620 research outputs found

    Geophysical prospection of antique structural traces from São Francisco (Évora) Royal Palace with the use of georradar and laser scanner.

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    In the place where currently there is the D. Manuel Palace, in Évora, will have been the Royal Palace of S. Francisco, one of the residences of the Portuguese monarchy between the sixteenth and seventeenth century. The building began to decline in 1616 and has been adapted to other occupations, abandoned and destroyed by re. Between this building and the market there are archaeological remains, discovered during the execution of urban works. The current building was the result of several changes on what’s left, the last one on the front of its facade, which were removed monumental stairs that there is photographic record. This work intends to show the existence of ancient palace remains, integrated into the structures that currently exist within the research effective methods of application of geophysical techniques in Archaeology. To realize the goal, it proceeded to carry out geophysical prospecting with georadar, in areas adjacent to the palace, and with laser scanner, in order to integrate the results of georadar a three-dimensional representation of the current building. The results show the existence of structures that have corresponded to the palace staircase and remains consistent with the view that the palace would be extended to the side where there is the current market

    Uma análise da cadeia logística de suprimento da indústria de petróleo utilizando a técnica de simulação: uma aplicação ao sistema Bacia de Campos : Refinaria de Araucária

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro TecnológicoUma aplicação do conceito de Supply-Chain Management ao processo de suprimento de matérias-primas da indústria de petróleo. Utilizando a técnica de Simulação de Sistemas foi possível estabelecer "trade-offs" entre as diversas estratégias de operação da cadeia de suprimento, apontando formas otimizadas de balanceamento entre transporte e estoque, ofertando níveis de serviço adequado

    Azores seismogenic zones

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    One condition to perform seismic hazard analysis is knowledge about seismogenic zones that is an invaluable source of information and play an important role because it is fundamental know the processes and properties that control the seismogenic zone. The aim of this work is distinguishing seismogenic zones in the Azores region applying different parameters such as the earthquake density, b-values, focal mechanism, historical seismicity and all of these conjugated within the geodynamic framework of the Azores. We identified 10 seismogenic zones plus the well known Mid Atlantic Ridge. The 10 zones we identified are over the major tectonic structures of the Archipelago, namely Terceira Rift and Linear Volcanic Ridges

    Ground-motion simulation in the Lower Tagus Valley Basin

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    Throughout history, the Lower Tagus Valley (LTV) region has been shaken by several earthquakes, including some with moderate to large magnitudes and with sources located inside the basin, for example the 1344 (M6.0) and 1909 (M6.0) earthquakes. Previous simulations (Bezzeghoud et al. Natural Hazard 69: 1229–1245, 2011) have revealed strong amplification of the amplitude waves in the region, because of the effect of the low-velocity sediments that fill the basin. The model used in those simulations was updated in this work by including new high-resolution geophysical and geotechnical data available for the area (seismic reflection, aeromagnetic, gravimetric, deep wells, standard penetration tests, and geological data). To contribute to improved assessment of seismic hazard in the LTV, we simulated propagation of seismic waves produced by moderate earthquakes in a 3D heterogeneous medium by using elastic finite-difference wave propagation code. The method, successfully used by Grandin et al. (Geophys J Int 171: 1144–1161, 2007), involves evaluation of the seismic potential of known faults in the area studied and three-dimensional seismic ground motion modelling by use of finite difference methods. On the basis of this methodology, we calculated the ground motion for the April 23, 1909, Benavente (Portugal) earthquake (Mw = 6.0) in dense grid points, then computed the synthetic isoseismic map of the area by use of appropriate relationships between seismic intensity (MMI) and peak ground velocity (PGV). The synthetic results, in contrast with available macroseismic and instrumental data, enable validation of the source models proposed for the area, identification of the sources of historical earthquakes, and could also indicate which areas are more exposed to seismic ground motion

    The largest earthquakes in Algeria in the modern period: the El Asnam and Zemmouri-Boumerd s faults

