28 research outputs found

    El Sistema: a subjectivity of time discipline

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    The creation of a youth symphony orchestra by the economist, former politician and passionate music practitioner José Antonio Abreu, in the late seventies, has evolved into a social initiative overwhelmingly acclaimed by the general public and legitimated by a large number of world institutional powers that has more recently spread to many other parts of the globe. El Sistema, as it is commonly known, seeks to socially include poor communities around the world by promoting music education focused on the experience of symphonic performance. This article critically approaches the Venezuelan program by discussing the subjectivities surrounding the symphony orchestra that made it symbolcally representative of the ideals of discipline and productivity according to the social rationality of industrial capitalism. Moreover, it defends the preponderant role of the modern construct of linear time, fundamental for such rationality, in the disciplining of intuition in symphonic performance

    Parentification in Polish Adolescents: a Prevalence Study

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    This study investigated the prevalence of parentification in a nationwide cross-sectional study. There were N = 47,984 Polish adolescents aged 12–21 (M = 15.60; SD = 1.98; female 52.7%, male 47.3%). The results indicated that more adolescents experienced emotional parentification (toward parents 35.9%; toward siblings 25.2%) as compared to instrumental parentification (toward parents 7.2%; toward siblings 15.5%), which is noteworthy, since emotional parentification is the most detrimental form of parentification in USA samples. Overall, 15.5% of the participants reported a sense of injustice related to their family caregiving roles and 61.2% reported satisfaction related to their family caregiving roles. The results are important given the dearth of prevalence studies

    Environ Sci Pollut Res

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    The sorption processes of persistent organic pollutants on microplastics particles are poorly understood. Therefore, the present study investigated the sorption processes of perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS) on polyethylene (PE) microplastic particles (MPs) which are representing a prominent environmental pollutant and one of the most abundant microplastic polymers in the aquatic environment, respectively. The focus was set on the investigation of the impact of the particle size on PFOS sorption using four different PE MPs size ranges. The sorption kinetics for 6 months was studied with one selected size range of PE MPs. Besides, the desorption of PFOS from PE MPs under simulated digestive conditions was carried out by using artificial gut fluid mimicking the intestinal juice of fish. The investigation of the size effects of particles over 6 months demonstrated a linear increase of PFOS concentration sorbed onto PE with a decrease of the particle size. Thus, our findings implicate efficient sorption of PFOS onto PE MPs of different sizes. The results showed that PFOS desorbed from the PE MPs into the artificial gut fluid with a rate of 70 to 80%. Besides, a longer exposure of PE MPs to PFOS leads to a higher concentration adsorbed by PE MPs, which may favor the ingestion of higher concentration of PFOS, and thus represents a higher risk to transfer relevant concentrations of PFOS during digestion

    The Stability and Formation of Native Proteins from Unfolded Monomers Is Increased through Interactions with Unrelated Proteins

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    The intracellular concentration of protein may be as high as 400 mg per ml; thus it seems inevitable that within the cell, numerous protein-protein contacts are constantly occurring. A basic biochemical principle states that the equilibrium of an association reaction can be shifted by ligand binding. This indicates that if within the cell many protein-protein interactions are indeed taking place, some fundamental characteristics of proteins would necessarily differ from those observed in traditional biochemical systems. Accordingly, we measured the effect of eight different proteins on the formation of homodimeric triosephosphate isomerase from Trypanosoma brucei (TbTIM) from guanidinium chloride unfolded monomers. The eight proteins at concentrations of micrograms per ml induced an important increase on active dimer formation. Studies on the mechanism of this phenomenon showed that the proteins stabilize the dimeric structure of TbTIM, and that this is the driving force that promotes the formation of active dimers. Similar data were obtained with TIM from three other species. The heat changes that occur when TbTIM is mixed with lysozyme were determined by isothermal titration calorimetry; the results provided direct evidence of the weak interaction between apparently unrelated proteins. The data, therefore, are strongly suggestive that the numerous protein-protein interactions that occur in the intracellular space are an additional control factor in the formation and stability of proteins

