21 research outputs found
Krajobraz ma艂ych miast dolno艣l膮skich - reminiscencje 艣redniowiecza
Tematem artyku艂u jest krajobraz ma艂ych miast. Wzi臋to pod uwag臋 miasta z wojew贸dztwa dolno艣l膮skiego licz膮ce do 20 tysi臋cy mieszka艅c贸w, przy czym pomini臋to te miasteczka, kt贸re na przestrzeni lat utraci艂y prawa miejskie. W celu uzupe艂nienia dodano kilka przygranicznych miast czeskich. W artykule zwr贸cono uwag臋 na szereg charakterystycznych cech, 艣wiadcz膮cych o korzeniach 艣redniowiecznych. Rozpatrzono poszczeg贸lne elementy jak rynki, otoczone podcieniami, nierzadko z budynkiem ratusza, mury obronne z baszami i bramami. W ma艂ych miastach zwracaj膮 uwag臋 dominanty, widziane z w膮skich uliczek, przewa偶nie z rynk贸w. Do cennych element贸w nale偶膮 tak偶e detale architektoniczne, jak balkony, portale, pomniki, kolumny wotywne itp. Istotna dla krajobrazu jest ca艂o艣膰 panoramy miasta, nie zawsze widoczna spoza ekran贸w akustycznych
Changes in the rural landscape at the turn of the 20th and 21st century
For many years or even centuries the traditional rural landscape was idealized by painters, landscape artists, extolled by poets and novelists, as a quiet area, full of green and close to nature. Villages change in respect of buildings, social-economical relations and landscape. Currently villages are multifunctional and only part of their inhabitants deal with agriculture. Particularly submissive to non-agricultural function development are villages situated in the suburban zone, where single-family building is developing dynamically. Taking into consideration the subject of the rural landscape it is necessary to realize the variety of functions which the buildings are to meet and special management of village areas. The agricultural landscape undergoes changes, which are influenced by intensifying mechanization, chemicalization and changes in the structure of farming. Conclusions, defining priorities of actions of local authorities, planners and dwellers in respect to the landscape are preserving the landscape of a village as an entirety, more detailed plans of special management, preservation and revitalization of green areas, preservation and management of surface water, popularizing regulations of regional architecture and landscape preservation among inhabitants of villages, social and educational organizations and local authorities
Market squares of small towns and villages having urban traditions as valuable landscape interiors
At Lower Silesia many small towns and villages which formerly had civic laws are to be found, but in the course of time they lost them. The considered settlements date back mostly to 13th century, they often went through severe trials, e.g. wars, fires, or floods. They obtained the civic laws as a result of a number of factors, then often they lost them, or sometimes recovered them again. The main elements of small towns are the market square and streets coming out of it. The frontages of the market square mostly have a compact building, often, even in small towns a town hall is to be found in the centre of a market square. The settlements in the piedmont terrains are especially picturesque, the market square forms there an interesting landscape interior. In the conclusion there is pointed out that systems of small towns and villages having urban traditions require a suitable space planning and a conservator's protection
Architectural objects connected with water
Water in landscape has existed in many forms, in the context of various architectural and engineering structures, contributing not only a utilitarian but also an aesthetic value. The author discusses selected examples of small architecture related to water found in parks and gardens. Historic timber structures, like water-mills and sweeps, are also presented. No longer serving their original purpose, some water-mills have been preserved in skansens or adapted to other functions. Springs and wells have been a constant feature of human activity, supplying water for the population, adorning parks and gardens. Some springs have been regarded as sacred. Spas have been founded to benefit from medicinal springs. Interesting structures connected with water are fountains, embellishing town squares and parks. The forms have changed over time, reflecting contemporaneous styles in architecture and sculpture. Small bridges and foot-bridges found in parks and rural areas often enhance the landscape's natural beauty
Landscape architecture as academic discipline
According to a contemporary definition, landscape is the physionomy of the earth's surface, here natural and anthropogenic factors are present. A landscape requires protection, recultivation and forming. The landscape architecture as a separate study programe first appeared in 1900 at the Harvard University in the U.S.A. The theoretician Charles Eliot perceived landscape architecture as the art of beauty; its object was to shape and protect beauty of countryside and town settlements. Tadeusz Totwi艅ski, the nestor of Polish town planning, links landscape architecture with spatial planning. Though Polish tradition in education of landscape architecture is over seventy-year, the profession of landscape architect has had its place on the official list of professions since 1995, thanks to initiatives of Warsaw Agricultural University - Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture and Cracow University of Technology - Faculty of Architetcture. In 1999 the Chief Board of Higher Education approved the minimum requirements for studies in landscape architecture. A graduate of the Department of Landscape Architecture should posses knowledge of landscape shaping, park and garden planning, as well as designing urban and open landscape. He should be prepared to cooperate with the specialists of other disciplines. In October 1999 the master's program in landscape architecture was opened at the Faculty of Environment Engineering and Geodesy of the Academy of Agriculture in Wroc艂aw. The courses are taught in cooperation with the faculty of the University, University of Technology and the Academy of Fine Arts in Wroclaw. The similar courses were opened in the same year at University of Technology in Cracow and at Agricultural Academy in Szczecin.The longest tradition in education of landscape architects in Poland has Warsaw Agricultural University
Pair comparison methodology employed for estimating the value of a farm tractor
Obr贸t wt贸rny w zakresie ci膮gnik贸w rolniczych jest aktualnie wi臋kszy ni偶 pierwotny, st膮d problemy metodyczne szacowania warto艣ci i jak dot膮d brak jednoznacznych metod i standard贸w zawodowych w tym zakresie. Publikacja ta o charakterze naukowym powinna s艂u偶y膰 g艂贸wnie praktyce rolniczej. Podstawowym jej zadaniem jest uzyskanie odpowiedzi na pytanie: ile to kosztuje i dlaczego? W pracy przedstawiono przyk艂ad zastosowania metody por贸wnywania parami (stosowanej g艂贸wnie w szacowaniu warto艣ci nieruchomo艣ci) w wycenie ci膮gnika rolniczego.As the market of used farm tractors has recently overtaken that of brand-new ones, the question of establishing the value arises, and no unambiguous methodology and professional standards have been so far developed in this domain. The present paper, in its scientific nature, should in the first row serve the agricultural practice. The primary task is to obtain answer to the question: how much does it cost and why? An example of application the pair comparison method (used mainly for real estate appraisal) for farm tractor appraisal