31 research outputs found


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    Historic Towns and Their Tourism Development

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    SAŽETAK Povijesni gradovi postaju u suvremenom svijetu i međunarodnom turizmu ne samo predmetom interesa turističkih stručnjaka i njihovih teorijskih rasprava, nego srediÅ”ta okupljanja golemih masa turista, a njihova turistička interpretacija značajan izvor prihoda za lokalno stanovniÅ”tvo. Turistički interes za gradovima dogodio se spontano kao rezultat konstantnih promjena u ponaÅ”anju turista diljem svijeta, kao i promjenama u motiviranosti potencijalnih turista za posjetu nekoj turističkoj destinaciji. Kako se postaviti prema takvim promjenama i kako turistički interpretirati povijesno i kulturno nasljeđe koncentrirano u gradovima, zanimljivo je pitanje ali i tema ovog članka.SUMMARY In the modern world and in international tourism, historic towns have become a subject of intense interest for tourism experts and for their theoretical works. They have also become centres which attract masses of tourists. Therefore, the way these towns are interpreted in tourism may be a significant source of income for the local population. Tourism interest in these towns has been spontaneous, as a result of the constant changes in tourists\u27 behaviour globally, and as a result of changes in the motivation of potential tourists to visit a tourism destination. Ways to handle these changes and how to interpret the historic and cultural heritage in terms of tourism are interesting questions that provide the topic of this paper

    New academic tourism journals: a necessity or a failure?

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    Danas u svijetu izlazi veliki broj stručnih i znanstvenih časopisa, a turistički sadržaji su na ovaj ili onaj način prisutni i u drugim ne-turističkim publikacijama, a naravno i u dnevnom tisku. Mnogi turistički stručnjaci pitaju se o opravdanosti takvog broja znanstvenih časopisa., navodeći različite razloge za takva svoja stajaliÅ”ta. Ovaj članak nastoji odgovoriti na takva pitanja, bila ona pozitivna ili negativna u odnosu na sudbinu znanstvenog turističkog tiska, s posebnim naglaskom na slučaj Hrvatske.In modern world a great number of academic turist journals have been published, and the tourism themes could be found in other non-tourist publications, but in daily newspapers as well. Many scholars and other tourist experts asked themselves about the of so many of them, giving the various explanations for such their opinion. The purpose of this article is to answer these questions, neither they have positive or negative connotation according the destiny of scientific and professional tourist publications, stressing the case of Croatia


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    Religious Tourism: Economic Value or an Empty Box?

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    This article tries to explain and support the thesis that economic impacts of religion/tourism relationship should not be underestimated. Taking into account the fact that tourism is a complex and multidimensional phenomenon, it is almost impossible to examine religion and its specific relationships to tourism: economic, social and cultural. Based on theoretical research of scholars it can be said that the two phenomena - religion and tourism - have much too common. Today, it is hard to get away with the impression that in most places of pilgrimage the profane impacts of tourism are greater due to the religious reasons. Even in the so called ā€˜hard-lineā€™ or conservative religions of the world, because of their strict observance of religious duties of their adherents, such benefits are no longer denied

    Economics of Tourism: Misunderstanding and a Lack of Understanding

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    Ekonomika turizma poznati je pojam iz teorije turizma. Međutim, znanstvena stajaliÅ”ta koja su ovaj pojam do sada nastojala definirati u različitim razdobljima turističke povijesti, vrlo su različiti, pa i suprotni. U istočnoeuropskim zemljama izraz ekonomika turizma prisutan je od svrÅ”etka Drugog svjetskog rata. Zapadna turistička literatura počinje ovaj izraz koristiti tek krajem dvadesetog stoljeća pa joÅ” uvijek o njemu nije zauzela određeno, a pogotovo ne zajedničko stajaliÅ”te. Osim retrospektive znanstvenih glediÅ”ta u posljednjih Å”ezdeset godina, članak polemizira s novijim stajaliÅ”tima objavljenim u knjizi International Handbook on the Economics of Tourism (L. Dwyer i P. Forsyth).The economics of tourism is a wellknown concept in the theory of tourism. However, scientific positions which have attempted to define the concept in different periods have not only differed, but have even been contradictory. In the countries of East Europe, the concept of economics of tourism has existed since the end ofWorldWar II.Western tourism literature began to use the term only at the end of the 20th century, but a defined position on this, let alone a consensus, has still not been found. This paper presents a retrospective of scientific views on the economics of tourism over the last sixty years and polemically discusses the views published in the International Handbook on the Economics of Tourism (L.Dwyer and P. Forsyth)


