304 research outputs found

    Stochastic Thermodynamics of oscillators networks

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    We apply the stochastic thermodynamics formalism to describe the dynamics of systems of complex Langevin and Fokker-Planck equations. We provide in particular a simple and general recipe to calculate thermodynamical currents, dissipated and propagating heat for networks of nonlinear oscillators. By using the Hodge decomposition of thermodynamical forces and fluxes, we derive a formula for entropy production that generalises the notion of non-potential forces and makes trans- parent the breaking of detailed balance and of time reversal symmetry for states arbitrarily far from equilibrium. Our formalism is then applied to describe the off-equilibrium thermodynamics of a few examples, notably a continuum ferromagnet, a network of classical spin-oscillators and the Frenkel-Kontorova model of nano friction.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    Multiscale approach to spin transport in magnetic multilayers

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    This article discusses two dual approaches to spin transport in magnetic multilayers: a direct, purely quantum, approach based on a Tight-Biding model (TB) and a semiclassical approach (Continuous Random Matrix Theory, CRMT). The combination of both approaches provides a systematic way to perform multi-scales simulations of systems that contain relevant physics at scales larger (spin accumulation, spin diffusion...) and smaller (specular reflexions, tunneling...) than the elastic mean free paths of the layers. We show explicitly that CRMT and TB give consistent results in their common domain of applicability

    A Scalable VLSI Architecture for Soft-Input Soft-Output Depth-First Sphere Decoding

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    Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless transmission imposes huge challenges on the design of efficient hardware architectures for iterative receivers. A major challenge is soft-input soft-output (SISO) MIMO demapping, often approached by sphere decoding (SD). In this paper, we introduce the - to our best knowledge - first VLSI architecture for SISO SD applying a single tree-search approach. Compared with a soft-output-only base architecture similar to the one proposed by Studer et al. in IEEE J-SAC 2008, the architectural modifications for soft input still allow a one-node-per-cycle execution. For a 4x4 16-QAM system, the area increases by 57% and the operating frequency degrades by 34% only.Comment: Accepted for IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II Express Briefs, May 2010. This draft from April 2010 will not be updated any more. Please refer to IEEE Xplore for the final version. *) The final publication will appear with the modified title "A Scalable VLSI Architecture for Soft-Input Soft-Output Single Tree-Search Sphere Decoding
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