34 research outputs found

    Management v izobraževanju – stališča medicinskih sester do vseživljenjskega izobraževanja v zdravstvenem domu maribor*

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    V članku je predstavljen management v izobraževanju in izobraževanje kot eden od vidikov socializacije, ki vključuje pridobivanje znanja in učenje veščin. V Zdravstvenem domu Maribor smo ugotavljali stališča medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov do vseživljenjskega izobraževanja. Za prikaz raziskovalnega problema smo uporabili neeksperimentalno – kavzalno metodo raziskovanja. Ugotovili smo, da medicinske sestre in zdravstveni tehniki pripisujejo velik pomen strokovnemu izpopolnjevanju in izobraževanju v zdravstveni negi. Premalo se aktivno udeležujejo strokovnih izpopolnjevanj z lastnim prispevkom ter premalo uporabljajo računalnik in internet v izobraževalne namene. Največjo vzpodbudo pri izpopolnjevanju in izobraževanju najdejo pri družini. Z delovnim mestom glede na izobrazbo so izvajalci zdravstvene nege zadovoljni, kar pomeni, da so delovna mesta v zdravstveni negi ustrezno sistemizirana. Navajajo, da so dodatna znanja potrebna za večjo kakovost dela v stroki in da jim je omogočeno kontinuirano strokovno izpopolnjevanje s strani zavoda, ki v večini krije njihove stroške strokovnega izpopolnjevanja

    Timsko delo v očeh študentov zdravstvene nege: kateri dejavniki vplivajo na njegovo uspešnost

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    Timsko delo je eden od načinov za soočanje z delovnimi izzivi v organizaciji. Na podlagi anketnega vprašalnika smo med študenti 3. letnika visokošolskega strokovnega študijskega programa Zdravstvena nega ugotavljali njihov pogled na timsko metodo dela. Za empirični prikaz pilotske študije smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo raziskovanja. Podatki so bili statistično obdelani s pomočjo programa SPSS. Ugotovili smo, da imajo študenti zdravstvene nege pozitiven odnos do timske metode dela. Razlikujejo med timom in skupino, vendar menijo, da je vodja tisti, ki sprejema odločitve v timu. Na uspešno timsko delo po njihovem mnenju vplivajo naslednji dejavniki: medsebojno zaupanje in sodelovanje v timu, sproščena komunikacija brez strahu pred vodjo in sodelavci, medsebojni odnosi v timu, uspešen vodja tima, znanje članov tima, jasna opredeljenost vlog v timu in pohvala za učinkovito delo. Rezultati raziskave so vzpodbudni in kažejo, da študenti pozitivno sprejemajo timsko metodo dela, ki je imperativ sodobnega časa

    Spirala znanja – nova paradigma prenosa znanja v zdravstveni negi

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    V prispevku je predstavljena spirala znanja kot sodoben model organizacijskega učenja. Prikazan je praktičen primer medicinske sestre v organizacijski enoti. Bistvo spirale znanja je, da pridobljeno znanje posameznika ni dovolj, potreben je prenos na druge. S tem dobimo novo kakovost, vendar moramo biti poleg tega znanje sposobni uporabiti. Organizacijsko učenje pomeni zaznavanje in odzivanje na spremembe v okolju, zmožnost reševanja problemov in težav. Je nujen element in orodje preživetja organizacije v okolju. Gre za dinamičen proces ustvarjanja, pridobivanja in posredovanja znanja


