7 research outputs found

    Alchemilla Vulgaris L. kao potencijalni izvor prirodnih antioksidanata

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    The aim of this study was to examine the total phenolic and flavonoid content, and antioxidant activity of the methanol extract of Alchemilla vulgaris aerial parts, as a potential source of natural antioxidants. The obtained results showed that extract has high total phenolic content (590,22 mg GAE/g), wheras flavonoid content was lower (12,58 mg RU/g). Antioxidant activity was determined in vitro by DPPH· and ABTS+· reagents. The IC50 values of DPPH (5,40 μg/ml) and ABTS+· scavenging capacities (60,10 μg/ml) of methanol extract showed that tested extract has extremely strong antioxidant activity.Cilj ovog rada je bio ispitivanje antioksidativne aktivnosti, kao i količine ukupnih fenolnih jedinjenja i flavonoida u metanolnom ekstraktu biljke A. vulgaris L., kao potencijalnog izvora prirodnih antioksidanata. Ispitivani ekstrakt poseduje visok sadržaj ukupnih fenola (590,22 mg GA/g), dok je koncentracija flavonoida znatno manja (12,58 mg RU/g). Antioksidativna aktivnost je ispitivana in vitro DPPH i ABTS+· metodom, a IC50 vrednosti ukazuju da ispitivani ekstrakt pokazuje izuzetno visok stepen antioksidativne aktivnosti u poređenju sa referentnim fenolnim jedinjenjima, što ukazuje na mogućnost primene ekstrakta A. vulgaris u prehrambenoj industriji

    Stabilnost ekstrakta korena suručice i efekat na sprečavanje lipidne oksidacije u mesu

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    Nowadays, consumers are demanding more natural foods, obliging the industry to include natural antioxidants in foods and synthetic antioxidants have been rejected because of their carcinogenicity. Natural antioxidants have been used instead of synthetic to retard lipid oxidation in foods to improve their quality and nutritional value. The aim of this work was to evaluate pH and termal stability, and effect on lipid oxidation in meat-model system of methanolic extract of Filipendula hexapetala Gilib. Results suggest that the stability of the extract is expressed in a variety of pH and thermal conditions. The root extract of F. hexapetala exerted a concentration-dependent antioxidant activity in a meat model system, lower than synthetic antioxidant BHT.Danas je u ishrani zastupljen veliki broj prirodnih proizvoda, tako da prehrambena industrija sve više koristi prirodne antioksidante, a sintetički antioksidanti se izbacuju iz upotrebe zbog njihove kancerogenosti. Prirodni antioksidanti se koriste umesto sintetičkih da uspore oksidaciju lipida, poboljšaju kvalitet i nutritivnu vrednost namirnica. Cilj ovog rada bio je određivanje pH i termalne stabilnosti, kao i efekta na lipidnu oksidaciju u mesu metanolskog ekstrakta korena biljke Filipendula hexapetala Gilib. Rezultati ukazuju da je stabilnost ekstrakta izražena u različitim pH i termalnim uslovima. Ekstrakt korena F. hexapetala pokazao je koncentraciono-zavisnu antioksidativnu aktivnost u meso model-sistemu, nešto nižu u odnosu na sintetički antioksidant BHT

    The biological activities of roots and aerial parts of Alchemilla vulgaris L

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    The phytochemical composition, in vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activities, cytotoxicity and antigenotoxicity of fruit extracts of Opuntia dillenii were studied. The phytochemical composition was evaluated using HPLC, GC-MS and UV–Vis spectrophotometry. Spectrophotometrical methods were used to estimate the antioxidant potential. Antimicrobial activity was determined using a microdilution method. The cytotoxic effects of the extracts were evaluated using the MTT assay. In vitro DNA-protective activity against hydroxyl radicalinduced DNA damage was also determined. The results showed that polar extracts of O. dillenii had a significant amount of phenolic compounds, including flavonoids, whereas non-polar extracts had mostly terpenoids and fatty acid derivatives. Moreover, several extracts showed good antioxidant and antimicrobial activities, with low cytotoxicity and significant DNA-protective effects. These results showed that the extracts of O. dillenii have promising bioactivity and further studies on the potential application in different areas of food and health might be beneficial

    Characterization of bioactivity and phytochemical composition with toxicity studies of different Opuntia dillenii extracts from Morocco

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    The phytochemical composition, in vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activities, cytotoxicity and antigenotoxicity of fruit extracts of Opuntia dillenii were studied. The phytochemical composition was evaluated using HPLC, GC-MS and UV–Vis spectrophotometry. Spectrophotometrical methods were used to estimate the antioxidant potential. Antimicrobial activity was determined using a microdilution method. The cytotoxic effects of the extracts were evaluated using the MTT assay. In vitro DNA-protective activity against hydroxyl radical-induced DNA damage was also determined. The results showed that polar extracts of O. dillenii had a significant amount of phenolic compounds, including flavonoids, whereas non-polar extracts had mostly terpenoids and fatty acid derivatives. Moreover, several extracts showed good antioxidant and antimicrobial activities, with low cytotoxicity and significant DNA-protective effects. These results showed that the extracts of O. dillenii have promising bioactivity and further studies on the potential application in different areas of food and health might be beneficial

    Vascular events in viral hemorrhagic fevers: a comparative study of dengue and hantaviruses

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