51 research outputs found

    Sales Promotion, Marketing Communication, and Product Patronage: A Study of First Bank of Nigeria

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    This study was designed primarily to examine the impact of sales promotion on the marketing of financial product using First Bank of Nigeria Plc as a study. The main objective of this study was to examine whether the non-acceptability of sales promotion to the target market have any effect on customer’s patronage and profit and also to examine whether sales promotion can serve as the major sustenance of short term sales strategy in the financial service industry. The targeted population was the entire customers of First Bank Of Nigeria PLC total number of 200 respondents were randomly selected from a stratified group within the study organization as sample size for the study. The survey questionnaire was used to collect primary data from respondents. The data collected was analysed based simple percentages and frequencies. The Chi-square statistical technique was used to test the proposed hypotheses. The core findings from the result obtained revealed that the non-acceptability of sales promotion may not significantly determine the patronage of financial product in the financial sector. Equally, the use of sales promotion may significantly serve as a major sustenance of short term sales strategy. It was concluded that sales promotion has a lot to do with strengthening the financial service sector; sales promotion also plays a positive role in the financial service sector, profit increases as a result of sales promotion and sales increases as a result of sales promotion. It was recommended that Banks should endeavour to spend more money on sales promotion and not see it as a waste of time because it is not advertising

    Strategic Imperatives of Total Quality Management and Customer Satisfaction in Organizational Sustainability

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    The importance of Total Quality Management (TQM) in today’s business environment is a sine qua non (an indispensable and essential action). This is due to the ever increasing tastes of customers who see service quality as a right owed them by businesses they chose to patronize. This study examined the relationship between total quality management and customer satisfaction in service industries. The aims among others were to evaluate the relationship between of top management commitments and customer retentions as well as to examine the influence of organizational reputation on customer’s continuous patronage. Relying solely on secondary data collected from various archival sources, findings shows that strong relationships exists between total quality management and customer satisfaction in the achievement of organizational goals especially in the current dispensation of globalization and stiff competitions. The analyzed data also revealed that total quality management and customer satisfaction have increased steadily over a period of time in some service industries but top management still have much to do in order to entrench TQM and customer satisfaction as policies in their organizations. The authors recommend a holistic adoption of TQM and customer services tenets and its entrenchment as policies in all organizations for quality customer services and satisfactions


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    Sequel to the emergence of the service economy, marketing, which was known for only physical goods has now widened its scope to cover all areas of services. As a result of the frantic efforts made by service marketers to ensure that services are not merely delivered, but experienced by the consumers, the world economy has witnessed a metamorphosis from a service economy to an experience economy. The healthcare sector is following suit. It is on this premise that this study examined customer experience management and loyalty in the healthcare sector using private hospitals in Lagos State, Nigeria. The primary objectives of this study were to determine the roles of functional, mechanic and humanic clues as well as how customer experience relates to customer satisfaction. The secondary objective was to assess the moderating impact of buyers’ psychological characteristics in the relationship between customer experience management and loyalty. In order to achieve these objectives, five hypotheses were formulated from the research questions raised to guide the study. The study employed survey research design and the data were generated via the combination of structured and unstructured questionnaire. A total of 489 copies of the questionnaire (365 for customers and 124 for healthcare service providers) were retrieved from the selected four private hospitals in Lagos State. Multi-stage sampling techniques were employed in the study. Using the Categorical Regression CATREG analysis, the study found that functional clues have positive influence on repeat purchase actions of customers. Mechanic clues have positive effect on brand insistence, while humanic clues have significant positive effect on switching restraint. Perfect positive relationships exist between customer experience and customer satisfaction and lastly buyers’ psychological characteristics moderate the relationship between customer experience and customer loyalty. Based on these findings, the study recommended, among other things, that health care managers must concentrate on understanding their patients’ needs, desires, cultural attitudes and then design tailored, reliable products, services that will enable them to satisfy those needs and wants. Healthcare managers must ensure that the environment of the healthcare organization is conducive for the patients always; and finally, healthcare managers should have a good grasp of consumer behaviour, so as to help them know their customers, their perceptions, motivations, learning and beliefs/attitudes and how all these will influence their buying behaviou

    Customer Relationship Management Approach and Student Satisfaction in Higher Education Marketing

