на сроки эпителизации повреждений слизистой оболочки трахеи и бронхов у пациентов с ИТ.Материал и методы. В исследование включили 59 пациентов с ИТ 2–3-й степени тяжести. Всем пациентам с первых суток после травмы проводили санационную бронхоскопию в соответствии со стандартами оказания медицинской помощи. Пациентам основной группы сразу после удаления копоти проводили аппликацию раствора коллагена 1-го типа человека, полученного из связок и сухожилий методом кислотной экстракции. Динамику репаративного процесса оценивали на основании эндоскопической картины и по данным серии морфологических исследований биопсийного материала, полученного в ходе фибробронхоскопий.Результаты. Полная эпителизация эрозий слизистой оболочки трахеи и бронхов при ИТ 2-й степени происходила статистически значимо раньше (3-и (2:6) сут), чем без его нанесения (7-е (4:9) сут) (n1 =15; n2 =21; U=49,5; p=0,0004). При ИТ 3-й степени сроки эпителизации сокращались с 17 (12:22) сут у пациентов группы сравнения до 7 (6:9) сут в основной группе (n1 =14; n2 =9; U=1; p=0,0001). По данным морфологического исследования характерной особенностью СФБС с аппликацией коллагена 1-го типа человека являлось отсутствие гнойного воспаления стенки трахеи и бронхов.Заключение. В проведенном исследовании статистически значимо доказано, что ранняя санационная фибробронхоскопия и аппликация раствора коллагена 1-го типа человека на острые повреждения слизистой оболочки трахеи и бронхов способствуют ускорению эпителизации повреждений слизистой оболочки в 2 раза без развития гнойного воспаления.

    Quantitative and Qualitative Stem Rust Resistance Factors in Barley Are Associated with Transcriptional Suppression of Defense Regulons

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    Stem rust (Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici; Pgt) is a devastating fungal disease of wheat and barley. Pgt race TTKSK (isolate Ug99) is a serious threat to these Triticeae grain crops because resistance is rare. In barley, the complex Rpg-TTKSK locus on chromosome 5H is presently the only known source of qualitative resistance to this aggressive Pgt race. Segregation for resistance observed on seedlings of the Q21861 × SM89010 (QSM) doubled-haploid (DH) population was found to be predominantly qualitative, with little of the remaining variance explained by loci other than Rpg-TTKSK. In contrast, analysis of adult QSM DH plants infected by field inoculum of Pgt race TTKSK in Njoro, Kenya, revealed several additional quantitative trait loci that contribute to resistance. To molecularly characterize these loci, Barley1 GeneChips were used to measure the expression of 22,792 genes in the QSM population after inoculation with Pgt race TTKSK or mock-inoculation. Comparison of expression Quantitative Trait Loci (eQTL) between treatments revealed an inoculation-dependent expression polymorphism implicating Actin depolymerizing factor3 (within the Rpg-TTKSK locus) as a candidate susceptibility gene. In parallel, we identified a chromosome 2H trans-eQTL hotspot that co-segregates with an enhancer of Rpg-TTKSK-mediated, adult plant resistance discovered through the Njoro field trials. Our genome-wide eQTL studies demonstrate that transcript accumulation of 25% of barley genes is altered following challenge by Pgt race TTKSK, but that few of these genes are regulated by the qualitative Rpg-TTKSK on chromosome 5H. It is instead the chromosome 2H trans-eQTL hotspot that orchestrates the largest inoculation-specific responses, where enhanced resistance is associated with transcriptional suppression of hundreds of genes scattered throughout the genome. Hence, the present study associates the early suppression of genes expressed in this host–pathogen interaction with enhancement of R-gene mediated resistance


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    We studied apoptosis of peripheral blood cells in 47 patients older than 60 years with varying course and outcome of acute poisoning with psychopharmacological drugs. It is shown that a control group of volunteers of the same age should be formed for an objective assessment of these disturbances. We revealed deviation of apoptotic parameters from the control group values. However, we failed to specify its information value for the prognosis and disease outcom


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    Background. Inhalation trauma remains one of the most common and complex condition to be treated. Fibrobronchoscopic sanitation plays a significant role in the complex therapy of patients with inhalation trauma, allowing purulent necrotic discharge, soot and combustion products to be removed from the lumen of the tracheobronchial tree. We proposed a method for local treatment of mucosal lesions in inhalation trauma based on early endoscopic sanitation of the tracheobronchial tree with solutions of antiseptics followed by application of human type 1 collagen solution.Aim of study. To assess the effect of early fibroblochoscopic sanitation with application of human-type collagen 1 on the timing of epithelialization of the damaged tracheal and bronchial mucosa in patients with inhalation trauma.Material and methods. The study included 59 patients with inhalation trauma of 2–3 degree. All patients from the first day after the trauma underwent bronchoscopic sanitation in accordance with the standards of medical care. Immediately after the removal of soot, the solution of human-type collagen 1 was applied in patients of the main group, obtained from ligaments and tendons by the acid extraction method. The dynamics of the reparative process was evaluated on the basis of the endoscopic study and according to a series of morphological studies of the biopsy material obtained in the course of fibrobronchoscopy.Results. Complete epithelization of erosions of the mucous membrane of the trachea and bronchi in patients with inhalation trauma of 2 degree occurred significantly earlier (3 (2; 6) days) than without its application (7 (4; 9) day) (n1 =15; n2 =21; U=49.5; p=0.0004). In patients with inhalation trauma of 3 degree, epithelialization time was reduced from 17 (12; 22) days in the comparison group to 7 (6; 9) days in the main group (n1 =14; n2 =9; U=1; p=0.001). According to the morphological study, a characteristic feature of the fibrobronchoscopic sanitation with the human collagen type 1 was the absence of purulent inflammation of the trachea and bronchial wall.Conclusion. In the study, it was statistically proved that the early fibrobrochoscopic sanitation and application of the human collagen type 1 solution for acute lesions of the mucous membrane of the trachea and bronchi twice accelerates epithelialization of mucosal lesions without the development of purulent inflammation