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    This article focuses on the question of the influence of the spiritual factor on life satisfaction. Spiritual factor includes two indexes - self-esteem and self image as well as spirituality. Both include more variables. We have studied self-esteem with Rosenberg standardized questionnaire, self image and spirituality were studied by evaluating variables (feelings of inferiority, the adoption of the external appearance, the meaning of life, meditation, prayer) and satisfaction with life with »Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS)«. The survey was based on a quantitative methodology and on a non-experimental method. The sample size was determined based on the proportional stratification according to the size of population 65 years and over according to the data of Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia for 2012. The study involved 1,064 older people aged 65+ living at home and in social welfare institutions. We received 656 correctly completed questionnaires, representing 61.6% of the study population (home: 380 - 57.9%; social welfare institution: 276 - 42.1%). For the analysis of causal effects, we used advanced statistical methods (propensity score methods). We have found out that the index of self-esteem and self image as well as spirituality is strongly associated with life satisfaction as the highest average value of a multiple R-square of the spiritual factor was R² = 0.37. Spiritual factor is therefore an important element of satisfaction with life in old age, because it allows the old person to strike a balance for peaceful life.Članak je usredotočen na pitanje utjecaja čimbenika duhovnosti na zadovoljstvo sa životom. Čimbenik duhovnosti uključuje dva indeksa: samopoštovanje te sliku o samom sebi i duhovnost. Oba indeksa uključuju više varijabli. Samopoštovanje smo proučavali pomoću Rosenbergovog standardiziranog upitnika, sliku o samom sebi i duhovnost pomoću ocjene varijabli (osjećaj manje vrijednosti, prihvaćanje vanjskog izgleda, smisao života, meditacija, molitva), a zadovoljstvo životom pomoću ljestvice Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS). Istraživanje smo zasnovali na kvantitativnoj metodologiji i ne-eksperimentalnoj metodi. Veličinu uzorka smo odredili na osnovi proporcionalne stratifikacije glede veličine broja populacije starije od 65 godina, prema podacima Statističkog ureda Republike Slovenije za 2012. godinu. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 1064 osoba u dobi od 65 i više godina, koji su živjeli kod kuće i u zavodima. Primili smo 656 pravilno ispunjenih upitnika, što iznosi 61,6 % u istraživanje uključene populacije (kod kuće 380 – 57,9%; zavodi: 276 – 42,1%). Za analizu uzročnih učinaka korištene su napredne statističke metode sklonosti (Propensity Score Methods). Zaključili smo da su indeksi samopoštovanja i slike o sebi i duhovnosti vrlo jako povezani sa zadovoljstvom životom, jer najviša prosječna vrijednost multipl R-kvadrata za čimbenik duhovnosti iznosi R²=0,37. Dakle, čimbenik duhovnosti je vrlo važan element zadovoljstva životom u starosti, omogućujući starijoj osobi postizanje ravnoteže za miran život

    The connection between chronic diseases and self-image and self-esteem

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    Introduction: With aging, the incidence of chronic diseases among elderly increases, as about 88% of them have at least one chronic condition, with 50% having at least two. The presence of these diseases influences their self-image and self-esteem. This study aimed to identify the effects of chronic diseases on self-esteem and self-image in the group of elderly people. Methods: A quantitative research design using a structured questionnaire was employed, where Rosenberg questionnaire with an adapted measurement scale was used for evaluating self-esteem, while Marsh’s adjusted Multidimensional self-concept scale was used for assessing self-image. Results: The survey involved 51 respondents: 25.5% were male, and 74.5% were female, the average age of the respondents was 77.0 years. 60.8 % of them reported high blood pressure, 31.4% rheumatism, 25.5% osteoporosis and 23.5% diabetes. “Rheumatism” was statistically significantly associated with two elements of self-esteem: the “athletic self-esteem” and “inclusion”, whereas the claim for self-assessment “I can do things as good the majority of other people” was associated to the incidence of  “diabetes”. Conclusions: The results of our study indicate that rheumatism, as a most common chronic disease among this population, has a significant impact on some elements of self-image and self-esteem. Further research should focus on the concepts of self-esteem and self-image of this population

    Expected professional and personal characteristics of clinical mentors: Differences between physiotherapy and social gerontology students

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    Background: Clinical mentors play an important role in the development of knowledge and the acquisition of competencies of different health professionals. The success of the entire mentoring process also depends on the professional and personal characteristics of the clinical mentor. The purpose of this study was to identify which professional and personal characteristics of clinical mentors are relevant to physiotherapy (PHT) and social gerontology (SG) students. Methods: The web survey was performed between January 20 and May 15, 2018, using the adapted version of the nursing clinical teacher effectiveness inventory. The final sample consisted of 100 PHT and SG students from one of the Slovenian Universities. Results: The competencies “explains clearly” (p ˂ 0.001) and “takes responsibility of own actions” (p = 0.023) were statistically significantly more relevant to PHT students than to the SG students. The competencies “explains clearly” (p ˂ 0.001), “demonstrates clinical skill and judgment” (p = 0.033), “takes responsibility of own actions” (p = 0.023), and “is self-critical” (p = 0.023), were statistically significantly more relevant to PHT than to the SG students, while the statements “discusses current development in his/her field” (p = 0.002), “communicates expectations of students” (p = 0.029), “demonstrates empathy” (p = 0.037), “demonstrates enthusiasm” (p = 0.005), and “has a good sense of humor” (p = 0.005) were statistically significantly more relevant to SG students. Conclusion: The contrast in responses reflects the differences in the nature of both professions: The predominantly instrumental nature of PHT and the predominantly expressive nature of SG


