64 research outputs found

    Broadband infrared meanderline reflective quarter-wave plate

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    We present a novel reflective quarter-wave plate comprised of subwavelength meanderline elements. The device is operational over the long-wave infrared (LWIR) spectrum, with significant spectral and angular bandwidths. Power reflection is approximately 70% over the majority of the LWIR. Efficient conversion from a 45 linear polarization state into circular polarization is demonstrated from finite-element electromagnetic simulations and from broadband polarimetric measurements

    Broadband circularly-polarized infrared emission from multilayer metamaterials

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    Development of a 2D metamaterial that preferentially emits broadband circularly-polarized (CP) infrared radiation is hindered by the fact that orthogonal electric-field components are uncorrelated at the surface of the thermal emitter, a consequence of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. We achieve broadband CP thermal emission by fabricating a meanderline quarter-wave retarder on a transparent thermal-isolation layer. Behind this isolation layer, in thermal contact with the emitter, is a wire-grid polarizer. Along with an unavoidable linear polarized radiation characteristic from the meanderline, we measured a degree of circular polarization (DOCP) of 28%, averaged over the 8- to 12 mu m band

    Near-field imaging of optical antenna modes in the mid-infrared

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    Optical antennas can enhance the coupling between free-space propagating light and the localized excitation of nanoscopic light emitters or receivers, thus forming the basis of many nanophotonic applications. Their functionality relies on an understanding of the relationship between the geometric parameters and the resulting near-field antenna modes. Using scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy (s-SNOM) with interferometric homodyne detection, we investigate the resonances of linear Au wire antennas designed for the mid-IR by probing specific vector near-field components. A simple effective wavelength scaling is observed for single wires with lambda(eff) = lambda/(2.0 +/- 0.2), specific to the geometric and material parameters used. The disruption of the coherent current oscillation by introducing a gap gives rise to an effective multipolar mode for the two near-field coupled segments. Using antenna theory and numerical electrodynamics simulations two distinct coupling regimes are considered that scale with gap width or reactive near-field decay length, respectively. The results emphasize the distinct antenna behavior at optical frequencies compared to impedance matched radio frequency (RF) antennas and provide experimental confirmation of theoretically predicted scaling laws at optical frequencies

    Optical dielectric function of gold

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    In metal optics gold assumes a special status because of its practical importance in optoelectronic and nano-optical devices, and its role as a model system for the study of the elementary electronic excitations that underlie the interaction of electromagnetic fields with metals. However, largely inconsistent values for the frequency dependence of the dielectric function describing the optical response of gold are found in the literature. We performed precise spectroscopic ellipsometry measurements on evaporated gold, template-stripped gold, and single-crystal gold to determine the optical dielectric function across a broad spectral range from 300 nm to 25 mu m (0.05-4.14 eV) with high spectral resolution. We fit the data to the Drude free-electron model, with an electron relaxation time tau(D) = 14 +/- 3 fs and plasma energy h omega(p) = 8.45 eV. We find that the variation in dielectric functions for the different types of samples is small compared to the range of values reported in the literature. Our values, however, are comparable to the aggregate mean of the collection of previous measurements from over the past six decades. This suggests that although some variation can be attributed to surface morphology, the past measurements using different approaches seem to have been plagued more by systematic errors than previously assumed. DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.86.23514

    Analysis of throughput for multilayer infrared meanderline waveplates

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    A meanderline wave retarder is a unique type of frequency-selective-surface (FSS) that enables a change in the state of optical polarization. The principles of operation are very similar to a typical crystalline waveplate, such that the artificially structured meanderline array has both \u27slow\u27 and \u27fast\u27 axes that provide a phase offset between two orthogonal wave components. In this paper, we study the behavior and response of multilayered meanderline quarter-wave retarders designed for operation at 10.6 mu m wavelength (28.28 THz). It will be shown that meanderline quarter-wave plates with more than a single layer exhibit improved transmission throughput at infrared frequencies due to impedance matching, similar to a multilayer optical film coating. Numerical data, both from simulations and measurements, are presented to validate this claim

    Comparison Of Quarter-Wave Retarders Over Finite Spectral And Angular Bandwidths For Infrared Polarimetric-Imaging Applications

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    We compare three technological approaches for quarter-wave retarders within the context of polarimetric- imaging applications in the long-wave infrared (LWIR) spectrum. Performance of a commercial cadmium sulfide (CdS) crystalline waveplate, a multilayer meanderline structure, and a silicon (Si) formbirefringent retarder are evaluated under conditions of 8-12 μm broadband radiation emerging from an F/1 focusing objective. Metrics used for this comparison are the spectrally dependent axial ratio, retardance, and polarization-averaged power transmittance, which are averaged over the angular range of interest. These parameters correspond to the characteristics that would be observed at the focal-plane array (FPA) detector of an LWIR imaging polarimeter. © 2011 Optical Society of America