    The Process of Parentification in the context of Family Systems Theory

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    W niniejszym artykule, który ma charakter teoretyczno-przeglądowy, zwrócono uwagę na specyfikę i uwarunkowania ról rodzinnych, charakterystykę dysfunkcyjnego procesu odwracania ról w rodzinie (parentyfikacja), klasyfikacje parentyfikacji oraz pozytywne i negatywne konsekwencje doświadczenia odwrócenia ról między rodzicami a dzieckiem. Polska literatura psychologiczna i pedagogiczna na temat zjawiska parentyfikacji jest skromna zarówno pod względem teoretycznym, jak i empirycznym. Eksplorowanie tego zjawiska jest niezwykle ważne nie tylko ze względu na obciążenie dziecka przerastającymi je obowiązkami, lecz także ze względu na role i zadania rozwojowe, które są właściwe dla wieku dziecka (np. edukacja szkolna, socjalizacja, nawiązywanie więzi z rówieśnikami, budowanie przyjaźni), których ze względu na przytłoczenie obowiązkami dziecko nie może realizować. Należy zatem przyjąć, że gruntowna wiedza na temat parentyfikacji i umiejętność odróżniania jej od podobnych jej zjawisk umożliwi nauczycielom, pedagogom, psychologom, terapeutom i pracownikom socjalnym dokładniejsze dopasowanie interwencji terapeutycznych do potrzeb dziecka i jego rodziny.This review article draws attention to the characteristics and conditions of family roles, the characteristics of the dysfunctional process of reversing roles between family members (parentification), the classifications of parentification as well as positive and negative consequences of experiencing the role reversal between parents and a child. In polish psychological and pedagogical literature there is lack of research on parentification. Exploring this phenomenon is very significant not only because of the fact that parentified children are overwhelmed with responsibilities, but also because of the roles and developmental tasks that are adequate to child’s age (i.e., school education, socialization, establishing relationships with peers, building friendships) that cannot be performed due to being overcharged with the duties imposed by the parents. Therefore, having thorough knowledge of parentification and the ability to distinguish it from the similar phenomena enables teachers, educators, psychologists, therapists and social workers matching more accurate interventions to the needs of the child and its family

    Study of properties of nonwoven filter cartridges for the intake air of a car engine

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    The sources of atmospheric air pollution are presented. It has been shown that dust is a major component of the intake air of internal combustion engines. The impact of dust on the accelerated wear of the engine components and the influence of T-P-C system wear on engine operation were analysed. The parameters of the air filters are described and defined. The properties of nonwovens and papers, of which filters used in the filtration intake air internal combustion engines of motor vehicles are made, were analysed. Conditions and methodology for testing nonwoven air filter cartridge for passenger cars were developed. A research desk with a particle counter was presented. The results of the study on efficiency characteristics, filtration accuracy and flow resistance for three different filtration rates (three nonwoven cartridges) were presented. There were much smaller levels of efficiency (φw = 92÷98%) and accuracy for nonwoven filter contribution in comparison with paper ones (φw = 95.5÷99.9%). There were observed higher values of the absorbency factor km for nonwoven cartridge (km = 1000÷1300 g/m2) in relation to the paper cartridge (km = 190÷220 g/m2). Keywords: engine, air filter, nonwoven contribution, efficiency and accuracy of filtration, flow resistance, coefficient of dust absorbency, grain siz

    Relacja efektu zbieżności z „Ja” z postawami i efektywnością promowania nowego napoju energetycznego

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    The objective of the study was to verify the relation between the congruity effect between the product ‘personality’ image and one’s self-image with the intention of purchase and valuation, in which attitudes played a mediating role. Analysis of the SEM-PLS structural model showed that the self-convergence effect influenced significantly the level of attitudes, which in turn determined the intention of purchase and willingness to pay for the product. It was shown that one’s emotional attitude increased the amount of payment for a known product and decreased it for the unknown product. On the other hand, the cognitive and behavioral attitude increased the willingness to pay for the unknown product rather than the known one. The results expand the knowledge about the effect of convergence between the personality of the customer and the product image.Nakłady finansowe na marketing firm sprzedających napoje energetyczne (np. Redbull, Tiger, Black) z roku na rok rosną. Kluczowe dla producentów i specjalistów od marketingu jest określenie silnych determinant sprzedaży swoich produktów. Celem artykułu było zweryfikowanie relacji efektu zbieżności obrazu produktu z obrazem własnego „Ja” z intencją zakupu i wartościowaniem, w której postawy odgrywały rolę pośredniczącą. W badaniu wykorzystano reklamę nieznanego i popularnego napoju energetycznego oraz oceniono efekt zbieżności produktu z „Ja”, trzy rodzaje postaw wobec niego, intencję zakupu oraz postrzegane wartościowanie wyrażone w pieniądzach. Analiza modelu strukturalnego SEM-PLS wykazała, że efekt zbieżności z „Ja” wpływał istotnie na poziom postaw, a te z kolei determinowały intencję zakupu i postrzeganą wartość. Wykazano, że przy znanym produkcie postawa emocjonalna zwiększała jego postrzeganą wartość, a przy nieznanym ją zmniejszała. Natomiast postawa poznawcza i behawiorala silniej zwiększała wartość przy nieznanym produkcie niż znanym. Wyniki badania rozszerzają wiedzę o efekcie zbieżności z „Ja” i postaw w kontekście promocji napojów energetycznych. Są one podstawą do strategicznego kreowania wizerunku oraz maksymalizacji zysków przy wprowadzaniu nowego produktu na rynek