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    Svaki je povijesni grad turistička destinacija par excellence. To proizlazi iz definicija turizma i turista. Kao turistička destinacija, svaki povijesni grad svim turistima ne predstavlja isto. Cilj i svrha turistički usmjerenog razvoja nekog povijesnog grada mora se razlikovati od turističkog razvoja drugih turističkih destinacija. Često povijesno bogati gradovi privlače mnoge posjetitelje, ali se oni kratko zadržavaju. Ovo potiče neka ekonomska pitanja i dileme o tome kako pomiriti troÅ”ak očuvanja i održanja povijesnih spomenika s koristima od potroÅ”nje turista koji dolaze i kratko borave u tim gradovima. Postavlja se i pitanje politike samog turističkog razvoja: Å”to je potrebno dodati turističkoj ponudi kako bi se zadržalo posjetitelje dulje, a bez naruÅ”avanja sklada i ljepote povijesnog grada. Često je to pitanje suživota novog i starog na istome mjestu, pitanje etike, tradicije, kulture, arhitekture itd. kao i pitanje ekonomske prirode. Ovaj rad postavlja viÅ”e pitanja nego Å”to daje odgovora, ali također pokuÅ”ava osvijetliti i problem s teoretske strane.Every single historical city is par excellence a tourism destination. This derives simply from the definition of tourism and of the tourist. As a tourist destination, every historical city does not carry the same meaning to all tourists. The aim and purpose of tourism oriented development of a historical city must be different from tourism development of other tourism destinations. Very often the cities with very rich history attract many visitors, but they do not stay in them long. This situation raises a number of economic questions and dilemmas of how to reconcile the costs of preserving and maintaining the historical monuments with the benefit of tourist consumption made by visitors who come and stay in such cities albeit just for a short time. This is a question of tourism development policy itself: how to expand a tourism offer in order to keep the visitors longer, without damaging the harmony and physical environment of historical cities. Very often it is the matter of old and modern coexisting at the same place, of ethics, tradition, culture, architecture etc., as well as of economic concerns. The paper raises more questions than it will give answers, but it attempts to highlight the problem from the theoretical side


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    Kada sam prije gotovo pedeset godina napisao prvi članak o turizmu, mogao sam pisati i govoriti o ā€œpogledu sa straneā€. Sve Å”to je zatim slijedilo bio je ā€œpogled iznutraā€. No, od kada nisam viÅ”e u pravom smislu riječi aktivan u turizmu, piÅ”ući ovaj članak mogao sam ponovno i s punim pravom napisati - ā€œpogled sa straneā€. DoduÅ”e, danas je taj pogled bitno različit od onoga iz prvih dana mog angažmana u hrvatskom turizmu, jer sam u dugogodiÅ”njem radu u turizmu stekao brojna iskustva. Zbog toga i ovaj naslov treba prihvatiti viÅ”e kao pokuÅ”aj da članku dam neÅ”to atraktivniji naziv od naslova članaka koje uobičajeno nalazimo u stručnom tisku ili pak kao nastojanje da članku dam neko posebno značenje. Članak pokuÅ”ava sažeto objasniti danaÅ”nji položaj suvremenog hrvatskog turizma, relativizirati rezultate turizma u Hrvatskoj u 2015. godini i dati neke osobne opaske o pripremama 2016. turističke godine.When nearly fifty years ago I wrote my first article on tourism, I could have written and talked about ā€œan outsiderā€™s viewā€. Everything that followed was ā€œan insiderā€™s viewā€. However, since I am no longer active, in the literal meaning of the word, in tourism, I can again rightfully claim that this article will offer ā€œan outsiderā€™s viewā€. Nevertheless, today this view is significantly different from the one I held during my early engagement with Croatian tourism, due to the diverse experience I gained during my longstanding career. As a result, this title should be taken as an effort to provide the article with a more attractive heading than article titles found in professional publications or as a tendency to give it a special meaning. This paper attempts to provide a summarized explanation of the position of modern Croatian tourism today, to make relevant the tourism results in Croatia in 2015 and to offer authorā€™s commentary on preparations for the tourism season 2016