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    Algeria has experienced many destructive earthquakes during the last few centuries (e.g., Ayadi and Bezzeghoud, 2015). The city of El Asnam (formerly Orléanville, today Chlef) was severely damaged in 1954 and 1980 by magnitude 6.7 and 7.3 earthquakes, respectively. On October 10, 1989, a magnitude 5.9 earthquake struck the Mont Chenoua-Tipasa coastal area approximately 150 km west of Zemmouri, which is where the May 21, 2003 earthquake occurred (Mw6.8). Many other large historical and instrumental earthquakes have severely damaged the coastal cities of Algeria over the last few centuries (i.e., around Algiers, Oran, Mascara, Djidjelli, Constantine and Bejaia). These earthquakes suggest active deformation of the margin in conjunction with the clear offshore extent of active coastal faults. According to several studies, the main active geological structures around El Asnam, Algiers, Zemmouri and Boumerdès have experienced several disastrous earthquakes. Many other earthquakes have occurred in and around the Chlef and Mitidja Basins, underlining the seismic activity in the area. In this chapter, we highlight the main characteristics of the two largest earthquakes that have occurred in Algeria in the modern period: the El Asnam earthquakes of September 9 (Mw6.7) and October 10 1980 (Mw7.3), and the Zemmouri-Boumerdès earthquake of May 21, 2003, (Mw6.8)

    Velocity model estimated from seismic refraction survey and MASW, at Flamengos site (Faial island, Azores)

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    The aim of this communication is to present the velocity models of propagation of seismic waves P and S using geophysical methods, such as refraction surveys and MASW (Multichannel analysis of surface waves). After determining the velocity models, the results were compared for the same location, with the lithology of the island. These results provide important physical parameters used for a near surface characterization of the soil structure and to predict seismic ground motion in this region

    O Impacto dos Grandes Sismos em Portugal

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    Furacões, Tornados, Sismos, Cheias, Secas, Erupções Vulcânicas, Tsunamis, entre outros, são fenómenos naturais que fazem parte do quotidiano do nosso planeta. Todos eles tem capacidade para devastarem repentinamente qualquer zona do planeta, deixando clara a nossa vulnerabilidade e fragilidade perante estes eventos extremos. É uma vulnerabilidade que em cada ano responde por milhares de mortos, feridos, desaparecidos e desalojados que em cada ano afetam a humanidade e destroem as economias e meios de subsistência. Há que sublinhar que, nas últimas décadas, milhões de pessoas perderam a vida em consequência destes desastres e o quadro tende a agravar-se como indicam as estimativas das Nações Unidas que apontam para que, nos próximos anos, estas catástrofes provoquem, perdas médias anuais, de 100.000 vidas e custos de 250.000 milhões de euros. Os sismos exercem claramente um impacto de grande gravidade, a curto e longo prazo, na vida económica e social das regiões. Os seus efeitos adversos afectam as infra-estruturas, a economia, o património material, natural e cultural, o ambiente e o turismo. Por outras palavras, os sismos têm um impacto negativo global na coesão económica e social das regiões. Em Portugal continental, a sismicidade histórica e instrumental revela-nos a existência de eventos geradores de destruição no território nacional. É uma sismicidade dispersa, reveladora da atividade de algumas das falhas cartografadas. É na região a sudoeste do Cabo de S. Vicente, entre o Banco de Gorringe e a costa oeste Portuguesa que se encontra uma das zonas sismogénicas mais ativas

    Integration of Georradar Methods and Electromagnetic Induction for Caves Mapping: Application to Sono Cave-Arrábida

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    This paper presents the results of the geophysical survey to mapping a section of the “Lapa do sono” cave, situated in Serra da Arrábida (Sesimbra), which is known to have had funerary occupation in the old Neolithic Age. Nowadays this cave nds itself widely obstructed by sediments, whose extension we intent know. Two technics frequently used in the subsurface prospection in an archaeologic environment were chosen, the Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and the low-frequency electromagnetic induction (EM). Due to the dif cult terrain circulation state, which cannot be improved due the restrictions imposed by the nature protection defence, the data acquisition was made according an unusual paradigm. The methodology followed had based on an exhaustive analysis about a limited number of modelling pro les, using a distinct 2D processing methods. The results allow to outline the sector A of the cave inserted in a karst environment, widely fragmented, mainly on the cavity coverage areas. Evidences of other minor cavities adjacent to the main cave have also been collected; these cavities may be connected to the grotto through minor galleries lled with sediments. The interpretation of the results allowed the evaluation of the sediments thickness accumulated on the grotto surrounding’s, under the sampled pro les