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    The primary objective of the article was to determine the relationship between customer relationship management and student satisfaction. The study explored the ways in which student satisfaction can be achieved with the use of customer relationship management. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were employed in this research. The following hypotheses were formulated in this study: Student Lifecycle management has a significant impact on the student’s willingness to recommend to others, Parent relationship management has a positive impact on the students’ willingness to recommend their universities to others. A multiple regression analysis was employed in the hypothesis testing. The research findings showed that student’s willingness to recommend to others increases when the student lifecycle in the university is well managed. It was also discovered that strong parent relationship management at the University enhances the student’s willingness to recommend their Universities to others. It is therefore recommended that Universities should adopt effective customer relationship management strategies to achieve student satisfactio

    Relationship Marketing: The Antidote For Effective Sales Performance In The Nigerian Banking Industry

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    The primary objective of the article was to determine the relationship between relationship-marketing and sales performance. The study explored the dimensions in which relationship marketing can be used to achieve sales performance. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were employed in this research. Three hypotheses were formulated: organization needs relationship marketing in its competitive drive. Relationship marketing improves sales performance and relationship marketing, favorably helps in competitive management. The study was based on data collected from banks in Sango, Ogun State, Nigeria through the administration of questionnaires. Data collected were analyzed using a simple frequency table, regression analysis. Findings show that an organization needs relationship marketing in its competitive drive, sales performance can be improved through good relationship marketing and relationship marketing favorably helps in competition management. Based on findings of this research, it is recommended that the Nigerian Banking Industry should provide customers with quality service in order to attain customer satisfaction and build relationship with them thereby, leading to customer retention and consequently profitability. By so doing, it is envisaged that there will be improvement in sales performance

    Marketing Concept And The Satisfaction Of Consumer Needs: The Nigerian Consumers’ Experience

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    The paper examined the Nigerian experience as regards the use of marketing concept ideals and the satisfaction of the needs of target customers of the needs of the target customers. The objectives of the paper includes; to examine the relationship between marketing concept and satisfaction of customer needs, to establish the influence of product quality on competitors’ market policies amongst others. Findings revealed that there is strong relationship between the use of marketing concept and consumers’ satisfaction, a company product quality has influence on competitors’ company policies, amongst others. The paper recommends that organization should strive to satisfy their customer

    Empirical Analysis of Marketing Mix Strategy and Student Loyalty in Education Marketing

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    This study examines the impact of marketing mix strategies on student loyalty. The objectives of the study are to determine the relationship between instructional quality and active participation of the student, to examine the significant relationship between the competence of faculty and staff of the university, to determine if the distribution strategy of a university affects the repeat purchase retention of the students and willingness to recommend the university to others. The study uses survey method with four hypotheses which were later tested with correlation and regression test statistics. Findings show that there is a significant relationship between the impact of the marketing mix and student loyalty. The study recommends that there is a need for institutions to train their staff on how to maximize the use of the marketing mix to the institutions advantage; there is a need for an institution to be highly proactive in tracking customers’ feelings

    An Empirical Analysis of Total Quality Management and Perceived Corporate Image in Higher Education Management

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    This study assessed the quality management practices in the Nigerian educational institution specifically the areas of quality input management, quality process management and quality output management. The primary objective of the study was to examine the effect that total quality management has on the corporate image of universities in Nigeria. In the light of the above four relevant hypotheses were formulated. The study is based on the data collected from the students of selected privates and public universities in Nigeria through the administration of questionnaires. Data collected were analyzed using a simple frequency table, regression analysis, Pearson correlation analysis and T-test. Findings show that quality input management has an effect on perceived corporate image, quality output management has an effect on perceived corporate image, there is no difference between private and public universities as regards their total quality management and how student perceive corporate image. Based on the findings, it was recommended that the concerted efforts of the stakeholders must be harnessed and geared towards improving the quality standards of Nigerian universities


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    This study was carried out to ascertain the “Impact of Packaging on Consumer Purchase Decision”. The objectives of the study are to investigate the role of product attractiveness in stimulating consumer interest in a product, to examine whether product differentiation influence consumer evaluation of the product, to determine the effect of labeling in creating consumer awareness of the product and to investigate how product design can facilitate consumer trial purchase. Samples were drawn from loyal customers of a particular multinational company in food and beverage industry in Nigeria. While Regression was used to test the four hypotheses for this study. The core findings from the result obtained revealed that labeling can create consumer awareness. Product cataloguing and tagging can draw the attention of consumers, it also revealed that consumers are attracted to buy the product because of its shape, color and design of the product.It was concluded that packaging plays a positive role in the consumer purchase decision. It was recommended thatorganizations should pay attention to the information used. It must also be more useful technically.Management should ensure that their product package is not also deceptive
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