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    This article focuses on the question of the influence of the spiritual factor on life satisfaction. Spiritual factor includes two indexes - self-esteem and self image as well as spirituality. Both include more variables. We have studied self-esteem with Rosenberg standardized questionnaire, self image and spirituality were studied by evaluating variables (feelings of inferiority, the adoption of the external appearance, the meaning of life, meditation, prayer) and satisfaction with life with »Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS)«. The survey was based on a quantitative methodology and on a non-experimental method. The sample size was determined based on the proportional stratification according to the size of population 65 years and over according to the data of Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia for 2012. The study involved 1,064 older people aged 65+ living at home and in social welfare institutions. We received 656 correctly completed questionnaires, representing 61.6% of the study population (home: 380 - 57.9%; social welfare institution: 276 - 42.1%). For the analysis of causal effects, we used advanced statistical methods (propensity score methods). We have found out that the index of self-esteem and self image as well as spirituality is strongly associated with life satisfaction as the highest average value of a multiple R-square of the spiritual factor was R² = 0.37. Spiritual factor is therefore an important element of satisfaction with life in old age, because it allows the old person to strike a balance for peaceful life.Članak je usredotočen na pitanje utjecaja čimbenika duhovnosti na zadovoljstvo sa životom. Čimbenik duhovnosti uključuje dva indeksa: samopoštovanje te sliku o samom sebi i duhovnost. Oba indeksa uključuju više varijabli. Samopoštovanje smo proučavali pomoću Rosenbergovog standardiziranog upitnika, sliku o samom sebi i duhovnost pomoću ocjene varijabli (osjećaj manje vrijednosti, prihvaćanje vanjskog izgleda, smisao života, meditacija, molitva), a zadovoljstvo životom pomoću ljestvice Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS). Istraživanje smo zasnovali na kvantitativnoj metodologiji i ne-eksperimentalnoj metodi. Veličinu uzorka smo odredili na osnovi proporcionalne stratifikacije glede veličine broja populacije starije od 65 godina, prema podacima Statističkog ureda Republike Slovenije za 2012. godinu. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 1064 osoba u dobi od 65 i više godina, koji su živjeli kod kuće i u zavodima. Primili smo 656 pravilno ispunjenih upitnika, što iznosi 61,6 % u istraživanje uključene populacije (kod kuće 380 – 57,9%; zavodi: 276 – 42,1%). Za analizu uzročnih učinaka korištene su napredne statističke metode sklonosti (Propensity Score Methods). Zaključili smo da su indeksi samopoštovanja i slike o sebi i duhovnosti vrlo jako povezani sa zadovoljstvom životom, jer najviša prosječna vrijednost multipl R-kvadrata za čimbenik duhovnosti iznosi R²=0,37. Dakle, čimbenik duhovnosti je vrlo važan element zadovoljstva životom u starosti, omogućujući starijoj osobi postizanje ravnoteže za miran život

    Slovenian nursing students’ competence in research utilization, and the support they received during clinical practice

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    Aim: Research utilization is at the core of evidence-based practice. The aim of the study was to describe Slovenian nursing students’ competence in research utilization (attitudes, knowledge, and skills) on graduation, and the support they received in learning research utilization during clinical practice.Design: A descriptive, cross-sectional study design.Methods: The participants were graduating Slovenian bachelor-level nursing students (n = 220). Data were collected using the Competence in Research Utilization instrument, and analyzed statistically.Results: Students’ attitudes to research utilization were positive, but their knowledge was rather limited. Skills were self-assessed as above moderate. The majority of the students had received support in learning research utilization during their most recent clinical practice period. The support received was related to students’ attitudes and skills.Conclusion: Educational institutions should pay attention to improving nursing students’ competence in research utilization, especially regarding their knowledge. Further research is needed to explore the most effective pedagogical strategies, including clinical practice, to improve students’ competence in research utilization and to gain a better understanding of multidimensional research utilization competence assessment.</p

    Slovenian nurses’ research utilization competence and received support from nurse managers

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    Introduction. Research utilization is the core of evidence-based practice. Nurse managers have an important role to support competence management and research utilization in nursing care.Aim. The aim of the study was to investigate the research utilization competence of Slovenian nurses working in hospitals and the received support from nurse managers related to research utilization. Research utilization competence comprises attitudes and the knowledge and skills.Methods. A descriptive, cross-sectional study design was used. The participants were nurses (n=154) from eight hospitals in Slovenia. Data was collected using the Competence in Research Utilization instrument and analyzed statistically.Results. Nurses’ attitudes were positive. Nurses’ appreciation of research utilization was higher than their readiness to commit themselves to research utilization. Nurses’ knowledge related to acquisition research evidence and reading and appraising research was rather limited even if they assessed their skills as above moderate. The received support from nurse managers related moderately to nurses’ research utilization skills.Conclusions. The research utilization competence of nurses is recommended to be strengthened with systematic competence management and support from nurse managers in clinical practice. Nurse managers can support nurses’ research utilization competence by encouraging them to participate in continuing education and by building systematic academic cooperation and networking between educators, researchers, and nurse clinicians.</p