97 research outputs found
On universality of critical behaviour in Hamiltonian PDEs
Our main goal is the comparative study of singularities of solutions to the
systems of first order quasilinear PDEs and their perturbations containing
higher derivatives. The study is focused on the subclass of Hamiltonian PDEs
with one spatial dimension. For the systems of order one or two we describe the
local structure of singularities of a generic solution to the unperturbed
system near the point of "gradient catastrophe" in terms of standard objects of
the classical singularity theory; we argue that their perturbed companions must
be given by certain special solutions of Painleve' equations and their
generalizations.Comment: 59 pages, 2 figures. Amer. Math. Soc. Transl., to appea
On almost duality for Frobenius manifolds
We present a universal construction of almost duality for Frobenius
manifolds. The analytic setup of this construction is described in details for
the case of semisimple Frobenius manifolds. We illustrate the general
considerations by examples from the singularity theory, mirror symmetry, the
theory of Coxeter groups and Shephard groups, from the Seiberg - Witten
duality.Comment: 62 pages, a reference adde
Flat pencils of metrics and Frobenius manifolds
This paper is based on the author's talk at 1997 Taniguchi Symposium
``Integrable Systems and Algebraic Geometry''. We consider an approach to the
theory of Frobenius manifolds based on the geometry of flat pencils of
contravariant metrics. It is shown that, under certain homogeneity assumptions,
these two objects are identical. The flat pencils of contravariant metrics on a
manifold appear naturally in the classification of bihamiltonian structures
of hydrodynamics type on the loop space . This elucidates the relations
between Frobenius manifolds and integrable hierarchies.Comment: 25 pages, no figures, plain Te
Geometry and analytic theory of Frobenius manifolds
Main mathematical applications of Frobenius manifolds are in the theory of
Gromov - Witten invariants, in singularity theory, in differential geometry of
the orbit spaces of reflection groups and of their extensions, in the
hamiltonian theory of integrable hierarchies. The theory of Frobenius manifolds
establishes remarkable relationships between these, sometimes rather distant,
mathematical theories.Comment: 11 pages, to appear in Proceedings ICM9
Frobenius Manifolds And Virasoro Constraints
For an arbitrary Frobenius manifold a system of Virasoro constraints is
constructed. In the semisimple case these constraints are proved to hold true
in the genus one approximation. Particularly, the genus Virasoro
conjecture of T.Eguchi, K.Hori, M.Jinzenji, and C.-S.Xiong and of S.Katz is
proved for smooth projective varieties having semisimple quantum cohomology.Comment: Latex, 40 page
Canonical structure and symmetries of the Schlesinger equations
The Schlesinger equations describe monodromy preserving
deformations of order Fuchsian systems with poles. They can be
considered as a family of commuting time-dependent Hamiltonian systems on the
direct product of copies of matrix algebras equipped with the
standard linear Poisson bracket. In this paper we present a new canonical
Hamiltonian formulation of the general Schlesinger equations for
all , and we compute the action of the symmetries of the Schlesinger
equations in these coordinates.Comment: 92 pages, no figures. Theorem 1.2 corrected, other misprints removed.
To appear on Comm. Math. Phy
Extended affine Weyl groups and Frobenius manifolds
We define certain extensions of affine Weyl groups (distinct from these
considered by K. Saito [S1] in the theory of extended affine root systems),
prove an analogue of Chevalley theorem for their invariants, and construct a
Frobenius structure on their orbit spaces. This produces solutions of WDVV equations of associativity polynomial in .Comment: 69 pages, amslatex, some references added, position of Table 1 is
corrected. Revised version for Compositio Mathematic
Bihamiltonian Hierarchies in 2D Topological Field Theory At One-Loop Approximation
We compute the genus one correction to the integrable hierarchy describing
coupling to gravity of a 2D topological field theory. The bihamiltonian
structure of the hierarchy is given by a classical W-algebra; we compute the
central charge of this algebra. We also express the generating function of
elliptic Gromov - Witten invariants via tau-function of the isomonodromy
deformation problem arising in the theory of WDVV equations of associativity.Comment: 53 pages, Latex, two references added, some typos corrected, version
to appear in Commun. Math. Phy
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