661 research outputs found

    Asset Prices and the Conduct of Monetary Policy

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    In simple backward-looking structural models of the economy the optimal monetary policy rule is given by a Taylor-type interest rate rule, with the interest rate being a function of current and lagged inflation rates and the current and lagged output gap. Such a rule is optimal because current and past inflation rates and output gaps are sufficient statistics for future inflation and demand conditions, which are targeted by the central bank. We show that future demand conditions and CPI inflation in the G7 countries are also determined by the exchange rate and property and share prices. Taking the UK as an example we discuss the implications of this finding for the conduct of monetary policy and show that disregarding asset price movements leads to a sub-optimal outcome for the economy in terms of inflation and output gap variability. This result not only obtains because the information contained in asset prices about future demand conditions is ignored, but also because their omission from the model introduces considerable biases, so that monetary policy would be based on a mis-specified model of the economy. We also show how a Financial Conditions Index (FCI), a weighted average of the short-term real interest rate, the real exchange rate, real property and real share prices can be derived based on the estimated models. The derived FCI appears to be a useful predictor of future CPI inflation.

    Monetary Policy Reaction Functions: ECB versus Bundesbank

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    We estimate monetary policy reaction functions for the Bundesbank (1979:4-1998:12) and the European Central Bank (1999:1-2003:7). The Bundesbank regime can be characterised, both before and after German reunification, by an inflation weight of 1.2 and an output weight of 0.4. The estimates for the ECB are 1.2, and 1, respectively. Thus, the ECB, while reacting similarly to expected inflation, puts significantly more weight on stabilising the business cycle than the Bundesbank did.Taylor rule, monetary policy, ECB, Bundesbank

    Comparing Monetary Policy Reaction Functions: ECB versus Bundesbank

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    This paper compares the ECB’s conduct of monetary policy with that of the Bundesbank. Estimated monetary policy reaction functions for the Bundesbank (1979:4-1998:12) and the European Central Bank (1999:1-2004:5) show that, while the ECB and the Bundesbank react similarly to expected inflation, the ECB reacts significantly stronger to the output gap. Theoretical considerations suggest that this stronger response to the output gap may rather be due to a higher interest rate sensitivity of the German output gap than to a higher weight given to output stabilisation by the ECB. Counterfactual simulations based on the estimated interest rate reaction functions suggest that German interest rates would not have been lower under a hypothetical Bundesbank regime after 1999. However, this conclusion crucially depends on the assumption of an unchanged long-run real interest rate for the EMU period. Adjusting the Bundesbank reaction function for the lower long-run real interest rate estimated for the ECB regime reverses this conclusion.Taylor rule, monetary policy, ECB, Bundesbank

    Time Variation in U.S. Wage Dynamics

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    This paper explores time variation in the dynamic effects of technology shocks on U.S. output, prices, interest rates as well as real and nominal wages. The results indicate considerable time variation in U.S. wage dynamics that can be linked to the monetary policy regime. Before and after the "Great Inflation", nominal wages moved in the same direction as the (required) adjustment of real wages, and in the opposite direction of the price response. During the "Great Inflation", technology shocks in contrast triggered wage-price spirals, moving nominal wages and prices in the same direction at longer horizons, thus counteracting the required adjustment of real wages, amplifying the ultimate repercussions on prices and hence increasing inflation volatility. Using a standard DSGE model, we show that these stylized facts, in particular the estimated magnitudes, can only be explained by assuming a high degree of wage indexation in conjunction with a weak reaction of monetary policy to inflation during the "Great Inflation", and low indexation together with aggressive inflation stabilization of monetary policy before and after this period. This means that the monetary policy regime is not only captured by the parameters of the monetary policy rule, but importantly also by the degree of wage indexation and resultant second round effects in the labor market. Accordingly, the degree of wage indexation is not structural in the sense of Lucas (1976).technology shocks, second-round effects, Great Inflation

    FCIs and economic activity: Some international evidence

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    A Monetary Conditions Index (MCI), a weighted average of the short-term real interest rate and the real exchange rate, is a commonly used indicator of aggregate demand conditions. In-sample evidence for the US, the euro area, Japan and the UK suggests that a Financial Conditions Index (FCI), also comprising property prices and share prices, would be a better indicator for economic activity than the standard MCI. Out-of sample the FCI also performs better than the MCI, but its overall performance is mixed. An FCI would have predicted the recent economic downturn in Japan and the UK, but not in the US and the euro area. --

    Monetary policy reaction functions: ECB versus Bundesbank

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    We estimate monetary policy reaction functions for the Bundesbank (1979:4-1998:12) and the European Central Bank (1999:1-2003:7). The Bundesbank regime can be characterised, both before and after German reunification, by an inflation weight of 1.2 and an output weight of 0.4. The estimates for the ECB are 1.2, and 1, respectively. Thus, the ECB, while reacting similarly to expected inflation, puts significantly more weight on stabilising the business cycle than the Bundesbank did. --Taylor rule,monetary policy,ECB,Bundesbank

    The IS curve and the transmission of monetary policy: Is there a puzzle?

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    In this paper we assess the performance of the New Keynesian IS Curve for the G7 countries. We find that there is an IS puzzle for both the purely backwardlooking as well as for the forward-looking IS curve. The real interest rate does not have a significantly negative effect on the output gap. Based on an extended specification of the IS curve, also including asset prices and monetary aggregates, we are able to restore a significantly negative interest rate effect on aggregate demand in all countries. This finding suggests that a richer specification of the IS curve in empirical work may be necessary in order to obtain an unbiased estimate of the effect of monetary policy on aggregate demand. --

    The effects of quotas on vertical intra-industry trade

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    A quota on foreign competition will generally lead to quality-upgrading (downgrading) of the low-quality (high-quality) firm, an increase in average quality, a reduction of quality differentiation, and a reduction of domestic consumer surplus, irrespective of whether the foreign firm produces higher or lower quality. Effects of a quota on industry profits and domestic welfare depend crucially on the direction of international vertical differentiation. If the foreign firm produces low quality, both firms' prices and profits rise but domestic welfare falls. This describes well some major effects of a Japanese VER in the US auto market and relevant empirical findings. If the foreign firm produces high quality, foreign profits will fall. Since domestic consumer surplus falls only unsubstantially, domestic profit gains lead to an increase of domestic welfare. --trade,quotas,vertical product differentiation,quality-dependent costs
